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John Guandolo


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Did All the Jihadis Disappear?

by John D. Guandolo

In the midst of burning U.S. cities, riots, defunded police departments, and the growing communist insurrection led by communist organizations Black Lives Matter, Antifa, and others, it is easy to forget that the more dangerous threat of Islam remains.

The communists are the hammer for the Islamic Movement.  They are the leading edge of the violence.  They are the brown shirts who, when the Caliphate is established in the near future in Turkey, will be replaced by jihadis in Europe – then later in America – as the armies of Mohammad roll in to seize power.

Mosques across the United States are preparing.  From the national level of the Diyanet and the U.S. Council of Muslim Organizations down to local mosques, muslims are fortifying and preparing.

All of this is happening while we focus on punks, wanna-be revolutionaries, and real communists looting, burning and killing in America’s cities, while cowardly mayors and police chiefs let it all happen – many of whom are communists or useful idiots themselves.

We are watching the news of the violence on our streets while suit-wearing jihadis like senior U.S. Muslim Broterhood leader Oussama Jammal visit the White House to “help” our government establish policy.

Note: UTT assesses Oussama Jammal is the #2 man for the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood.

We are concerned about violence during the Presidential election while suit-wearing jihadis like Hamza Yusuf work with our government (State Department) leaders “helping” them “understand Islam better.”

Islamic scholar/jihadi Hamza Yusuf (center) with senior U.S. Muslim Brotherhood leader Mohamed Magid (left of Yusuf), as well as senior MB leader Mohamed Elsanousi (far right)

At the strategic level, the communists are a tool for the Islamic Movement.  The jihadis are not static – they are not sitting idle.  They are moving forward, preparing for the caliphate and the war that will follow.

We are ignoring them to our great detriment.

7 Responses

  1. Agree, they are here in undisclosed numbers……the mosques are spreading in order to teach or to invite the curious or connected. “Building bridges” of an imaginary two way bridge,to get acceptance with a description of fantasy Islam by the slight of hand thru omission, it is what you don’t know or what you are not told that will bring the dangers in to government offices, schools, military to bring down defenses and it is working. Saudi Arabia is the heart of Islam any talk of peace is only when they are weak, or all who resist are converted or conquered or “injured” or worst. Freedom of speech is fading and sharia laws demand our silence of truth that will be called hate speech with penalties and has already reached a 10 years plan to activate, for now we are late to completely inform those who will not inquire or concieve they have been decieved. Many know but many prefer not to understand the danger or feel unsettled they do not know and have not researched why this is happening with the media not reporting what is coming or that they are organized in suits and sweet sounding words for you, and mission plans for the base
    of Islam, the facts that terror groups or persuasion of many names are waiting in the wings if needed as they will find resistance. With the growing numbers we may be overwhelmed. This bridge if crossed has no tolerance to let you return.

    Is Saudi Arabia really ready for peace, or just waiting the the other islamic bases to erupt like walking in expecting the truth that is not a characteristic one could find. The killing without right doctrine always takes control…they submit to no one. but nor should we.


    Unless the so-called “Muslim scholar” claiming to be “catching flak” from his CAIR handlers for serving on a heretofore unheard of State Department “Muslim rights” panel in behalf of an ever burgeoning hoard of sharia adherent killers operating from 3400 mosques on United States soil who obviously came here to either enslave us or kill us in connection with Islam’s 14-century war* on Western civilization is exposed by the president as a contextually deranged moron or garden variety liar, his re-election campaign will be subjected to yet another damaging distraction contrived to give credence to an entity whose male practitioners are not only legally entitled by sharia law to practice pedophilia but who have already been granted review authority as to the content of America’s school books.

    Furthermore, since the CAIR/communist ticket the president must face in the coming general election knows full-well that an electoral college plurality win for them is probably out of the question, they appear to be positioning themselves, not to debate the inevitable criminal ramifications in connection with their mail-in voting saturation scheme, but instead to depend on (contrived) ensuing chaos to throw the outcome into the hands of their dependable benefactors in the U.S. Supreme Court. God Forbid!

    *Anyone wishing to own a personal Arabic-to-English verbatim translation of Islam’s 22 May 1991 declaration of war on Western civilization, the original of which was seized in accordance with a federal search warrant from a subterranean basement in Annandale, Virginia USA by special agents of the FBI in 2004, need simply connect to: http://www.securefreedom.org to request (for a nominal handling & postage fee): GOVERNMENT EXHIBIT 003-0085 3:04-CR-240-G U.S. v. HLF, et al.


    If after nineteen years the White House staff and Department of Homeland Security still profess to lack actionable understanding of Islam’s 14-century war* on Western civilization which since the Saudi Arabian government funded 9/11 attacks has been relentlessly waged against their own country, the president would be well advised to appoint a whole new crop of contextual “leaders” as soon as possible. And Ayaan Hirsi Ali, for instance, would be a superb choice.

    Furthermore, having Muslim Brotherhood leaders admitted to the executive mansion to talk about sharia law’s interpretation of “terrorism and extremists” is not only foolhardy and dangerous to the president’s safety, but in a literal sense has no relationship whatsoever to what those, and many other contextual words actually refer to in the English language.

    Too, since the Muslim/communist political ticket the president will face in the upcoming general election hasn’t any realistic chance of winning an electoral college plurality, and their burgeoning mail-in voting scheme is a risky criminal diversion, what they probably intend to do is instruct their ANTIFA, BLM and jihadist hoards to create enough chaos in order to throw the election into the hands of their alacritous benefactors in the U.S. Supreme Court. God Forbid!

    *Anyone wishing to own a personal verbatim Arabic-to-English translated copy of Islam’s 22 May 1991 declaration of war on Western civilization, the original of which was seized in accordance with a federal search warrant from a subterranean basement in Annandale, Virginia USA by special agents of the FBI in 2004, may simply connect to: http://www.securefreedom.org to request (for a nominal handling & postage fee): GOVERNMENT EXHIBIT 003-0085 3:04-CR-240-G U.S. v. HLF, et al.

  4. Donald Klein…..Yes, I agree totally. My only conclusion is that this information which I thought was a instinctual with Trump.. it appears.he has no one to confirm the the information he is getting from our national security is a delusion, or that those voices and facts are also again suppressed.

    Saudi Arabia is the brithplace of Islam that has doctrine to suppress and hide that Islam has goals in America, by controlling press and usiing words sound nuetral but have other meanings to persuade with misinformation and ommission thru organizations and political and information warfare, the goals are to supplant sharia law to obtain control of the Uniited States Government,and how they present information to our national security is the complete opposite or they are complicit to accomplish slowly with ommission, a deception or untruth. That Israel who is attacked regularly by Hamas/hezzbollah amd is a direct descendent of Islam seems to be missing information. Yes the ME fights one another… but only.for power of the caliphate or ummah, but they are the worst enemy of Israel,and Christians, Hindu’s etc.and atheists directed by their Quran..as message was given to their prophet. The power of skilled persuasion to hide this message runs deep and it has influenced our largest banks in America. Actually tied to the wealth created by oil in the middle east, any wonder that the left was so eager to suppress our development and industry of oil and demand it’s demise it was to keep money flowing from abroad and become the wealthy for their lack of support. to develope.I beleive whenTrump entered the, office the alarm bells rang in their attempt to cover the attachment and all motives to retain SA as an ally. It truly is a risk and I think the President may have been targeted with investigations and false crimes to prevent him to not listen to the disappearing or silenced experts tasked with investigation and evidence that could have changed this situation, before we were invaded under the mask of war torn migration and diversity without security checks and grasping who is in charge and why is this mass invasion happening, it is planned political warfare from all directions. er9/11, Boston bombing, military bases attacked by Saudi’s, or any unnamed Islam terror mass shooting events here and world wide, facts were hidden and motivations claimed a mystery, is the mastery of Islam and follows Quran concept of war and the words with alternate meanings, that trick the uninformed that it is a religion of peace. And Israel/U.S. could be saved. Again the jihadi’s did not disappear…..

  5. Particular attention must be paid to our universities. Thanks to the Muslim Student Associations and their sister group, Students for Justice in Palestine, they have succeeded in making the Israel-Palestinian conflict a hot button issue on campus, with the result being that universities are the focal point for the resurgence in anti-Semitism in America. For many Jews on many campuses, the situation is intolerable. All too often criticism of Israel turns into Jew hatred. It is a disgrace that university administrations have not confronted the problem. They choose to hide under their desks.

  6. I have to defer on the Islamic threats – I’m not a expert but topographically I agree with the above. But I do know communist inside out – and behind the current threat the communists have their hands on the strings –
    I won’t be putting any more information out about the virus – but develops have occurred – be aware of a surge of the Chinese trying to work things out – they have reported to have solved all the different strains – I won’t say anymore on that – but in of itself it’s a thinly veiled threat to America – I agree the communist will
    Use Islamic threats to create chaos – chaos being a key operative method –


    Based on revelations by FoxNews guest analyst Darren Bettie and the Wikipedia page of a former Harvard law classmate of Obama named Norman (or “Norm”) Eisen, it seems imperative that the latter be deposed as to any link which has ever existed between his “Lawfare-as-opposed-to-Warfare” voter fraud theory and the George-Soros funded Bolshevik/Islamist Coup d’etat which continues to remain engaged in the destruction of Democrat led cities via random shootings and symbolic holocaust fires for the avowed purpose of thwarting the re-election of President Trump.

    Furthermore, in view of U.S. federal annals distortions involving Eisen’s treasonous acts in time of war* respecting the 8-year 2008-2016 interregnum he perforce helped engineer, then used to supplant the 44th U.S. presidency on behalf of Obama, he also has some explaining to do about that. As for Obama, who thus paradoxically remains to this day a Kenyan alien who by virtue of perjury and false pretenses involving the use of counterfeit personal identity documentation, in the absence of a full presidential pardon, will never become eligible for American citizenship.

    *Anyone wishing to own a verbatim Arabic-to-English translated copy of Islam’s 22 May 1991 declaration of war on Western civilization, the original of which was seized in accordance with a federal search warrant from a subterranean basement in Annandale, Virginia USA by special Agents of the FBI in 2004, can simply connect with: http://www.securefreedom.org to then request (for a nominal handling & postage fee): GOVERNMENT EXHIBIT 003-0085 3:04-CR-240-G U.S. v. HLF, et al.

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