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The following is the first installment in a 5-part series on Sharia (Islamic Law) and why Americans need to pay attention.

Sharia is REAL Law

“To begin with, the law of the land is the Shari’ah of Allah.  The leader, or Khalifa of the Islamic nation, implements the Shari’ah in society and the people try to follow it…The basis of the legal and political system is the Shari’ah of Allah.”  So states What Islam is All About, (pages 376 ad 381) one of the most popular junior high school text books used in Islamic schools in America.
This is a good place for us to begin this week’s series on Sharia – Islamic Law.  Sharia is the “law of the land.”  It is not ‘religious law’ or a ‘spiritual guide.’  It is law.  Sharia is law adjudicated by jurists and legal scholars, and ruled on by Qadi judges.  Sharia is real law.  It should be likened to U.S. Federal Code, not Jewish Halakhah or Christian Canon Law.
So here is our first challenging question of this week’s series on Sharia:  How can Sharia be so clearly defined and implemented by Islamic legal scholars and jurists around the world, taught to elementary and junior high school students in Islamic schools around the world, yet appears to be very confusing to leaders in the West?
Now, on to the lesson…
Islam defines itself as a “complete way of life.”  What Islam is All About teaches the junior high schoolers “The way of life known as Islam is a complete code of life.”  It is political life, cultural life, social life, religious life, military life, and everything else, all governed by Sharia.
The Sharia is primarily derived from the Quran and the Sunnah – the collection of the Hadith and the Sira (authorized sacred biographies of Muhammad).
For Muslims, the Quran is considered the “uncreated word” of Allah (the God of Islam). According to Islam, the contents of the Quran come from direct revelations to the Prophet Muhammad beginning in the year 610 AD and continuing to approximately 632 AD.  The Quran’s 114 auras (chapters) are arranged generally by size, largest to smallest, not chronologically.  This is critical to understanding the Quran, and therefore Sharia, because the chronologically earlier peaceful verses were abrogated/over-ruled (Quran 2:106, 16:101, 17:106) by the later violent verses calling for jihad as a permanent obligation until the world is conquered for Islam (9:5 and 9:29 among others).  Specifically, the chronologically last Sura in the Quran is Sura 9, where Jihad is made a permanent obligation on the entire Islamic community.  The last Sura to discuss relations with non-Muslims is Sura 5 (“Take not the Jews and Christians as your friends…” 5:51)
Every verse in the Quran has been authoritatively defined by Islamic jurists and legal scholars and compiled in Tafsirs.  Remember  Sharia is a legal system not a religious guide. Individual Muslims do not get to render their opinion on what certain Quranic verses mean to them.  This bears no weight in Islam, just as Americans do not get to make up legal definitions for words already defined in the law.
In Islam, the Prophet Muhammad is the most perfect example of a Muslim.  All he did and said is to be modeled by Muslims.  The Hadith is the collection of all the practices, sayings and traditions of Muhammad and has been ranked and categorized based on authenticity by Islamic jurists and legal scholars.  For instance, Muhammad married Ayisha when she was 6 years old and consummated the relationship when Ayisha was 9.  Therefore, Sharia cannot make it unlawful for a 60 year old man to marry a 10 year old, for instance, because the example of the Prophet makes it lawful.  Likewise, the Quran commands Muslims to wage war against non-Muslims until:  (1) they are killed, (2) pay the jizya (non-Muslim poll tax) and submit to Sharia, or (3) convert to Islam.  Muhammad waged numerous battles where he did just that. Therefore, Jihad in the Cause of Allah until the unbelievers either convert, submit, or are killed is a core part of Sharia and Islamic doctrine.
There is no such thing as a Sharia which does not mandate Jihad until the world is under the rule of the Sharia, and there is no other definition of Jihad in Sharia other than “warfare against non-Muslims.”
In Sharia there exist “The Hudud” which are seven crimes for which the Quran provides specific punishments.  These crimes are: Apostacy; Armed Robbery, Terrorism, and Perpetrating Corruption; Theft; Drinking Intoxicants; Illicit Sexual Intercourse; False Accusation of Illicit Sexual Intercourse; and Rebellion in the Land.  For instance, the punishment for Hirabah (Armed Robbery et al) states:  “The punishment for those who wage war against God and His messenger and pursue corruption on earth is:  execution, or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides, or exile from the land (Islamic Criminal Law, The Hudud, Muhammad ‘at a Alsid Sid Ahmad, Malaysia).  Because the punishments come from Allah via the Quran, they must be given to the guilty party and a judge may not show “mercy” because it would directly contradict Allah and is a capital crime.
In practice, there are Sharia Courts all over the world, judges that adjudicate the Sharia, prosecutors who prosecute, and defense attorneys who defend.  To say that Sharia is not real law is to be wrong.
In Islamic countries across the globe – there are 56 plus Palestine making 57 Islamic states – where Sharia is the law of the land.  The fact that varying levels of Sharia are enforced does not change the fact it is the law of the land and their constitutions say it is.

The Language Our Enemies Use

As has been documented in previous UTT Blogs, the Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeda, and the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC – the largest international body second only to the UN made up of the heads of states of all Islamic nations), all state the imposition of Sharia and the establishment of the Caliphate (Islamic State) are their end objectives.
When leaders from known Muslim Brotherhood organizations or their allies speak, we must translate the English words they use into the meaning of the word as defined by Sharia.  Once we do this, the enemy’s intentions become crystal clear.

“Jihad” and “Peace”

As mentioned earlier, 100% of all Sharia only defines Jihad as “warfare against non-Muslims.” Islam divides the entire world into two parts:  the Dar al Islam (the House/Abode of Peace) and the Dar al Harb (the House/Abode of War).  Anywhere in the world where there is Sharia under Islamic rule is the Dar al Islam.  The rest of the world is the Dar al Harb.  The purpose of Islam is to reduce the Dar al Harb to non-existence until the entire world becomes the Dar al Islam – then you have “Peace” under Sharia.  Once this is achieved there is no need for Jihad which is why it is not one of the five pillars of Islam.

“Suicide” and “Martyrdom”

Suicide is unlawful under Sharia.  Martyrdom, or being killed in Jihad, is the only way under Sharia to guarantee entry into Paradise.


The only innocent people under Sharia are Muslims.  Non-Muslims are never innocent and are guilty of not following Sharia or subordinating themselves to it.


Killing a Muslim without right.  Under Sharia Muslims can be killed for leaving Islam (Apostasy) and for killing another Muslim without right to do so under Sharia.  Any other time a Muslim is killed it is “terrorism.”  Under Sharia, an example would be American troops killing Muslims in Afghanistan and Iraq.


Freedom from man-made laws.  Only Sharia can be the law of the land.


Justice under the Sharia.
So, the next time you see a leader of the local Muslim Brotherhood Islamic Center in your hometown says “We denounce terrorism and call for a protection of all innocents because we want freedom, justice, and peace here and around the world” – don’t accuse him of lying because he isn’t.  You need to adjust the reception on your end and translate with Sharia as the filter.
Finally, it should be noted that if readers would like to deepen their study on Sharia, they must purchase books written for Muslim audiences by Muslims who are recognized as scholars in the Islamic world.  Anything other than this will be meaningless.  Why?  Because Sharia makes it a capital crime for Muslims to teach other Muslims something false about Islam.  Go to your local mosque bookstore and buy books for Muslims on Islamic Law – and take cash.

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