By John Andrews
UTT National Board Chairman
Several weeks ago, I alerted friends of Understanding the Threat about an attempt to discredit our organization and its president, John Guandolo, on the part of sharia-friendly elements in the Twin Cities, where civilization jihad is further advanced than anywhere else in the country. Gratefully, that thrust has proved self-defeating.
We wanted you to know the latest developments.
The back-story begins in the fall of 2016, when UTT’s team swept across Minnesota and spent five days meeting with local leaders and presenting information to hundreds of citizens about the Islamic threat and the Muslim Brotherhood’s operations in that state, specifically in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area.
After that trip and prior to the election of Donald Trump, UTT published an article entitled “In This War Minnesota’s Twin Cities Are Lost.” Detailing the number of elected/civic leaders in the Twin Cities who are pro-jihadi as well as the number of Somali muslims and their influence, UTT made its assessment based on its deep understanding of the Islamic Movement in the United States, the facts and evidence detailing the jihadi network in that area of Minnesota, the complete compliance and submission to the muslim community’s demands, and the overt support given to known jihadi (“terrorist”) organizations by leaders in Minnesota.
One of the people factually criticized in the article was Sheriff Rich Stanek of Hennepin County.
When UTT’s team gave a formal presentation at the National Sheriff’s Conference at the end of June (2017) in Reno, Nevada, Sheriff Stanek engaged UTT’s President John Guandolo and requested the two meet and speak. Mr. Guandolo agreed.
After the presentation, the two men met with two other members of the UTT team present. While Mr. Guandolo offered to begin the meeting in prayer, Sheriff Stanek rebuffed that, only wanting to discuss the UTT article from October 2016. Mr. Stanek attempted to convince Mr. Guandolo to retract the article and the information he deemed unfavorable towards him. Mr. Guandolo refused, insisting the facts in the article accurately reflect the ground truth in Minneapolis, and Sheriff Stanek’s failure to address the massive jihadi network in his county.
At this point, Sheriff Stanek turned to attacking Mr. Guandolo’s FBI record and mocked Mr. Guandolo’s combat experience as a Marine Infantry Officer. When it was clear to all present the discussion would bear no fruit, it ended.
As everyone stood up, Sheriff Stanek , who is significantly taller and heavier than Guandolo, chest-bumped Mr. Guandolo and asked him “Who the #$@# do you think you are.” Mr. Guandolo defended himself and the engagement was broken up by local sheriff deputies in the area.
Mr. Guandolo did not press charges, but Sheriff Stanek filed a complaint for battery against Mr. Guandolo who struck the Sheriff in the face while defending himself. Mr. Guandolo was cited for battery, a misdemeanor punishable by jail time, by the Washoe County Sheriff’s Office.
Following the incident, the National Sheriff’s Association Conference Chairman sent a defamatory email to Mr. Guandolo and Mr. Gaubatz — and its affiliates in 50 states — claiming both men assaulted the Sheriff. An attorney’s letter was sent refuting these false allegations and the erroneous national email was retracted.
Meanwhile — and oddly for a senior law enforcement official, but indicative of the weakness of his case — Sheriff Rich Stanek obtained a restraining order from the Hennepin County courts directing John Guandolo to stay away from him.
That order was never served on Mr. Guandolo, who learned of it only via news leaks to the Minneapolis media. He is complying with it anyway.
We are now glad to report that on September 18, 2017, after evaluation by prosecutors, the battery case against Mr. Guandolo was dismissed.
So to sum up: The Nevada authorities conceded a Minnesota official’s charges against John Guandolo can’t be proven. The National Sheriffs’ Association leadership conceded its ban on UTT can’t be justified. The apparent restraining order obtained by Rich Stanek remains unverified.
Why is this brief shoving match in a Reno hotel significant in the ongoing war against the Islamic Movement? Because Sheriff Stanek – like so many other leaders in America – is on record as saying he got all of his knowledge of Islam from an Imam who is a known jihadi. While Sheriff Stanek denies his ties to Hamas (doing business as CAIR), UTT has obtained a letter from CAIR indicating the Sheriff’s Office has worked with them. CAIR has also rooted for Stanek on social media.
When faced with the embarrassing reality of where their relationships have brought them, whether they know it or not, leaders at all levels of our society will lash out at anyone who says the emperor has no clothes. But they will never view their Muslim “allies” as being part of the problem.
This is what “Civilization Jihad” is all about. The Islamic Movement getting our leaders to do the Muslim Brotherhood’s bidding for them.
Understanding the Threat will continue sounding the alarm and pushing back against this, regardless of the cost to us.
America’s very survival is at stake.

John Guandolo has years of unique experience helping local, state, and federal leaders identify and deal with real threats. Primarily, he trains citizens, local leaders, and police how to fortify their counties.
4 Responses
Furthermore, after sixteen years into the U.S. v. Islam war* of survival, not only do their respective sets of biographical data, comprising a total of 859 words and ostensibly deemed to reflect the dispositional and tactical skills needed by both the Executive and Deputy Directors of the National Sheriff’s Association in order to plan, formulate and recommend to the country’s 3080 sheriff’s a unified participatory strategy for winning said war, but the word “terror” is used only once — and even then, only in the generic sense — while any other word even remotely related to “Islam” is not used at all. That’s not “denial”, that’s subversion bordering on treason!
Too, since the National Sheriff Association Executive Director’s nine biographical references to his multi-faceted “communications” skills points to an ability to propagandize (for public consumption no doubt) his apparent “belief” that the unending global succession of sharia-adherent jihadist terror attacks are exclusively attributable to sociopathic nut cases, rather than “Islam”, for the good of American law-enforcement, thus national survival, he should be replaced.
As for the National Sheriff’s Association’s Deputy Director (who should go too) his crowning achievement of initiating the inclusion of animal rights with respect to the National-Incident-Based-Reporting-System (NIBRS), which was approved by former FBI Director James Comey in 2014 (notwithstanding that Muslim “Honor killings” of their children remain un-specifically categorized among the bureau’s Part-1 offenses), pet owners all over America owe the National Sheriff’s Association leadership (at least for “something”) a tip of their hat
*To access an actual copy of the global Islamist Movement’s declaration of war on the United States, dated 22 May 1991, I.e., for a nominal handling fee: contact: and request; GOVERNMENT EXHIBIT 003-0085 3:04-CR-240-G U.S. v. HLF, et al.
Interesting this happens in Reno in June 2017 and then the Vgeas massacre happens some 4 months later on Vegas. Not that two are connected ..just interesting.
The Islamic Movement is quickly undermining the sheriff’s offices in the US. Started with Baca in LA county and is moving west to east like wildfire. In my humble opinion.
It was important to go to Las Vegas, since Isis had previousy made mention of the Las Vegas Strip. This is all the more illuminating as to the uncomfortable press conferences….I don’t know if this was the same Sheriff at the conference, but the odd responses, and uncomfortable sense they couldn’t speak openly. I know that UTT travels to locations upon invitation…so it is surprising the the assault took place unless they had not idea that they were dealing with an organization that has to be deceptive to accomplish their denied goals. It is a dangerous job, when the denial for 16 years was the same repetition, Islam is peaceful and the Ikhwan or Muslim Brotherhood does not exist, except it is very active that can’t be denied. I am relieved to know that these bogus charges were dropped. In fact if anyone needed a restraining order it would be John to protect himself. In my opinion I am sure there were some at the conference who had an awakening. UTT is so important and it is hard for me to understand how they could not hear the information and the backup proof to get a grip how much penetration and influence has been accomplished to this date. There were many documents and they are exactly following it. It is truly mind altering, . Most people have very little information about Islam…the protective antibodies are written in the Quran to silence factual exposure which all muslims are required to follow.
Thank you John G. Chris G.for your work and Mr. Vaughn.
I am aware of Minnesota/ St. Pauls ….a large muslim population and the apparent unconcern of some of the citizens who are very unaware of the situation. Knowing that outreach by mosques are disarming but only if you do not know the doctrine. Michigan also is on edge with a more informed population. Wisconsin is getting the spill effects and I am not sure what’s going on …we are surrounded North, South, East and I see a huge population change with in the last year..I attempted to inform with phone message to Paul Ryan, nervously left some details, this state had not been unaffected in my opinion. And the situation may get worse with new construction that will aggravate the problem.