This is the fourth of a 4-part series on The Political Left’s Marriage to the Islamic Jihad
As has been detailed in several articles on the UTT Blog as well as in the first, second, and third iterations of this 4-part series, the Political Left in America is: promoting the Muslim Brotherhood’s (MB) Jihadi Movement in the United States; “negotiating” with Iran and the Taliban; providing material support to Al Qaeda/MB in Iraq, Libya, and elsewhere; promoting Palestinian (Hamas) causes and showing deference to them while failing to stand with Israel; flooding America with people from hostile nations (Somalia, Syria, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, etc) through the State Department’s Refugee Resettlement Program and various student programs; and failing to clearly articulate the threat while demonstrating weakness and inviting greater danger to our nation and its people.
On February 18, 2015, President Obama’s Department of State issued a statement which reads, in part: “We are pleased to announce the appointment of Rashad Hussain as United States Special Envoy and Coordinator for Strategic Counterterrorism Communications. Special Envoy Hussain will lead a staff drawn from a number of U.S. departments and agencies to expand international engagement and partnerships to counter violent extremism and to develop strategic counterterrorism communications around the world.”
Is a Muslim with direct ties to the International Muslim Brotherhood the only qualified person in America this administration could find to hold this post?
It also seems odd this administration exclusively uses Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas organizations such as ISNA, CAIR, MPAC and others as their primary outreach partners to advise senior government officials and agencies on how to combat the “violent extremists” (read: Jihadis) across the globe and here domestically. The President himself produced a video applauding and promoting ISNA at their annual convention.
Either the administration is divorced from the reality of what it is doing or it is being intentional.
The legal definition for “insanity” is: “A mental illness of such a severe nature that a person cannot distinguish fantasy from reality.” (Source: Psychology Today)
The question must be asked, is the President and his National Security team divorced from the reality of the facts and evidence that are clear about the organizations with which they are working, Islamic doctrine (Sharia), and the actions being taken at the ground level by Muslim armies across the globe?
This is a real and serious question, because if the answer is a resounding “No,” and the President is thoughtful, discerning and lucid, then he is intentionally working with our enemies to support their agenda.
That is called “Treason.”
On the other hand, the Islamic Jihadi Movement is not “crazy” or “insane.” They are following the doctrine of Sharia in pursuit of destroying all “man-made governments” to impose Sharia and establish the global Islamic State (caliphate). What is striking when you listen to leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood, ISIS, Al Qaeda, Boko Haram, Al Shabab, or any of the other hundreds of jihadi organizations across the globe speak, they are measured and consistent in their message. Even when they are preparing to behead someone, they go through the motions of reading the statement and then coldly do the deed of sawing another human being’s head off without any show of emotion. While the act is barbaric, they are following what they believe they have been commanded to do within the reality of the Islamic system.
Not so with this administration and the Political Left in general. The Progressives openly claim they support the rights of the “oppressed” and minority groups in society including religious minorities, homosexuals, women, and others – the very groups of people the Islamic Movement is currently slaughtering, or at least, enslaving.
So what is to be done? Ultimately, we as Americans must decide. We the people are the government and we hold the authority. So long as our system is intact with a functioning government in all three branches, we must work within the system to make it work.
The reality is that our federal leadership is catastrophically failing to protect our nation and its people. The burden now lies at the state and county levels to protect the citizens of America. Strong Governors must exert the Constitutional power given to them with the support of state legislatures. Citizens must be educated about the Muslim Brotherhood Jihadi network in America so they can put positive pressure on elected county officials to allow local police to do whatever they need to do to identify jihadis (wearing suits or planning attacks), and to weed these jihadis out of every state – one county at a time.
As citizens, we cannot fix the threat at the international level, but we can educate friends and colleagues about the true nature of this threat, especially those we know in law enforcement, military service, or the intelligence community.
We are at a dire point in American history. The time for half measures has come and gone. We must be engaged at the local and state level to defeat this enemy and realize that local police are now the tip of the spear.
Want to get engaged? Here are a few things you can do:
1. Get educated on the threat and educate others. Get a copy of Raising a Jihadi Generation for yourself and others you know. Get a copy of the DVD “Understanding the Threat to America” and show it at your church or community group meeting. Make use of other educational resources:
* Political Islam
* CSP 10 Part Video Series on the MB in America
* The Global MB Watch
2. Plug into a national grass roots organization focused on this threat, such as ACT! for America.
3. The leaders who most need to know this information who can have the greatest impact are Sheriffs and Pastors. Work with them to educate them and help them organize the citizens and congregations to rally behind them.
4. Share the Thin Blue Line Project with Law enforcement officers you know. This is a web based program designed specifically for Law Enforcement to educate them on the MB Jihadi Network in the U.S. and the broader jihadi threat.
5. Educate local and county officials, especially local school boards. Pay attention to what your children are being taught in school about American history, Islam, and related topics (Israel, 9/11, etc).
6. Brighten the lamp of liberty by educating your children (and yourselves) about the Founding Principles of America, and our Godly heritage from such resources as and others.
7. Remember that as citizens we have duties and responsibilities. From our founding we are all citizen-soldiers whether we join the military or not. Per Title 10 U.S. Code Section 311, all able body males (with specific exceptions) from age 17 to 45 are members of the “Unorganized Militia” of the United States. Educate yourself about the duties of citizens. is a great resource.
8. Only elect people to office who respect the Oath they swear in allegiance to our Constitution. If nobody fits that bill, get someone who does to run and support him/her.
9. Hold all elected officials accountable to their Oaths of Office.
10. Make a decision you are all in to defend you family, your community, and this nation and refuse to back down. This is a fight, but a fight that is worth all the effort for the sake of future generations, including your children and grand children. What price for liberty are we willing to pay?

John Guandolo has years of unique experience helping local, state, and federal leaders identify and deal with real threats. Primarily, he trains citizens, local leaders, and police how to fortify their counties.
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