by John D. Guandolo

When faced with a determined enemy who seeks your destruction, appeasement has never and will never work.
America has been at war for over 20 years with the Global Islamic Movement, yet the U.S. government has not put America on a war footing. Because the U.S. has failed to identify this enemy, its doctrine, and modus operandi, many U.S. leaders are ignorant of the threat and, more importantly, ignorant of what it will take to win this war.
This week, an appellate court in Boston overturned the death sentence for Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, one of the jihadis convicted for the Boston Marathon bombings.
Also this week, Victor Alvarez, a jihadi convicted for his part in the plots to bomb/attack several targets in New York city in the 1990’s, was released from prison.
It was revealed in court that, “Between 1993 and 2013, the defendant (Alvarez) received 155 prison disciplinary reports, including for assaulting, spitting on, and threatening officers, possessing a weapon, flooding his cell, and keeping containers of urine and rotten milk in his cell.”
Alvarez was medicated while in jail after 2013, but vows to stop taking his meds now that he is free.
As Andrew C. McCarthy has said, we cannot win this war in the courtroom.
When these events are put in context with others, it paints a nasty picture of America’s unwillingness to brutally deal with brutal enemies. For instance:
The U.S. military captured and released jihadis over and over again during combat operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.
The rules of engagement during the Bush and Obama administrations revealed the U.S. ignorance of our enemy and a lack of desire to actually defeat the enemy.
U.S. military personnel have been convicted of killing Al Qaeda operatives.
U.S. military personnel have been convicted of beating up jihadis who were caught raping young boys because, as U.S. colonels and generals said, its “part of their culture.”
U.S. federal law enforcement still tries to “outreach” to the U.S. muslim community to help us with the “radical terrorist problem.”
When our enemy looks at all this, they see weakness, and know they have the upper hand. Weakness by U.S. leaders, by the way, requires jihadis – per sharia – to wage war against us that much more.
Where has all of this appeasement and “respect” for jihadis’ “culture” left us? America lost the wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria despite the fact our warriors did their jobs and crushed the Islamic armies on the battlefield.
While it is true that under President Trump the gloves came off and the jihadi herd overseas is being thinned in a much more aggressive way, this does not change the fact the real battlefield is inside the United States.
With the Communist Counter-State in full throttle today and acting as the hammer for the Islamic Movement and working together with the jihadis, these threats are exponentially more dangerous and imminent.
America must immediately get on a war footing, identify the key leaders and organizations supporting the Islamic & Communist Counter-States, and utterly defeat them using all powers available to the U.S. government to ensure the survival of the Republic and the safety of its citizens.
Maybe America’s leaders should read General Sherman’s letter to Atlanta.

John Guandolo has years of unique experience helping local, state, and federal leaders identify and deal with real threats. Primarily, he trains citizens, local leaders, and police how to fortify their counties.
6 Responses
Thank you. I have felt such a strong need for this type of group, to back up our people and defend against the j had / BLM threat. Well try to help soon. Past militaly training. But exhausted.
Any help you can give is appreciated.
Dresden and the Ardennes were last-gasp marshalling sites near the end of the 2nd world war which had to be annihilated in order to ensure that the Nazis would be compelled to surrender unconditionally as opposed to being enabled to bargain a peace treaty. I.e., like Civil War General William T. Sherman effectively said in UTT’s foregoing referenced letter, “Those who bring war into our country deserve all the curses and maledictions it takes to ensure their unconditional defeat”. Amen!
Furthermore, had President Harry S. Truman not unwisely characterized the Korean war (which claimed a total of 58,000 U.S. Army and U.S. Marine Corps lives) as a “police action”, Congress would had to have stopped running like the abject cowards a majority of them consistently are when it comes to taking part in an obligatory fight and performed their Constitutional duty as delineated in Article-1, section 8, to have declared war on the Saudi Arabian government funders of the 9/11 attacks which took 2777 more (mainly) American lives; but instead stood silently as said outrage was quickly dismissed with a global announcement by their treasonous “leader”; who while standing before a semi-circle of CAIR jihadists inside a mosque on Washington D.C.’s embassy row announced to the world, that “Islam is a religion of peace” — I.e., that too after having first ordered the pre-arranged escape of 140 Saudi persons-of-interest being sought by the FBI as possible material witnesses, and without even ensuring that said absconders had provided the United States government with a personal identity list for future reference.
As to erstwhile recommendations by high ranking U.S. military officials resulting in punitive action against American combat heroes who courageously intervened to protect male children from being raped by sharia adherent pedophiles, look no further than chapter 27, entitled the “The Pedophile Network” in patriots Roger Stone and Saint John Hunt’s 2016 revelatory current affairs book “The Bush Crime Family”, to thus understand the facts regarding on whose behalf they may have been “falling on their swords” to gain an additional rung on the Pentagon’s promotional ladder. And depending too on the time line of their actions, their possible involvement in the obstruction of justice involving the open cover up of the murders of Gary and his 8-year old son Andrew, Caradori who were assassinated by means of a “Hellfire” missile which blew the light airplane they were in to smithereens above an Illinois cornfield at about on 11 July 1990 as they were returning to Lincoln Nebraska with photographs of a top ranking U.S. political figure attending a pedophile orgy in 1984 in Chicago. See (ISBN-10: 1-5107-2140-1).
*Anyone wishing to own a personal verbatim Arabic-to-English translated copy of Islam’s 22 May 1991 declaration of war on Western civilization, the original of which was seized from a subterranean basement in accordance with a federal search warrant in Annandale, Virginia USA by special agents of the FBI in 2004, may do so (for but a nominal handling & postage fee) via: to request: GOVERNMENT EXHIBIT 003-0085 3:04-CR-240-G U.S. v. HLF, et al.
I cannot believe we have fallen this far. I am appalled that a man like this still exists and is free to do whatever he wants. This isn’t America and I am on board to do, post, whatever it takes to bring back my country. thanks for all you do.
Thank you.