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Muslim Brotherhood Waging War – Then & Now

The Muslim American Society (MAS) is identified by the U.S. government as “founded as the overt arm of the Muslim Brotherhood in America.” (US v Sabri Benkahla, 4th Circuit Court of Appeals, No 07-4778) The Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) is identified in the Muslim Brotherhood’s strategic plan as a part of their Movement […]

UTT Throwback Thursday: U.S. Businesses Submit to Islam

When jihadis complain, they do it to elicit a response, specifically, the submission to Islam/sharia. Mattel has now joined other businesses submitting to Islam by producing a sharia-adherent muslim Barbie doll. Mattel stated:  “We are so excited to honor Ibtihaj Muhammad with a one-of-a-kind Barbie doll…Ibtihaj continues to inspire women and girls everywhere to break […]

Motive for Killing Americans Still Clear – Islam/Sharia

The man who killed 8 people and wounded approximately 12 in New York City 2 days ago is a muslim.  He is a jihadi who yelled “Allah u akbar” – a requirement under sharia. From all of the muslims (Iranians) who stormed the U.S. Embassy in Tehran in 1979 to the 1983 bombing of the […]

Jihadis All Want One Thing – Sharia Imposed on the World

Unanimously, all of the violent jihadi groups (Al Qaeda, the Islamic State, Boko Haram, Abu Sayef, Al Shabaab, Hamas, Hizbollah…), the suit-wearing jihadis of the Muslim Brotherhood, and the 57 Islamic members of the OIC (Organisation of Islamic Cooperation) – the heads of state of all 56 Islamic nations plus the Palestinian territories – clearly […]

Illogically Choosing Friends & Allies in This War

If the Bonnano crime family (mafia) initiated a turf war against the Gambino family in New York, does that mean the Gambino crime family is a friend to the New York Police Department? If the Islamic State publicly condemns the Muslim Brotherhood, does that mean the Muslim Brotherhood is a “friend” of the United States? […]

UTT Throwback Thursday: President Should Drop Pakistan as Ally

It is being reported that President Trump is considering dropping Pakistan as a U.S. “ally” due to their obvious support for “terrorism.” It’s about time. Pakistanis showing support for Al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden The Quranic Concept of War – written in 1989 by a Brigadier General SK Malik of the Pakistani army with the […]

On This September 11th UTT Calls on American Leaders to Do Their Duty

It has been 16 years since 19 jihadis from Saudi Arabia flew airplanes into the Twin Towers in New York, the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia, and tried to reach the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C. but failed because of the heroic efforts of American citizens. Since that day, America has fought and lost two wars […]

UTT Throwback Thursday: US Government’s Failure to Address Domestic Threat

Summary The attacks of 9/11 were conducted against the U.S. homeland with support from the Islamic Movement inside the United States.  The U.S. government’s response to fight on battlefields overseas, while leaders of the U.S. Islamic Movement exclusively provided “advice” to our leaders, led to strategic defeats in Afghanistan and Iraq despite the fact the […]

UTT SPECIAL REPORT: Terrorist from Terrorist Mosque Speaks in Delray Beach FL Tonight

Tonight (8/17/2017) at the South County Civic Center in Delray Beach, Florida, Muslim Brother (Jihadi) Bassem Alhalabi will speak on “Human Rights” in Islam. The contrast would be comical if it were not so dangerous and the public were better informed. [Author’s note:  the leadership of the Islamic world at the Head of State level […]