JG Blog

John Guandolo


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The Right to Keep and Bear Arms is a Natural Right

John D. Guandolo Yes, it is nice to have a weapon for hunting or target shooting, but neither of these is the reason America’s Founding Fathers encouraged Americans to own and train on weapons. The right to defend oneself is a natural right. All creatures in nature defend themselves and their young. Therefore, we as […]

Where is the Honest Discussion About China’s Uighurs?

by John D. Guandolo In my last year in the FBI, late 2007 through 2008, my unit was briefed that the U.S. State Department was bringing a group of Uighurs – a muslim community in Western China – into America because they were being “persecuted” by the Chinese government. However, because they held “radical Islamic […]

How Far America Fell

by John D. Guandolo How Was The American Republic Lost? If and when the destruction of America’s Republic is reviewed in a historical perspective, the manner in which the enemies of liberty incrementally eroded the very foundation upon which America’s law and government were built will likely astound researchers. America’s law and government were established […]

Police Should Not Enforce ALL Laws, Only JUST Laws

by John D. Guandolo In the years Understanding the Threat (UTT) has been teaching and training police officers, federal agents, prosecutors, and others whose duties include enforcing laws, I have been struck by the large number of these people who have little understanding of the underpinnings of their Oaths of Office and the foundation of […]

The Battle Cry in America Once Again Is Liberty or Death

by John D. Guandolo “Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains or slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take but as for me; Give me liberty of give me death!” Patrick Henry, March 23, 1775, Second Virginia Convention, St. […]

1400 Years Later Islam is Still Waging War on the World

Why did 19 muslims attack the United States on 9/11/01?  Why do muslims attack people with knives, cars, planes, vest-bombs, and anything else they can get their hands on today?  According to the Koran, Islam’s prophet Mohammad is the most perfect human being for all muslims for all time, and he commanded muslims fight the […]

The Assault on Truth Continues as Twitter Suspends Accounts for UTT & John Guandolo

  Twitter suspended the Understanding the Threat (UTT) account (@UTT_USA) and the personal account of UTT Founder/President John Guandolo (@johnguandolo) in a manner that stripped both accounts of all followers and gives no recourse to reactivate the accounts. Journalist Laura Loomer also recently had her twitter account suspended indefinitely. There has been no indication any […]

Will America’s First & Last Wars Be Against Islam?

“That it was founded on the Laws of their Prophet, that it was written in their Qur’an, that all nations who should not have acknowledged their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take […]

Remember When Leaders in the West Knew Islam Was the Enemy of Free People?

Since the Armies of Mohammad first made contact with the West, Western leaders understood Islam is a barbaric and evil doctrine that enslaves, consumes and destroys everything in its path.   “There being so many sects and heresies banded together against the Truth, finding that (Mohammad) wanting to (do battle), I thought it good to […]

America: The Greatest Force for Liberty in the History of the World

In the 6000 years of recorded history, governments of the world were monarchs.  Rulers were czars, kings, caesars, caliphs, emperors, and the like. Until America. When America’s Founding Fathers fought the war for Independence from the tyrannical British crown, they did so with the understanding that every human being has inalienable rights which come from […]