John D. Guandolo

Yes, it is nice to have a weapon for hunting or target shooting, but neither of these is the reason America’s Founding Fathers encouraged Americans to own and train on weapons.
The right to defend oneself is a natural right.
All creatures in nature defend themselves and their young. Therefore, we as humans have the right to defend ourselves and bear the tools to do so.
It is that simple.
The right to keep and bear arms exists without a Declaration of Independence, without a Bill of Rights, without a Constitution, and without the United States of America.
People do not have a “Second Amendment Right” to bear arms, we all have a natural right to bear arms.
The failure of American citizens to understand this has led to much confusion in our society about gun ownership, the purpose of weapons, and why we need arms to remain free.
Those in positions of authority in our government who seek to restrict the right to keep and bear arms are, by definition, tyrants. The citizens who support them are instruments of tyranny.
As we go into this Memorial Day weekend and remember those Americans who gave the last full measure of devotion, we should remember that our fallen Americans fought and died to ensure tyrants never have power and their tyrannies die on the vine.
If you want to honor those great Americans who died in battle, defend liberty and the foundation of this great nation which made America the most prosperous nation on earth.

John Guandolo has years of unique experience helping local, state, and federal leaders identify and deal with real threats. Primarily, he trains citizens, local leaders, and police how to fortify their counties.