In statements that can only be described as stunning, Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) and Congressman Mike Rogers (R-MI), both of whom chair the Intelligence Committee in their respective chamber, admitted that America is “Less Safe” than it was two years ago. The comments were made in a joint interview with the two leaders that aired on CNN’s “State of the Union” on Sunday morning.
While Feinstein’s and Rogers’ comments were focused exclusively on kinetic attacks (bombings, shootings, etc.), not the massive jihadi network in the United States, they make it clear that the number of threats is significantly higher and the number of actual jihadi attacks worldwide is much greater than only 24 months ago.
These facts raise some serious questions and bring to light fundamental failures by our government.
- Why is the number of jihadi attacks around the world increasing at a time when the United States is ending the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq?
- Senator Feinstein made a powerful statement when she said there is “a real displaced aggression in this very fundamentalist jihadist Islamic community, and that is that the West is responsible for everything that goes wrong and that the only thing that’s going to solve this is Islamic Sharia law.”
- During the interview, Congressman Rogers said, “I absolutely agree that we’re not [safer] today, for the very same reasons. The pressure on our intelligence service to get it right to prevent an attack is enormous.”
The leaders of both of our intelligence committees in the United States Congress are on the record admitting that we are less safe and jihadi attacks are increasing rapidly. Our enemy seeks to impose Islamic Sharia Law and that’s their stated objective. Our intelligence service is under “enormous” pressure to prevent attacks.
As has been documented previously here, and in my new book Raising a Jihadi Generation, we have a massive jihadi network in the United States led by the Muslim Brotherhood. All training on the Muslim Brotherhood and Sharia Law for the men and women who need it the most in the FBI, DHS, Joint Terrorism Task Forces, and others, has all been completely shut down by the leadership of the FBI, DHS, and military.
The pieces now fall into place: Our Intel Committee chairs have stated: the objective of the jihadis (the imposition of Sharia); that the threat is increasing greatly; and that our intelligence service in under enormous pressure to prevent attacks. Yet, all training dealing with understanding these issues has been shut down and therefore the key issues cannot be discussed within the very agencies charged with protecting us.
Mrs. Feinstein and Mr. Rogers may want to ask the agencies charged with protecting America how they expect their employees to defend against an obvious threat that they have commanded their employees not to know.

John Guandolo has years of unique experience helping local, state, and federal leaders identify and deal with real threats. Primarily, he trains citizens, local leaders, and police how to fortify their counties.