Aafia Siddiqui is a WMD Operative for Al Qaeda & Mainstream U.S. Islamic Orgs Want Her Free
by John D. Guandolo Why do America’s most prominent Islamic leaders and organizations call for the release of Aafia Siddiqui, the Al Qaeda weapons of mass destruction operative currently in federal prison? Aafia Siddiqui’s Role in Al Qaeda Aafia Siddiqui was on the radar of America’s intelligence and law enforcement community 20 years ago. When […]
Why Remember 9/11 If We Are Not Honoring the Dead By Avenging Their Deaths?
by John D. Guandolo It is September 11th…2020. It has been nineteen years – 19 years – since sharia-adherent muslims attacked the United States doing what normative and universally accepted Islamic teachings teach muslims they must do. America went to war after 9/11 without ever conducting a professional analysis of Islam despite the fact our […]
Did All the Jihadis Disappear?
by John D. Guandolo In the midst of burning U.S. cities, riots, defunded police departments, and the growing communist insurrection led by communist organizations Black Lives Matter, Antifa, and others, it is easy to forget that the more dangerous threat of Islam remains. The communists are the hammer for the Islamic Movement. They are the […]
Ilhan Omar – Traitor?
All currently available evidence reveals Congresswoman Ilhan Omar is conspiring with hostile foreign powers against the United States and its interests to overthrow the U.S. government in violation of federal law and the oath she took to protect and defend the Constitution “against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” In addition to Ilhan Omar’s 2013 arrest […]
The Enemy Strategy Depends on Establishment Republicans
by John D. Guandolo Americans paying attention to the building momentum from enemy forces – nations, groups, or persons levying war against the United States and/or conspiring to undermine America’s founding principles and overthrow the government – see danger ahead. But Americans are having a difficult time making sense of all that is happening and […]
Should Congressman Keith Ellison Be Charged with Treason?
U.S. Congressman Keith Ellison has a long and detailed history of working with terrorists and others plotting to overthrow the United States government, in direct violation of U.S. Federal Code and Ellison’s Oath of Office. UTT is asking the question: Is there enough evidence to charge him with Materially Supporting Terrorism and Treason? Keith Ellison […]