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John Guandolo


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The Assault on Truth Continues as Twitter Suspends Accounts for UTT & John Guandolo


Twitter suspended the Understanding the Threat (UTT) account (@UTT_USA) and the personal account of UTT Founder/President John Guandolo (@johnguandolo) in a manner that stripped both accounts of all followers and gives no recourse to reactivate the accounts.

Journalist Laura Loomer also recently had her twitter account suspended indefinitely.

There has been no indication any of the tweets from either account, @UTT_USA or @johnguandolo, were factually incorrect.

In fact, previously, tweets from these two accounts are often sited for being “offensive” – and we all know who they offend – muslims.

Islam defines itself as a “complete way of life (social, cultural, military, political, religious) governed by sharia (Islamic law).”  All sharia mandates “warfare against non-muslims” until the law of the land on the entire planet is sharia.  There is no other version of Islam.

In sharia, the Islamic Law of Slander is legally defined as saying anything about Islam a muslim would “dislike” and it is a capital crime.  So, to do something muslims dislike – like speak truth about Islam – is a capital crime.

When private companies like twitter suspend people for publishing tweets that are “offensive” they are, whether they know it or not, imposing sharia on U.S. citizens.

UTT believes twitter knows exactly what it is doing.

For more information on Islam and sharia, see UTT’s related blog articles here.

The Islamic and Marxist Counter-States in America seek to win the war, primarily, by controlling the message.  By controlling key communication nodes among the people – twitter, YouTube, google, facebook etc – and controlling the content, they move their agenda forward.

The greatest problem America faces today is FEAR – people afraid to speak truth.

Patriots must develop a new media platform that is interactive and non-restrictive to the truth, and demonstrate great courage to speak truth given the opportunity.

Until that time, UTT encourages those who desire the truth to do the following and encourage others to do the same:

  1. Use and share the resources on UTT’s website www.UnderstandingtheThreat.com
  2. Follow UTT’s Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/UnderstandingtheThreat
  3. Sign up for UTT’s bi-weekly newsletter here
  4. Purchase UTT’s DVDs, especially the new 2-DVD set “It’s All About Sharia” to understand the threat
  5. Listen to and share UTT’s weekly radio program at www.worldviewweekend.com/radio
  6. View and share UTT’s TV show at WVWTV.com & watch the current episode on sharia here

The truth must be spoken and shared.  Please do your part.

10 Responses

  1. They have decided to remove all voices that do not tow the line. Their Left-wing, Globalist, Islamist, agenda is not to be opposed. I was blocked from my Facebook account about 2 years ago now, or maybe 3. …don’t remember exactly. And yesterday I got my second guideline strike on YouTube, coming rapidly together. I suspect someone there has pointed me out for removal. I’m sure strike number 3 is coming very soon, and then I’ll be gone. And they will be happy.

    And so it goes with all dissenting voices, as their agenda moves forward unhindered. Even Trump and his team are either ignorant and naive, or they are cowards. Or maybe they are on their side ?

  2. Kingdom Holdings is a large investor with twitter. In that respect information, sharia laws do not always tolerate freedom of speech that relays information that is not well known, it should have no jurisdiction for American media, or silencing facts that Saudis may decide is hate speech. Most important for Trump and his team to understand the doctrine before making decisions on world decisions, they need a national security that knows the who is restricting information,( words matter) after information purges of sharia laws and doctrines were removed per the request of the muslim organizations. Even in conflicts of the Ukraine, Crimea and Russia Islam laws are playing a factor as Russia has suffered many terrorist attacks and disruptive protests as the rest of the world in my opinion.

  3. President Trump stated he will not follow foreign laws…..suppressing speech is following sharia law. How different would it be today if The 9/11 Commission Report, after it was published had not been pulled off the shelves…it has a lot of information, and facts that allowed deception and no motives to surface along with the money trail. It was not Russia that flew into the Towers nor in Las Vegas. In my opinion.relationships need trust.

  4. Well if everyone stop doing business with them and not use their site that would show them and hurt them, but way too many people are just so hooked on all those social media sites like face book, twitter, and what ever else is out there, I don’t know much about those sites those are the only two i know of from hearing so much about them. Personally, I do not use any of those sites ever, never have never will it’s just not my thing. People need to get away from all that stop spending so much time twitting or posting all your business to the world, for me I find it silly and has taken away how people use to socialize but i guess it’s the way of the world today. Funny how people get so upset for getting kicked out or banned from these sites, they need people to operate and the people have the power to keep them in business or not.


    Although TWITTER participation is subtly portrayed on its WIKIPEDIA page as a seemingly innocuous opportunity for “news” seekers worldwide to participate in politically revelatory debates regarding their take on the wisdom of the existing efficacy of U.S. Constitutional governance as opposed to globalization, I.e., Sharia adherence; actually one of TWITTER’S co-founders, is not only a board member of the Berggruen Governance Center — which provides senior-advisor speakers to the Islamic Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO) in Rabat, Morocco — he is also ostensibly an avid admirer of the current New York City Mayor’s leftist political proclivities.

    Furthermore, with respect to UTT’s foregoing narrative, the customarily-sheer volume of TWITTER postings, (300+ millions per diem in 2016 alone) clearly reveal said cancellations to have been at the familiarly repetitive behest of Muslim Brotherhood criminals (et al), thus equate to an anarchical assumption by TWITTER’s federally licensed owners that any abridgement they frivolously wish to impose on UTT’s 1st Amendment right to free speech, as per the U.S. Bill of Rights, has devolved from the U.S. Supreme Court into the subversive hands of arrogant TWITTER misfits.

    Inasmuch as the Department of Justice has therefore been effectively gifted with a grouping of undeniable elements of civil rights violations, contrived — and consciously implemented — by TWITTER on behalf of Islam’s 14-century war* of global governance, federal indictments for TWITTER’s contextual participant(s) might at last be considered.

    *Anyone who lacks clear understanding of Islam’s documented intent to destroy our country, and either enslave us or kill us, who may wish to peruse a personal copy of the Arabic-to-English verbatim translation of their comprehensive plan to do so, which was seized from a subterranean basement in Annandale, Virginia by Special Agents of the FBI in accordance with a federal search warrant in 2004, need simply contact http://www.securefreedom.org to request, (for a nominal handling & postage fee) GOVERNMENT EXHIBIT 003-0085 3:04-CR-240-G U.S. v. HLF, et al.

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