Give Somalis in Minnesota What They Want – The Exit Door
Film-maker Ami Horowitz produced a 4-minute film that is gold, and gives us all a clear understanding of what we are up against in the Muslim community. Horowitz walks around Minneapolis, Minnesota and asks simple questions of Muslims about America, Sharia, and Somalia. The Muslims speak their minds freely. They say that those who insult […]
Sharia and the U.S. Constitution
(Mohammed) declared undistinguishing and exterminating war, as a part of his religion, against all the rest of mankind…The precept of the Quran is, perpetual war against all who deny that (Mohammed) is the prophet of God. —President John Quincy Adams, Son of John Adams It is a historical fact that America’s first war following the […]
Sharia and Human Rights
The primary focal point for this week’s daily articles on Sharia (Islamic Law) is to get readers to digest the reality that Islamic Leaders’ words must be translated into what Islamic Law would have them mean. The expression “Human Rights” is no exception. To put it as simply and as factually as possible, when Islamic Leaders […]
Sharia, Permissible Lying, and the Duality of the Message
“You send two messages, one to the Americans and one to the Muslims.” —Omar Ahmad, Chairman of the Board —Hamas (dba CAIR), 1994-2005 “It is permissible to lie if attaining the goal is permissible, and obligatory to lie if the goal is obligatory.” —Um Dat al Salik —Islamic Sacred Law (Reliance of the Traveller) While there […]
Sharia Adherence Means Danger in Your Community
by John D. Guandolo As Americans come to better understand sharia is real law and jihadis intend to impose it on all muslims and non-muslims alike, it becomes important to know when sharia adherence is increasing in a particular area because it indicates violence from the jihadis will soon follow. As police and military units […]
Sharia: Real Law and the Language of our Enemies
The following is the first installment in a 5-part series on Sharia (Islamic Law) and why Americans need to pay attention. Sharia is REAL Law “To begin with, the law of the land is the Shari’ah of Allah. The leader, or Khalifa of the Islamic nation, implements the Shari’ah in society and the people try […]
BREAKTHROUGH: Beverly Hills & Hollywood Elites Denounce Sharia as EVIL
In what can only be described as a breakthrough in the war of ideas against the Global Islamic Movement and it’s violent assault on liberty, elected leaders, Hollywood elites, media organizations, and the gay community came together to denounce Sharia (Islamic Law) this week in the town of Beverly Hills. In a 5-0 vote Tuesday, […]