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UTT Domestic Enemy SITREP – Part I

From a military perspective, the Islamic Counter-State has gained significant ground in the last five years to prepare the battlefield in the United States, while U.S. intelligence and security forces remain nearly completely ignorant of the true nature of the threat. The following is UTT’s brief Domestic Enemy SITREP (Situation Report) as it relates primarily […]

Jihadis Work to Disarm Free People and Arm Themselves

The right to keep and bear arms is a right that “existed prior to the formation of the new government under the Constitution.” [U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, US v Heller]   The right to keep and bear arms exists with or without a U.S. Constitution and with or without a […]

Just When You Thought It Couldn’t Get Any Worse

If this were a movie, no one would watch it because it would be so utterly unbelievable. Let’s begin with a company called GULFTAINER. GULFTAINER is owned by the Emir of Sharjah in the UAE and Hamid Jafar.  Hamid Jafar is the brother of Dr. Jafar Dhia Jafar, and the two work together on many […]

Marxists & Jihadis Assault Truth in Des Moines & America’s Heartland

When hotels in Green Bay and Milwaukee cancelled Worldview Weekend events – which included Understanding the Threat’s President John Guandolo – the entire war for liberty and the soul of our Republic was on full display in America’s heartland. The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), a corrupt Marxist organization working daily with Hamas in the […]

Al Qaeda Leader Reaffirms Jihad is the Way to Establish the Islamic State

In a new video, Al Qaeda (AQ) leader Ayman al Zawahiri calls for AQ’s unified effort against the United States and it’s “blatant crusader” President Donald Trump. Zawahiri says the means to do this is jihad. Specifically, the Al Qaeda leader stated: “The goal of our jihad is the restoration of the rightly guided Caliphate.” […]

Will President Trump Prosecute Terrorist Group CAIR & Those Supporting It?

We at Understanding the Threat (UTT) speak the truth – using facts and evidence – about real threats facing our communities here in the United States. Here is a fact:  The Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) is a Hamas organization. Here is another fact:  Hamas is a designated terrorist organization. Here is another fact: […]

The Impact of the Muslim Brotherhood’s Efforts on the Las Vegas Investigation

How bizarre and unprofessional can the investigation into the Las Vegas attack get? How has years of Muslim Brotherhood propaganda and its ability to shut down training on Islam inside the U.S. government impacted investigative efforts by the FBI and local/state law enforcement? News coverage on the event – the “deadliest mass shooting in U.S. […]

Terrorist Supporting Southern Poverty Law Center Cut Off by DoD

This past week it was confirmed DOD severed all ties with the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), scrubbing SPLC training from DOD manuals. In June of 2016, Understanding the Threat’s Vice President, Chris Gaubatz, testified before the U.S. Senate’s Judiciary, Intelligence, and Homeland Security Subcommittee, headed by Senator Ted Cruz.  Mr. Gaubatz outlined his experience […]

UTT Assesses Las Vegas Attack As A Jihadi Operation

There has been a lot of speculation in both mainstream media and social media about Sunday night’s tragedy in Las Vegas, where, according to the latest from the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department, 516 people were injured and 59 people were murdered by Stephen Paddock. Before any real information about the shooter was put out […]

On This September 11th UTT Calls on American Leaders to Do Their Duty

It has been 16 years since 19 jihadis from Saudi Arabia flew airplanes into the Twin Towers in New York, the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia, and tried to reach the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C. but failed because of the heroic efforts of American citizens. Since that day, America has fought and lost two wars […]