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John Guandolo


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Should DHS Secretary Mayorkas Be Prosecuted or Fired?

by John D. Guandolo

DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas

When objectively assessing his actions and policies, one has to wonder if Alejandro Mayorkas, the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), is an agent for a hostile foreign power/entity, or just criminally negligent.

Since taking office, Secretary Mayorkas has made clear he puts America and the safety of American citizens, the Rule of Law, and the obedience to law at the bottom of his list of priorities, which is not what one might expect from a Cuban-born man whose parents fled Castro’s Cuba as refugees and brought him to the United States as a child.

When Secretary Mayorkas says his “highest priority” is to reunite foreign families illegally crossing into America and works to support these criminals instead of fulfilling the requirements of his office, he is in violation of his oath and U.S. law.

To be clear, leaders in positions of authority who take an Oath of Office have a legal duty to know their official duties and know or conduct due diligence to know “all enemies foreign and domestic.”

Leaders do not get to say “I didn’t know.”

For a man like Alejandro Mayorkas to NOT KNOW or understand things he is required to by his Oath and professional standards – like the application of federal law which directly applies to his lawful duties – that equates to “Unprofessional conduct.”

The standard is not whether children are separated from their parents because of the parent’s criminal behavior.

When people die as a result of unprofessional conduct – like American citizens killed in the U.S. by communists and jihadis – that is legally called “criminal negligence” and we put doctors and lawyers in jail for it.

When a police officer arrests someone for driving while drunk and there are children in the vehicle, those children are separated from their family because the parent committed a crime.

In domestic abuse cases, often times one or both parents are separated from their children because a crime was committed by one or both of the parents.

When people illegally cross any U.S. border, the expectation should be they will be arrested and processed per the law. Those who unthoughtfully drag their children through this process are to blame for any separation of the children, not the government which defends its border.

Again, when Secretary Mayorkas says his “highest priority” is to reunite foreign families illegally crossing into America, he is in violation of his oath and U.S. law.

If people are in distress and want a safe haven, America is here as a beacon for the world. We have laws and a process for people to legally enter the United States, but a nation which does not defend its borders will not survive.

Those people in positions of authority, like DHS Secretary Mayorkas, should uphold their oaths and enforce the law or be prosecuted, or at least fired, for violating both.

18 Responses

  1. Coulda, woulda, shoulda. It’s not happening. It’s not going to happen. Mayorkis is one in a long line of Deep Staters on both side of the aisle who abandoned the country long, long ago. There are only 2 kinds of people directing this ship–one is the self-serving, opportunistic, unAmerican scavenger who takes everything for himself and leaves nothing behind; and the other is the ideological jihadi-like extremist who will self-sacrifice for the cause. No one gets into this exclusive captain’s club without a thorough vetting and each has to bring something to the table to advance the agenda. The destruction of the Constitution and Christianity has been long in the works and, although there will be noble and notable characters who will rise to the top in this struggle of Good vs Evil, we are past the point of no return. It doesn’t mean we should retreat, but I have to be realistic, same as I have to be in my job in emergency services. There’s not always a happy ending. I flinch at my own negativity while writing this–for I am not a negative person by nature–but I’ve mulled America’s predicament over in my head for more hours than I can count and I can’t find a solution where we don’t crash and burn. I’ve come to accept that the death of nations is as inevitable as the death of mortal beings. As Forest Gump’s mother aptly said “Dying is just a part of living”. It’s the way of the world for people and for nations.

  2. Why the hell were these people put in the first place is the question. It’s like Vindman and Aquino becoming Lt. Cols., the guy’s relative was a Soviet officer and the other guy was a satanic pedophile in Hollywood but nobody seemed to care.

  3. It appears that the signals with the message, that the American borders can now be breached, has allowed several very unstable countries to recieve money to arrange transportation, organize a mass entry for a direct attempt of a coupe, or an easy land grab for power and I would guess they have worked also from within our country with ballot supplies that did more damaged than any Capital appearance of Trump supporters letting their voices being heardwith a constructed group to infiltrate and cause disruption with bad actors who acted violently or destructively, directed by an internal enemy to finally stop President Trump from leading another 4 years. The real insurrection starts with the promise of free entry and the final attack after the 3rd Pelo “no win’ impeachment conclusion….just to secure the election outcome would take place after denying any security would be needed. But that is nothing new…..it first starts with mail in ballots with extended times frames, see nothing misinformation and deception of “9/11 comparison insurrection lie’. which was disgustingly disrespectful. But the money is pouring out to press, tech and the left to present no pictures, block numbers and conditions of border crossers to deny the actual insurgency. I don’t have much faith the people in charge of DHS will change course or acknowledge this national security threat…..they can’t acknowledge or correct that which they created, it was done for pure power and money enough to write the U.S. out of the Constitution ….very clever and dangerous along with the driven illusion of woke ignorance.


    The U.S. Enemy Terrorist Biden & The Corrupt DOJ Gave Them a Slap On The Wrist, Because Honeywell “Self-Reported”

    By Jim Hoft
    Published May 6, 2021

    “Honeywell was fined $13 million for sharing technical drawings with China. These drawings include the F-35, F-22, and the B-1 bomber among others. But the Biden administration let them off lightly because Honeywell self-reported.

    Hunter Biden is reportedly under investigation over his corrupt business dealings with China where he was given a billion-dollar infusion from the Chinese Communist Party.”

    Continued Here: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/05/honeywell-leaks-technical-details-f-35-lightning-ii-f-22-raptor-b-1-bomber-china-joe-biden-gives-slap-list/

    1. Biden and son do seem dubious in their dealing with foreign bad actors such as China, Iran or any totalitarian country of cash benefits., thereby acting in national security areas with little concern. At the same time our universities were graduating many “eudcated jihadist” with business/ economic degrees and connectons so they had accommodation to take over companies, hiring if not bringing in may foreign workers from China, the Middle East some may land jobs in companies that turn out national security products diversity. operation at work,..for parts for planes or weapons. Covid hits the U.S. and who leads the narratives and crazy train?? American patriots became the new enemy to this new leftist CVE takeover? Chaos ignored by the left, and on and on it goes. With the weakness of this radical administration Islam jihad spills out by hamas, Iranian boats full of weapons, and still some say it is not completely understood for the attacks on Israel last day of Ramadan? It is the nature of the scorpion to attack and the nature of jihad when conditions appear to have lost their collective minds to protect the U.S. that has been working towards that end for many year.


    By Richard Abelson
    Published May 6, 2021

    “Marine Le Pen, leader of the French conservative opposition party Rassemblement National, has come out in support of the 20 French generals who signed an open letter warning of “civil war” in France. Le Pen is currently polling in first place in France for presidential elections to be held in 2022. This week, Le Pen was also acquitted of charges of “hate speech” for exposing radical Islamist propaganda on Twitter.”

    Continued Here: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/05/marine-le-pen-french-generals-join-battle-france/

    His $3 TRILLION in Tax Hikes “Doesn’t Cost Anybody Anything” (VIDEO)
    [But Will Bankrupt & Close U.S. Businesses]

    By Cristina Laila
    Published May 6, 2021

    “REALITY CHECK: His American Bankruptcy Plan would hike taxes by $3 trillion, which would kill hundreds of thousands of jobs, shrink the economy, and reduce hours for workers.” GOP rapid response director Tommy Pigott said.

    Since we don’t have a real media, Biden will be able to get away with his non-stop lying.”

    Continue Reading: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/05/joe-biden-mumbles-infrastructure-bill-falsely-claims-3-trillion-tax-hikes-doesnt-cost-anybody-anything-video/

    By Jim Hoft
    Published May 4, 2021


  7. EVIDENCE OF TREASON By The Terrorist Usurper Biden & His Lawless Criminal Terrorist Administration Selling America Out To U.S. Enemies & Of More Warfare & Daily High Crimes & Treasons Being Committed On The U.S. People By Foreign & Domestic Terrorists Who Work Inside & Outside of The U.S. Government


    Degan McDowell Goes Off After Joe Biden Blows Off & CRIMINALLY Ignores U.S. Laws & Destroys Intellectual Property Rights On Medical Vaccines (VIDEO)

    By Jim Hoft
    Published May 6, 2021

    “The Biden administration announced on Wednesday they were [ignoring and refusing to obey U.S. laws and the U.S. Constitution in their usurpation coup and terrorist war on the USA to try to overthrow the U.S. gov’t and the U.S. People and are] suspending intellectual property rights and giving patent information on the COVID vaccines to China and the world.

    The administration believes giving the research away for free will help end the China Virus pandemic.

    On Thursday morning Degan McDowell and Newt Gingrich weighed in on this assault on property rights. Newt mentioned how this was a gift to the Chinese communists who will not be forced to steal this property and who will outproduce the US in manufacturing the vaccines.

    Degan McDowell went a step further, saying, “It’s Communism!… It rips up what we are as Americans!”

    Obviously, Democrats and Joe Biden have no problem giving U.S. intellectual research away to our adversaries. Biden gave Honeywell a slap on the wrist for giving our military plane technology to the ChiComs. Now Joe Biden is handing over the China Virus vaccines.”

    Continued Here: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/05/communism-rips-americans-degan-mcdowell-goes-off-joe-biden-blows-off-intellectual-property-rights-medical-vaccines-video/

    His $3 TRILLION in Tax Hikes “Doesn’t Cost Anybody Anything” (VIDEO),
    [But Will Bankrupt & Close U.S. Businesses]

    By Cristina Laila
    Published May 6, 2021

    “REALITY CHECK: His American Bankruptcy Plan would hike taxes by $3 trillion, which would kill hundreds of thousands of jobs, shrink the economy, and reduce hours for workers.” GOP rapid response director Tommy Pigott said.

    Since we don’t have a real media, Biden will be able to get away with his non-stop lying.”

    Continue Reading: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/05/joe-biden-mumbles-infrastructure-bill-falsely-claims-3-trillion-tax-hikes-doesnt-cost-anybody-anything-video/

    1. I believe it was an Iranian ship, I wonder if this “weapons loaded ship” was headed for a delivery to Hamas……yes I viewed the report in the news, next day it seemed missiles were flooding in sky in Israel. At least this ship’s package did not arrive, I hope anyway. Debra I understand your despair, but it is the helpless feelings I have heard expressed by many people it is the problems of the deep state aggressive movements of diversity as a goal and denial of the nature of deception held that smiling faces who swear on being peaceful people that has allowed this insidious development and it plays out in Europe and spread thru the world. Suppression of truth with penalties worked it’s way all the way to the top of national security so as to not disrupt the hijra or open borders invasion after the tech, hollywood crowd glamorized and used deceptive information as the welcome matt. Actually doctrine knowledge should clear the minds of the fools, it is still the disinfectant as long as it is accurate the nature of the enemy expert amazingly successful deception by words of omission….on a deadly mission that few were able to listen to or even wanted to know so that mental illness would work instead of trained goals attacks. in my opinion.

  9. From: Telegram

    ⚡ 🇺🇸 Sidney Powell 🇺🇸 🗽, [11.05.21 21:50]
    [Forwarded from One America News Network]

    May 11, 2021

    Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

    “When I was in office we were known as the Peace Presidency, because Israel’s adversaries knew that the United States stood strongly with Israel and there would be swift retribution if Israel was attacked. Under Biden, the world is getting more violent and more unstable because Biden’s weakness and lack of support for Israel is leading to new attacks on our allies. America must always stand with Israel and make clear that the Palestinians must end the violence, terror, and rocket attacks, and make clear that the U.S. will always strongly support Israel’s right to defend itself. Unbelievably, Democrats also continue to stand by crazed anti-American Rep. Ilhan Omar, and others, who savagely attack Israel while they are under terrorist assault.”


    Reports Explain Trump Derangement Syndrome-Inspired Agenda

    By Bob Unruh
    May 13, 2021

    “House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, for example, once openly channeled the idea of arresting all of President Trump’s administration.

    “Well, let me just say that we, do have a jail down in the basement of the Capitol,” she claimed at the time. “But if we were arresting all of the people in the administration we would have overcrowded jail situation, and I’m not for that.”

    Commented the report, ‘The rule of law is dead, and Democrats have killed it. American patriots will have tough decisions in the years to come with regards to what needs to be done to defend freedom in these dire times.'”

    Continued Here: https://www.wnd.com/2021/05/democrats-set-sights-arresting-charging-extraditing-president-trump/

  10. Nancy is a curious actor. Her targeting of Trump on all 3 failed impeachments of a President Trump appeared to me to be vicious and unstable as she swore in her best actors to aid the process earlier and do the dirty work to remove our freedoms speech and destroy our history. Such a peach.

    Fuzzy sweet peaches have hard pits. Good for the fruit but the pit is not for consumption.

  11. If we must wait for 2024 to re-elect Trump–it will be too late. I wonder if Mayorkis is even a Citizen of anyplace other than Cuba. Ilhan Omar is another and it seems there will be extreme difficulty learning if she is even a citizen also. I just shake my head and wonder at what will happen once the 10 or 20 million illegals who have no history as they find piles of I.D. all thrown into the Rio Grande as they cross illegally into the Home Land. Just for that alone both Biden and Mayorkis should be tried and imprisoned. With all of these Multi trillion give aways– and the millions of illegals who will have to be supported cradle to grave as they are not educated or trained to do anything but reproduce and take from U.S. Citizens. The SALT Tax is still in place and all of us will soon exceed over 10 thousand bucks per year on our homes for school taxes for all of these foreign children. It is we The People who will pay dearly and will be robbed, raped and stolen from .. I still think I am in the midst of a night mare..

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