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What's New?

by John D. Guandolo

“Indeed, based on the evidence gathered in the multiple exhaustive and costly federal investigations of these matters, including the instant investigation, neither U.S. law enforcement nor the Intelligence Community appears to have possessed any actual evidence of collusion in their holdings at the commencement of the Crossfire Hurricane investigation.” (Durham Report, page 8)

Read the full DURHAM REPORT here

The Durham Report confirms America’s FBI, Department of Justice, and broader federal government is corrupted beyond immediate repair.

Facts in the report made public this week from the Office of the Special Counsel, John Durham, entitled “REPORT ON MATTERS RELATED TO INTELLIGENCE ACTIVITIES AND INVESTIGATIONS ARISING OUT OF THE 2016 PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGNS,” confirm FBI senior leadership:

  1. Initiated an investigation into Donald Trump and his campaign based on raw and uncorroborated evidence from Australia;
  2. Knowingly used false information provided by a foreign agent – Christopher Steele – in an application for Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) Court approval to electronically surveil the President of the United States, his family, and his staff;
  3. Knowingly used false information provided by a likely Russian intelligence officer or asset for Russian Intelligence – Igor Danchenko – in the same application for FISA Court approval to electronically surveil the President of the United States, his family, and his staff;
  4. Ignored their own FBI investigative information that Danchenko, a Russian national, “was the subject of an FBI counterespionage investigation from 2009 to 2011” while still paying Danchenko at least $220,000 (Durham Report, page 129);
  5. Intentionally lied to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) Court to electronically surveil the President of the United States, his family and his staff;
  6. Specifically, James Comey, pushed for the FISA coverage on Trump advisor Carter Page despite the lack of requisite evidence required by law.
  7. Ignored evidence from the CIA, which was briefed to President Obama and FBI Director Comey, that Hillary Clinton personally approved a plan on July 26, 2016 to accuse Donald Trump of colluding with the Kremlin to win the Presidential election. The Durham Report stated: “The aforementioned facts reflect a rather startling and inexplicable failure to adequately consider and incorporate the Clinton Plan intelligence into the FBI’ s investigative decision-making in the Crossfire Hurricane investigation.” (page 97);

“Our investigation determined that the Crossfire Hurricane investigators did not and could not corroborate any of the substantive allegations contained in the Steele reporting. Nor was Steele able to produce corroboration for any of the reported allegations, even after being offered $1 million or more by the FBI for such corroboration.” (Durham Report, page 10) 

In addition to her July 2016 plan to undermine the Trump campaign by publicly attacking him for being a stooge for the Russians even though she knew it was untrue, there is additional information of Hillary Clinton’s direct involvement, to include Democratic National Committee participation in this overall plan and Hillary Clinton’s attorney’s role in this plan.

When taken into context of (1) the recent U.S. House Oversight investigation of the Biden family criminal enterprise, (2) Trevor Loudon’s report that at least 65 Members of the U.S. House are communists or sympathetic to communism, (3) the 51 leaders in the U.S. intelligence community who publicly lied about the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop being “Russian disinformation,” (4) at least 23 former Members of the U.S. House and Senate working for a lobbying firm controlled by the Chinese Communist Party, and (5) the vast communist and jihadi Movements operating in the United States and being proactively aided and abetted by FBI leadership, the Durham Report confirms America’s FBI, Department of Justice, and broader federal government is corrupted beyond immediate repair.

This means the solution to the problems is not business-as-usual policy-making, hearings, and federal elections. This war cannot be won using the same corrupt federal system which is driving America’s Constitutional Republic off the proverbial cliff.

Radical Constitutional action must be taken to right this ship.

Here are a few recommended course of action:

  1. Citizens must return to an understanding of America’s Founding Principles and their duties as citizen-soldiers, and hold local and state officials accountable in all manner of things.
  2. Citizens should focus their attention on their families, neighborhoods, and counties above all else until their counties are “fortified” – i.e. when hostile actors from the communist and jihadi Movements, as well as their collaborators and financiers, are flushed out and America’s Founding Principles and a republican form of government is restored at the county level.
  3. Governors must get on a war footing to protect and defend their citizens using all authority under their state constitutions and the U.S. Constitution. This includes: (1) recognizing the federal government is failing to do its Constitutional duty to defend states/citizens against invasion and domestic violence and ensure a republican form of government under Article IV, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution, and make provisions to do so for the sake of the citizens, the continuity of the state government, and the security of the citizens; (2) identifying organizations and leaders of the communist and jihadi Movements, their collaborators and financiers, and taking all actions necessary to remove any and all opportunities for them to operate in the state; (3) considering a state currency backed by gold and silver as Texas is proposing here; and (4) restoring a historically factual curriculum in schools of America’s history, the Founding Principles, and the intention of America’s Founding Fathers.

In a staggering disconnection from reality, or an information operation intentionally meant to cover its continuing criminal behavior of targeting Christian patriots instead of real enemies of liberty, FBI Headquarters published a statement on 5/15/23 in response to the Durham Report which reads: “The conduct in 2016 and 2017 that Special Counsel Durham examined was the reason that current FBI leadership already implemented dozens of corrective actions, which have now been in place for some time. Had those reforms been in place in 2016, the missteps identified in the report could have been prevented. This report reinforces the importance of ensuring the FBI continues to do its work with the rigor, objectivity, and professionalism the American people deserve and rightly expect.”

Calling this statement a flat out lie would be generous. The FBI “reforms” would not have prevented the “missteps” because the problem is not FBI policy, the problem is the anti-American communists in positions of authority inside the FBI.

Perhaps FBI leaders should actually read the Durham Report, especially the part where Mr. Durham stated in the conclusion: “Based on the review of Crossfire Hurricane and related intelligence activities, we conclude that the Department and the FBI failed to uphold their important mission of strict fidelity to the law in connection with certain events and activities described in this report.”

Secondly, the actions taken by the FBI Director, the FBI Deputy Director, the FBI Deputy Assistant Director for Counterintelligence and others were not “missteps.” Those actions were intentional and meant to deceive federal judges, violate federal law, and undermine the Constitution in furtherance of disrupting a Presidential election while aiding and abetting Hillary Clinton and acting in concert with known agents of foreign powers.

If the FBI was interested in doing its job, James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, and a number of other FBI employees and U.S. government officials would be in jail, and the leaders of the communist and jihadi Movements and those aiding and abetting them would be running for cover.

But that is not what is happening.

John Durham got it right in his report when he wrote:

“Ultimately, of course, meeting those responsibilities (in the FBI) comes down to the integrity of the people who take an oath to follow the guidelines and policies currently in place, guidelines that date from the time of Attorney General Levi and that are designed to ensure the rule of law is upheld. As such, the answer is not the creation of new rules but a renewed fidelity to the old…The promulgation of additional rules and regulations to be learned in yet more training sessions would likely prove to be a fruitless exercise if the FBI’s guiding principles of “Fidelity, Bravery and Integrity” are not engrained in the hearts and minds of those sworn to meet the FBI’ s mission of “Protecting the American People and Upholding the Constitution of the United States.”

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