JG Blog

John Guandolo


What's New?

Just When You Thought It Couldn’t Get Any Worse

If this were a movie, no one would watch it because it would be so utterly unbelievable.

Let’s begin with a company called GULFTAINER.

GULFTAINER is owned by the Emir of Sharjah in the UAE and Hamid Jafar.  Hamid Jafar is the brother of Dr. Jafar Dhia Jafar, and the two work together on many joint ventures.

Dr. Jafar Dhia Jafar is the former Iraqi Deputy Minister of Defense who ran Iraq’s Weapons of Mass Destruction programs – nuclear, biological, chemical.

Dr. Jafar was on the Pentagon’s capture/kill list.

The UAE was a significant funding source for the 9/11 attacks on the United States, and continues to support the global jihad.

Brothers Hamid and Dr. Jafar created Crescent Enterprises, which is now run by Hamid’s son Badr, the CEO of Crescent Enterprises and the Chairman of Gulftainer’s Executive Board.

In 2010, Gulftainer and the Jafars entered into a joint venture with Rostec, owner of Rosoboronexport, the Russian state-owned exporter of the Club-K, which is built to look like a cargo container but is actually a launch platform for cruise missiles.

Club-K Cruise Missile Launch Platform disguised as a Cargo Container

President Trump imposed sanctions on Rosoboronexport.

In 2014 in a secret deal, the U.S. awarded GULFTAINER a 35-year lease to operate Port Canaveral (Florida), a key port for submarine and space operations.

GULFTAINER executive Badr Jafar visited the Obama White House on March 27, 2014, three weeks before the secret Port Canaveral deal was announced and signed.

How did such an insane proposal get approved by the U.S. government?

Such transactions must be approved by the U.S. Treasury Department’s Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS).

The Staff Chairman of CFIUS from 2009-2014 overseeing these matters was senior Muslim Brotherhood leader Aimen Nabi Mir, who served two terms as the President of the Muslim Youth of North America (MYNA), the student wing of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA).

In the largest terrorism financing trial ever successfully prosecuted in American history – US v Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development, Northern District of Texas, 2008 – ISNA is identified as a member of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood which directly funded Hamas leaders and organizations overseas.

Hamas is a designated Foreign Terrorist Organization by the United States.

On April 6, 2018, Delaware’s state-owned Diamond State Port Corporation unanimously approved a deal under which GULFTAINER will receive a $580 million 50-year lease to the Port of Wilmington (Delaware).

There is more to this story to include direct business deals between the Jafar family and the Clintons, the Iranian government, Uranium One and more.

In Summary:

A foreign company whose leading agent is the man who developed and ran Iraq’s nuclear/biological/chemical weapons program is partnered with a Russian weapons company producing cruise missile launch systems disguised as cargo containers.  That company, GULFTAINER, now owns one strategic U.S. port and is likely to gain another in the near future.

U.S. officials should hang for this.

Thanks to Mary Fanning and Alan Jones for their dedicated research and tenacious effort to bring this story to the public.  See more of their work HERE.


14 Responses

  1. Waiting on you Coppers.
    You first.


    I respect the police but it’s no longer a matter of you stepping back.
    You’ll have to commit.
    Blood in, Blood out.
    Your deeds alone release the rest of us.

    The FBI and the DOJ could have said NO on 9/11 and forced W.Bushy to use the military.
    But no. YOU wanted the job [you plural. However you are FBI Sir].

    So now YOU hang ’em first.

    Wanted Rule of Law? Congratulations. You’re in charge.
    Only you can unleash us.

    Then we’ll take care of the other 99%.
    You lead with your 1%. We just need enough to know you’re ‘with us’ – that you’re committed.

    I’m a vet too. I’m getting tired of going to the sandbox, I’m sick to death of seeing you cops hunted and shot, I’m tired of the treason for money, corruption for money, war profiteering and I may not be the only one….

    However YOU chose this fate for all of us. YOU are the masters presently of whether we defend ourselves or not.
    When in charge take charge.

    Start with the Lawyers. Then we can believe you.
    At present all we have here is another admission of failure on your part- but you do not stand aside.

    Stop trying to convince the rest of us and change yourselves first.

    Good luck

    An old Sarnt…

  2. When I told my husband about this post this morning, he answered paraphrasing your first sentence!

    Back in 2006 George W. Bush was all set to o.k. a Dubai company to run our ports. There was sufficient outcry that that deal was scrubbed. Yet, here we go again. So the MSM and the Obama kept the 2014 deal under wraps, such good wraps no one noticed til now! Donald Rumsfield comes to mind: ‘there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns – the ones we don’t know we don’t know.’


    “Container Group” is the world’s largest privately owned port management company, and a subsidiary of “Crescent Enterprises” (a diversified global conglomerate also headquartered in the United Arab Emirates), in March 2018 “Container Group” announced that in addition to its existing concession to operate Florida’s Port Canaveral terminal until 2049, it had also won a 50-year concession to operate a 2nd U.S. port in.Wilmington, Delaware.

    Although “Container Group’s” said modern-day global business successes may seem impressive to CG’s “shadow government” and/or other U.S. quisling shareholders, the fact remains that since 9/11 when sharia-adherent jihadi Muslims, funded partially with UAE blood-money, punctuated Islam’s declaration of war* on the United States with a surprise attack reminiscent of Pearl Harbor involving 2777
    unavenged murders, this country has been engaged in an existential struggle with Islam for it’s very survival.

    Thus, in view of said U.S. port-security concessions to foreign nationals whose entire ideological-spectrum of allegiance is obviously controlled by sharia-adherence to Islam, it would be hard to imagine a greater level of both tactical and strategic threats now existing to U.S. national security than the ones presently posed by virtue of said malfeasance & madness, I.e., by having relinquished (or possibly, sold) control of a triad of critical American points of entry.

    *Anyone who at this late date remains unaware of the ever burgeoning level of corrupt politically-inflicted lethal threats sharia-adherence now poses to they and their families, may (for a nominal handling & postage fee) secure a personal Arabic-to-English verbatim translated copy of Islam’s declaration of war on the United States, which was seized by Special Agents of the FBI in 2004 from a subterranean basement in Annandale Virginia in compliance with a federal search warrant; I.e., by contacting: http://www.securefreedom.org to request: GOVERNMENT EXHIBIT 003-0085 3:04-CR-240-G U.S. v. HLF, et al.

  4. John, what is the name of the Russian company involved in this outrageous criminal enterprise? And when I say criminal,I consider the Americans fron Delawate, and people in the government who approved the deal and are negotiating with who we consider enemies.

  5. Mr. Guandolo is a trusted source to me. I posted this report with photo on my facebook page and a fecebook friend challenged it as follows:

    “I some some misleading things and some outright lies. It important to check this stuff out before we post it. This is essentially a blog where he can make up things without links for verification.

    First false statements “Dr. Jafar Dhia Jafar is the former Iraqi Deputy Minister of Defense who ran Iraq’s Weapons of Mass Destruction programs – nuclear, biological, chemical.
    Dr. Jafar was on the Pentagon’s capture/kill list.”

    Jafar Dhia Jafar was nuclear physicist who was the former head of their nuclear program, but he was never “Iraqi Deputy Minister of Defense ” and never had anything to do with chemical or biological weapons..
    He was also never on a capture/kill list.
    At one time he was thrown in prison by Saddam Hussein because he vouched for another scientist who was accused of aiding Israel.
    The cargo container is disguised as… a cargo container.”

    Who / what information is correct?
    Please respond Mary Fanning and/or Alan Jones…
    or John Guandolo, President of UTT.

    1. Your critics are simply incorrect. Them saying it does not make it so. Research Dr Jafar Dhia Jafar. The fact that the Iraqi who ran Saddam Hussein’s nuclear program is now tied to a US port of entry is bad enough. The question is why are your colleagues defending him. Frightening.

  6. John,
    Please help me here. How is a major port of entry controlled by a State, in this case Delaware, and not the Federal Government?

    Why was this not stopped by Trump?

    1. We will see what this administration does about this major issue. The state of Delaware approved the agreement, but the US Treasury’s CFIUS must approve the final operational plan.

  7. I dont understand why this and the linked article are not printed everywhere ! And all over the news! At least Fox news!

  8. Again we see the Clinton’s are involved in criminal activity, straight up criminal. Now if all that was stated above is true and clearly out in the open as even we have seen it, then why the hell is it that the Clinton’s are untouchable on any crimes they commit? How is this possible? How is this government able to get away with doing nothing to criminals in their circles, all they do is go on & on about this & that scandal of comey, muller, the hooker-stormy, trump, etc. day in & day out on cable new. And even when someone is convicted they barely get anything except probation or maybe a few months in jail, which I’m sure it’s not the regular hard core jail with hard core prisoners either more like some country club jail that they’ll be staying at. It all so f***** pathetic & disgraceful, it’s hard to believe there hasn’t been some kind of revolution already stomping down the door of the House to bring down the House & all the dirty scum that are playing us for big fools….

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