JG Blog

John Guandolo


What's New?

UTT Continues to Share Truth & Support Allies

John D. Guandolo

On March 13th I was blessed to take part in the “Defend the Border – Save Lives” project launched by The United West (TUW) and Jexit at Mar a Lago with Tom Homan and President Trump.

(From L to R) TUW Founder Tom Trento, Former ICE DIrector Tom Homan, UTT President John Guandolo, TUW’s Suzie Gold, Film Director Chris Burgard, TUW’s Mark Campbell, TUW’s Alan Kornan
The JEXIT Girls (and others) with with Tom Homan

This intimate event was the launch point for an effort to shed light on the grave dangers of America’s open southern border, and how the intentional flooding of illegal aliens into the U.S. – including terrorists, criminals and others – is a significant national security risk for every legal citizen.

To do this, The United West and Jexit (Jews Exiting the Democrat Party) are highlighting the exemplary career of former ICE Director Tom Homan, who is the first man to rise through the ranks to become the director of America’s immigration service.

Mr. Homan has a history of energetic and vigorous testimony on Capitol Hill including here, here and here. Readers are strongly encouraged to watch these videos.

Film director Chris Burgard, who was also in attendance at the Mar a Lago event, is working on several film projects related to this larger effort. In his comments, Burgard told the crowd, “This is more of a movement than just a film project,” referring to the broader national security issues related to border security.

President Donald Trump addressed the crowd for about 15 minutes at the beginning of the event, and endorsed Tom Homan and the “Defend the Border – Save Lives” project.

Tom Trento, Donald Trump, and Tom Homan take a moment as the audience honored recently deceased Patriots, Barry Fernandez and Roger Gangitano.

I was given a few minutes to share about the critically important work Understanding the Threat (UTT) is doing, our endorsement of this project, and the importance of viewing border security as a part of the larger national security threats facing America right now.

UTT is grateful to our friends and allies at The United West and JEXIT for their work on this project and for speaking truth boldly in love for the sake of liberty.

2 Responses

  1. The “Defend the Border – Save Lives” project seems to be the only group that is taking a stand to defend our borders along with some states that are taking some actions.
    Congress is doing nothing and are therefore derelict in their duties as authorized by the Constitution to defend our states against invasion..
    Our President is guilty of not defending the border and is guilty of treason IMO.
    The US Military leaders are guilty of treason for not defending our border.
    Posse Comitatus does not apply at our International border.
    The media is useless by not supporting border security. So where does this leave us.
    The ultimate responsibility when all else fails resides with the people.
    It is time for the American people to rise up and defend our country.
    Our government officials are failing us.
    Someone needs to make the call.
    Its time for a Rosa Parks moment for border security.
    Rosa said the law to make her sit in the back of the bus was unconstitutional and she won.
    The actions taken by our President regarding the borders are unconstitutional and a violation of the civil rights of each american citizen whereby the Constitution guarantees us security from invasion.It’s time America moved to the front of the bus and took the wheel.
    Make the call.

  2. Ron, It’s troubling, I agree. Remember, it’s impossible to reconcile yourself to the world. Also, the continuous influx at our borders is a planned operation. Finally, one portion of the UN (and US-supported) plan will add 600m to the US population by 2050. Sadly, very few are listening.

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