JG Blog

John Guandolo


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Suicidal LGBTQ Community Thinks Muslims Teach Tolerance

by John D. Guandolo “[Non-muslims] are the worst of all creatures.” KORAN 98:6 Islam’s prophet Mohammad said: “Kill the one who sodomizes and the one who lets it be done to him,” and “Lesbianism by women is adultery between them.” In Islam, the punishment for adultery is death by stoning. In places on the earth […]

Al Qaeda’s Saudi Military Officer Reminds Us of How Broken U.S. NatSec Is

by John D. Guandolo Yesterday (May 18, 2020), U.S. Attorney General Barr announced Mohammed Saeed Alshamrani, the Saudi military officer who killed three (3) naval personnel and injured eight (8) others during an attack at Naval Air Station (NAS) Pensacola (FL) on December 6, 2019, was an Al Qaeda operative. Definitive information was pulled off […]

Troops in Syria…Yes or No?

Two days ago the U.S. Senate voted to oppose U.S. military withdrawals from Syria in direct opposition to President Trump’s desire to bring American military forces home. Which position makes more sense and which is better for America’s national security? Understanding the Threat (UTT) asserts it does not matter. President Trump recently tweeted: “Now ISIS […]

UTT Answers the Critics

Many jihadi and Marxist organizations frequently publish overtly defamatory and false comments about Understanding the Threat (UTT) and its President John Guandolo. UTT would like to inject some truth into this situation. The following is a list of the common attacks UTT endures, followed by UTT’s responses: “Guandolo has made a career out of…promoting ludicrous Islamophobic conspiracy theories.” […]

Jihad is Warfare Against Non-Muslims

“This religion [Islam] will destroy all other religions through Islamic jihad fighters.”  Jordanian/Palestinian school book (1998) “The word jihad is most often associated with the act of physically confronting evil and wrong-doing…if anyone dies in a Jihad they automatically go to Paradise.  The duty of muslim citizens is to be loyal to the Islamic State.” […]

UTT Throwback Thursday: No Wider Plot?

If a Special Forces soldier was captured in a foreign land with which America was at war, would our enemy consider him a “lone wolf” disconnected from any “wider plot” or larger army? On March 11, 2004, 10 bombs were detonated on four trains by Islamic jihadis in Madrid, Spain killing 191 people and injuring […]

UTT: Real Truth About Real Threats

Last week’s UTT article entitled “Unfit for Duty” makes the point that two of the men professionally responsible to the President of the United States for speaking truthfully about national security threats – LtGen HR McMaster and Sebastian Gorka – are not doing so, specifically as it relates to the Islamic threat. In response to the […]