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Information Dominance: A Snapshot of the War

“I say to you that we are in a battle, and that more than half of this battle is taking place in the battlefield of the media.” 2005 Letter from Dr. Ayman al Zawahiri, current leader of Al Qaeda   As UTT has reported on numerous occasions, for both the Global Islamic Movement and the […]

France Strikes ISIS Targets in Syria But Not In Paris

After Friday night’s attack in Paris by Muslim jihadis, French military airstrikes hit ISIS targets in Syria, yet left the jihadi network inside of France intact. For approximately 40 minutes on Friday night, beginning at 9:20 PM local time in Paris, eight (8) Muslim jihadis conducted numerous assaults across the city.  Explosions at the Stadium […]

Officials Find “No Motive” for UC Student Stabbings – But Are Sure Its Not “Terrorism”

On Thursday, 18 year old Faisal Mohammad stabbed several students at the University of California at Merced before being shot to death by police.  University officials and investigators have discounted any possible political or religious motivations behind the attack. From the Mercer Sun-Star: The UC Merced student who stabbed four people during a campus rampage “intended […]

Give Somalis in Minnesota What They Want – The Exit Door

Film-maker Ami Horowitz produced a 4-minute film that is gold, and gives us all a clear understanding of what we are up against in the Muslim community. Horowitz walks around Minneapolis, Minnesota and asks simple questions of Muslims about America, Sharia, and Somalia.  The Muslims speak their minds freely. They say that those who insult […]

VA Scandal Just Tip of Iceberg

In the ongoing war against the Global Islamic Movement, the most important weapon in our arsenal is the Military Warrior. The U.S. government spends a great deal of time and money to recruit, train, and outfit America’s warriors. For the men in Special Operations units, the cost can reach over a million dollars per man […]

Anniversary of America’s First Military Defeat of Islam Passes Quietly By

April 27th marks the anniversary of a great American military victory, yet most citizens in this nation are simply unaware of the date, and the implications of the event. On April 27, 1805, First Lieutenant Presley O’Bannon, a United States Marine Officer assigned to the USS Argus and under the command of General William Eaton, […]