This is the first of a four (4) part series on the long historical relationship between the political left/Progressives and the global Jihadi Movement over the last century and its current culmination in the attempt to bring down Western civilization in general, and the United States specifically.
In this first edition, we will review the general history of the relationship between the Left and the Islamic Jihad movement, and the disconnect from reality that must take place for the Left to believe the leaders of any totalitarian movement will allow them to survive despite a hundred years of history to the contrary.
This unholy marriage has several key areas of common ground:
* They seek to undermine the security of Western nations in furtherance of their ultimate destruction
* They seek to destroy the moral fabric that has undergirded the West for centuries
* They use propaganda, lies, and deceit strategically and tactically to move their efforts forward
* They have a culture of death that focuses on eliminating or subjugating those they see as threats
* They are both anti-Semitic
* They work against the Law of Nature and Nature’s God attacking our inherent rights to life and liberty while diminishing God to a position of non-existence (Political Left) or as a harsh non-loving judge of mankind (Islam)
During the Russian Revolution, the new Soviet government saw the Islamic community as a tactical ally in its “anti-imperialist” battle against the Western governments, and from that time through today the political Left in Europe, the United States and elsewhere continues to side with communist and socialist ideologies. That is because they are nearly one in the same.
It can be argued that today in the United States the Political Left is the American Socialist Party.
Adolf Hitler’s alliance with the Muslim Brotherhood during World War II was born out of Hitler’s belief the Muslim hatred for the Jews was common ground. The formation of an all-Bosnian Muslim SS Division was the culmination of this relationship.
In more recent years, the influence of the communist/socialist movements impact on the West can be seen in significant strategic examples. One of these is the anti-nuclear movement that was strongest in the late 1970’s and early 1980’s. Today we know all of the protests in Europe and the United States were funded by the KGB. This is relevant because the KGB (now FSB) and leftist support for jihadis continues today.
While many groups in the U.S. from Code Pink (funded by Political Left wing mogul George Soros) to ANSWER to Occupy Wall Street claim they are for “equality” and an end to racism, these are simply covers for working at all levels of our society to see their objectives are met (see the list above). And we see these organizations working on the ground directly with Muslim Brotherhood and other jihadi entities from obtaining joint anti-war protest permits to the international support for terrorists.
Hugo Chavez’s relationship with Iranian President Ahmradinijad, former British Member of Parliament George Galloway raising money at a Muslim Brotherhood mosque in Florida which he gave directly to the leaders of Hamas in Palestine, and protesters in London (and even in the U.S.) calling for “No War with Iran” and “We are all Hamas” are a few examples at the international level.
The America media has to answer for its culpability for promoting and defending the political left and the terrorists here in America. It is no secret there is an overt left-wing agenda in U.S. Media to report only that which supports a socialist/political left agenda. With very few exceptions, there has been no hard look by the major media outlets to factually report on the Muslim Brotherhood’s jihadi network in the U.S. or globally.
The religious left in America is also directly partnered with jihadi organizations. Nearly all “Interfaith Outreach” in America is led by the Muslim Brotherhood, specifically the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) and affiliates of these organizations. ISNA is a Hamas support entity according to evidence in the largest Hamas trial ever successfully prosecuted in U.S. history (US v HLF, Dallas 2008), and CAIR is a Hamas entity.
Left-wing religious organizations like the Virginians Organized for Interfaith Community Engagement (VOICE) is directly partnered with the Saul Alinsky premier organization, the Industrial Areas Foundation. One look at the VOICE website and your research is done – VOICE dutifully follows the guidance provided by the Muslim Brotherhood Islamic Centers with which they work.
Most confusing of all are the Jewish organizations in America (and elsewhere) which nearly unanimously continue to work with Hamas/Muslim Brotherhood organizations, much to the dismay of thoughtful and faithful Jewish organizations and leaders. Some Jewish leaders have even accompanied the Jihadi leaders overseas to visit former Concentration Camps in the name of “peace and tolerance.” This is denial at a grand scale.
This denial, however, is not limited to leaders in the community who are simply blind to the truth of their adversaries. Whether witting or unwitting, these leaders are helping to build the very situations which will lead to the destruction of their people. The Global Jihadi Movement believes all systems of government outside of the Islamic State under Sharia – socialists, communists, capitalists, and any others – must be destroyed.
Tough-minded people must speak truth into these combined threats and bold about our founding principles. We must courageously move around or through anyone who does not understand these truths to be victorious so that Western civilization and, specifically, our Constitutional Republic survive.
Coming Up: Second Edition of “The Political Left’s Marriage to the Islamic Jihad” will focus on The Culture of Death they both share.

John Guandolo has years of unique experience helping local, state, and federal leaders identify and deal with real threats. Primarily, he trains citizens, local leaders, and police how to fortify their counties.
15 Responses
Our constitutional republic is constantly attacked, from within, as well as without. Our original founding documents made a tour of the country back in the 1990’s. When the attending public was asked if the statement, “from each man according to his ability, to each man according to need” was found in the Constitution, over 80% answered “Yes.” (Have we won the Cold War? We must prepare for this present battle!) The totalitarian threat is a looming specter which needs to be confronted, exposed, and dismantled anywhere people cherish liberty. Shariah Law severely compromises the foundational tenet of our free republic, that men are created equal before the law. Sharia Law does despite to this principle of our independence, by diminishing the rights of non-muslim’s and women, alike. The left has joined with lslam to shake, change, and abolish western culture. I wonder how the leftist women in our nation will respond to being forced to wear Burqas? Or, how will they respond, if they won’t don said attire, to being rape victims sanctioned by the Koran, who were “asking for it?” Perhaps, they need not worry. For, if our totalitarian enemies realize their conquest, our useful infidels won’t be around in America to shout, “Allah u ackbar.”
Our constitutional republic is constantly attacked, from within, as well as without. Our original founding documents made a tour of the country back in the 1990’s. When the attending public was asked if the statement, “from each man according to his ability, to each man according to need” was found in the Constitution, over 80% answered “Yes.” (Have we won the Cold War? We must prepare for this present battle!) The totalitarian threat is a looming specter which needs to be confronted, exposed, and dismantled anywhere people cherish liberty. Shariah Law severely compromises the foundational tenet of our free republic, that men are created equal before the law. Sharia Law does despite to this principle of our independence, by diminishing the rights of non-muslim’s and women, alike. The left has joined with lslam to shake, change, and abolish western culture. I wonder how the leftist women in our nation will respond to being forced to wear Burqas? Or, how will they respond, if they won’t don said attire, to being rape victims sanctioned by the Koran, who were “asking for it?” Perhaps, they need not worry. For, if our totalitarian enemies realize their conquest, our useful infidels won’t be around in America to shout, “Allah u ackbar.”
Our constitutional republic is constantly attacked, from within, as well as without. Our original founding documents made a tour of the country back in the 1990’s. When the attending public was asked if the statement, “from each man according to his ability, to each man according to need” was found in the Constitution, over 80% answered “Yes.” (Have we won the Cold War? We must prepare for this present battle!) The totalitarian threat is a looming specter which needs to be confronted, exposed, and dismantled anywhere people cherish liberty. Shariah Law severely compromises the foundational tenet of our free republic, that men are created equal before the law. Sharia Law does despite to this principle of our independence, by diminishing the rights of non-muslim’s and women, alike. The left has joined with lslam to shake, change, and abolish western culture. I wonder how the leftist women in our nation will respond to being forced to wear Burqas? Or, how will they respond, if they won’t don said attire, to being rape victims sanctioned by the Koran, who were “asking for it?” Perhaps, they need not worry. For, if our totalitarian enemies realize their conquest, our useful infidels won’t be around in America to shout, “Allah u ackbar.”