Is TEXAS the Center of U.S. Jihad Activity?
by John D. Guandolo As I write this article, an “active shooter” has just been neutralized at the Naval Air Station in Corpus Christi, Texas. If it turns out this is a “terrorist” attack, it will be another in a long line of Islamic jihadi attacks in the state with the most jihadi attacks in […]
Does the U.S. Agreement with the Taliban Matter Since the U.S. Lost the War in Afghanistan in 2004?
Written by John D. Guandolo One hundred percent (100%) of Islamic jihadis fighting the United States say they are fighting for an Islamic State (caliphate) ruled by “Allah’s divine law”/sharia. The Taliban is no exception. The Taliban states the reason they fight the Americans in Afghanistan is because foreigners in muslim lands must be removed […]
At the Core of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood’s Movement is Deception
Written by John D. Guandolo For the Islamic Counter-State in the United States, lying and deception are not merely tactics, they are well thought out drivers of the overall totalitarian ideological strategy to bring down America’s Republic. The record of the years since 9/11/01 is replete with examples of Islamic leaders in the United States […]
The Islamic Counter-State’s Propaganda Loses When It Meets Truth
Written by John D. Guandolo In the wake of the most recent jihadi attack in Britain, the mother of jihadi Sudesh Amman publicly stated her son “became more religious inside prison.” She almost has it right. The “radicalization” process we see in prisons and communities across the globe is nothing more than muslims becoming more […]
Meanwhile, Back in America
Written by John D. Guandolo While the U.S. government decides on a course of action with regards to Iran, the Islamic and Marxist Counter-States inside America continue to roll forward unimpeded. If U.S. leaders understood America is in a war against Marxists and jihadis joined together in a knock-down-drag-out fight to destroy liberty and the […]
Remembering the West’s Victory Over Islam at Tours in 732 AD
Written by John D. Guandolo On this day in 732 AD, Frankish forces near Tours in Gaul (France) under the control of Charles “The Hammer” Martel defeated Islamic armies under the command of Abdul Rahman, who was killed in the battle, thus saving Europe, at least temporarily, from Islam’s barbarism. While many battles preceded and […]
The Elephant in the Room is the Truth About Islam
Written by Pastor Veritas Most people have heard the old Hindu parable concerning the six blind Hindu men trying to accurately perceive the nature of an elephant. Each of the men can only interpret the elephant according to their blind understanding. Each man experiences the animal by how he perceives what he feels. They sincerely […]
When Muslims Discuss “Peace” It Brings on Cognitive Dissonance in Non-Muslims
When muslim leaders in America discuss peace, and how peaceful Islam is, it launches many Americans into a swirl of cognitive dissonance. Why? Because those who follow Islam tell us Islam means “peace,” that Islam is a “peaceful religion,” and often personally exhibit peaceful characteristics. Yet, the objective truth about “Allah’s divine law”/sharia – Islam’s […]
To Act Effectively Against Iran, U.S. Officials Must Understand Sharia
There is a reason Iranian officials reminded the Iranian people about Hudaybiyyah when referring to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action – the “Iran nuclear deal.” It has everything to do with “Allah’s divine law”/sharia. Islam’s prophet Mohammad made the treaty of Hudaybiyyah with Jews which, the Jews were told, was a ten year peace […]
Islamic Infiltration Drastically Affects U.S. Transportation Security
The fact the son (Suhail Khan) of one of the most prolific Muslim Brotherhood (MB) leaders in the U.S. – Mahboob Khan – had a security clearance and worked directly for two successive Secretaries of Transportation under the George W. Bush administration is evidence enough the U.S. government’s vetting process is broken and our critical […]