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One has to wonder if gross ignorance among elected officials of the jihadi threat to America could get any worse – then in walks the Virginia Legislature.

On Wednesday, March 5th, Virginia House Joint Resolution 484 was passed which commends Hamas’ Dar al Hijrah Islamic Center in Falls Church, Virginia.  Without becoming entirely sarcastic, the question has to be asked – is there a functioning brain cell at the State House in Richmond.  Has the ability to reasonably process factual information completely evaporated from numerous elected officials in the state of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson?

Before we even look at the factual evidence that Dar al Hijrah is a Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas entity, we need to look no farther than the resolution itself to see the gross negligence of Virginia’s elect – at least those who voted for this resolution.  The sixth of the eight total lines in the resolution reads:  “WHEREAS, the Dar Al-Hijrah Islamic Center is affiliated with  the Muslim American Society, a national religious, educational, cultural, and  charitable organization…”

Actually, the Muslim American Society (MAS) is a Muslim Brotherhood front group.

In the US  v Sabri Benkhala terrorism case appeal (2007), the Department of Justice stated “The MAS was founded as the overt arm of the Muslim Brotherhood in America.”

The Muslim Brotherhood (Ikhwan) also acknowledges that MAS was created by the MB.  Oddly enough, the Imam of the Dar al Hijrah – Shaker Elsayed – told the Chicago Tribune in a September 19, 2004 interview that “Ikhwan (MB) members founded MAS.”  And not just any Ikhwan members…the General Masul (Leader) of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood was one of the three founding Directors of MAS in 1994.  The other two werel two of the most prominent Muslim Brothers in North America – Jamal Badawi and Omar Soubani.

By the way, we are talking about the same Muslim American Society whose May 4, 2011 Press Release praised Osama bin Laden.  “A visionary who believed in an Islamic state in Afghanistan” were the exact words MAS used to describe the Al Qaeda leader.

This is also the same MAS whose Tarbiya (training) guide for American Muslims calls for Muslims to “wage war” until Sharia is the law of the land in America (page 117).

There is much more evidence about the true nature of who MAS is, but this should be sufficient to demonstrate how unprofessional those who voted for this resolution really are.

Now, back to the Dar al Hijra, and the FACTS.  The land for this Islamic Center was purchased by the North American Islamic Trust (NAIT) – the Muslim Brotherhood’s bank in America.  The purchasing document was signed by Jamal Barzinji.

Besides being the founder and in leadership positions of numerous Muslim Brotherhood entities in the U.S., the FBI identified Barzinji as a member of the Muslim Brotherhood in 1988, and Barzinji (page 37 para 74) is linked to the Palestinian Islamic Jihad and Hamas.

Even simpler than this – the Dar al Hijrah’s own By-Laws state:  “The Dar Al-Hijrah Islamic Center shall be affiliated with the following organizations:  Muslim American Society (MAS), North American Islamic Trust (NAIT), Islamic Society of North America (ISNA).”

In the Justice Department’s filing asking the court to deny ISNA and NAIT’s motion to have their names removed from the Unindicted co-conspirator list in the US v Holy Land Foundation trial – the largest terrorism financing and Hamas trial ever successfully prosecuted in U.S. history – the government stated, “ISNA and NAIT…were intimately connected with the HLF and its assigned task of providing financial support to Hamas.”  In the unsealed ruling on this matter, Federal Judge Jorge Solis wrote, “The Government has provided ample evidence to establish the associations of CAIR, ISNA, and NAIT with HLF, the Islamic Association of Palestine (“IAP”), and with Hamas.”

So easy a 3rd grader could figure it out.  But not the Virginia Legislature.

The Dar al Hijrah is a Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas Islamic Center.  And, according to the MB’s strategic memorandum discovered in the residence of a senior Hamas and Muslim Brotherhood official in ANNANDALE, VIRGINIA in 2004, the Muslim Brotherhood uses their Islamic Centers to prepare jihadis to wage jihad.

How about the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) official report dated August 28, 2002 which states the Dar al Hijrah “Is a Mosque operating as a front for Hamas operatives in U.S.”

The bad news is, these are only a few pieces of the large amount of evidence demonstrating the Dar al Hijrah is a Muslim Brotherhood/Hamas operation.  As a reminder, Hamas was formed out of the Palestinian Muslim Brotherhood and is a designated Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO).

For the sake of the safety of Virginians, perhaps our elected officials may want to brush up on the MB’s Movement in America and note that the most prominent Islamic organizations in Virginia are a part of that Movement.  The archives of the Muslim Brotherhood in North America were found in Virginia in 2004, afterall.

So, Virginia Legislature, you “Commended” Hamas this week.  Hope that makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside.  Some would call that public support for a terrorist organization.  I just call it criminally negligent.

The MB probably just calls it Dhimmitude.  Or, they may call it “the road to victory.”

© 2014 Understanding the Threat

24 Responses

  1. In November we shall have the opportunity to let the sorry fools in Richmond how we feel about their sickening behavior. The tap dancing and lying about being involved in the vote should begin any day now.

  2. In November we shall have the opportunity to let the sorry fools in Richmond how we feel about their sickening behavior. The tap dancing and lying about being involved in the vote should begin any day now.

  3. In November we shall have the opportunity to let the sorry fools in Richmond how we feel about their sickening behavior. The tap dancing and lying about being involved in the vote should begin any day now.

  4. In November we shall have the opportunity to let the sorry fools in Richmond how we feel about their sickening behavior. The tap dancing and lying about being involved in the vote should begin any day now.

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