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John Guandolo


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Daily Reality, Islamic Doctrine & 1400 Years of History Tell Us There is ONE Version of Islam

Headlines from around the world demonstrate Islamic leaders and sharia-adherent muslims want to live under sharia, want everyone else to live under sharia, believe those who leave Islam must be killed, believe raping non-muslims is lawful, believe warfare against non-muslims is mandatory until the world is under Islamic rule, believe mosques are centers of the Islamic government where sharia is adjudicated and weapons are stored, and believe Islam must dominate, subjugate, and eradicate.

Here are a few stories from around the world in the LAST 3 days:

  • Grandson of 1972 Munich Massacre architect (terrorist) who is running for U.S. Congress in California called a “Security Risk”
  • Man who applied for refugee status in Poland numerous times expelled for ties to terrorist organizations
  • Canada Revenue Agency fines Islamic Society of North America over concerns it aided armed jihadis
  • Sharia Law, Islamic Jihadis Rule Greece’s Notorious Migrant Camp
  • Jihadi on trial in Australia says muslims must wage jihad, martyrdom is the goal, and sharia is the law
  • French police raid a Shi’ite Muslim mosque and arrest three of its leaders for illegal weapons possession
  • France accuses Iranian Intelligence of working inside France to support jihadi attacks
  • 3 muslims from the West Bank indicted for plotting terrorism (jihad) against Israel
  • Brandeis University in Massachusetts to fund projects countering “Islamophobia”
  • Muslims slaughter 17 Christians in Nigeria
  • Muslims in Greek Refugee Camp openly state “If you are not Muslim I can rape you”
  • Spanish Police take down jihadi recruiting operation in 17 prisons
  • 70 muslims in rape gang in Telford, England raped a 13 year old girl 6 years ago – only one was recently convicted
  • Islamic scholar says Female Genital Mutilation is recommended for muslim girls/females
  • Several muslim “refugees” caught/arrested at the Oktoberfest in Munich for sexually assaulting women
  • 13 dead, over 30 injured in martyrdom operation (bombing) by muslim in Afghanistan

Strange how so many muslims are getting their “version” of Islam “wrong” in the exact same way.  Maybe they aren’t getting it wrong.

Just like the most prominent Islamic scholars from Al Azhar who believe in the same “version” of Islam as Al Qaeda and the Islamic State scholars.

Strange how Abdullah Azzam, who created Al Qaeda with Osama bin Laden, and Al Qaeda’s Blind Sheikh (Omar Abdel Rahman) believed in the same “version” of Islam too.  Yet, they were revered Islamic scholars.

Strange how today we can find the books and DVD’s of Al Qaeda leader Anwar al Awlaqi in nearly every mosque book store in America teaching the same “version” of Islam, yet the United States killed him in a drone strike in 2011.


There is 1 Islam and 1 sharia

The following is lawful under sharia:

  • Killing those who leave Islam
  • Killing those who commit adultery
  • Killing homosexuals
  • Waging war against/Killing non-muslims who do not convert or submit to sharia
  • Lying to non-muslims
  • Raping women who do not cover themselves
  • Female Genital Mutilation
  • A 60 year old man marrying a 7 year old girl
  • Parents killing their children or grand-children

Creating a domestic counter-terrorism strategy in the United States, a military war-plan to be victorious over the Islamic threat, and a foreign policy to support that war-plan, must begin with knowing and understanding that Islam is at war with the United States and, therefore, we are at war.

Islam is the threat.  Sharia is the doctrine.

The first war America fought after the American Revolution was against muslims from the Islamic States (Barbary States) waging war against the United States by seizing U.S. ships and capturing our citizens.

President Thomas Jefferson went to war against the Islamic States because he understood they were the enemy of liberty and an enemy of the United States.  Twenty years earlier he and John Adams heard it from the Ambassador to Britain from Tripoli who told them muslims had the right to wage war against non-muslims because the Koran says so.

When the United States decides to read the enemy’s war doctrine (sharia), commit to a plan for victory based on a professional analysis of the enemy’s doctrine (sharia), and stop taking advice from muslims, we will win this war.

One Response

  1. If that doesn’t scare people, IT SHOULD.

    I understand that Islam gets a pass because it is considered a religion. But isn’t it time the US reclassifies Islam as an enemy? They are obligated to overthrow any form of government that is non muslim. Surely that makes them an enemy. Islam is not JUST a religion, it is an entire complex of religion, law, culture, AND government.

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