On Tuesday afternoon, February 11th, the Center for Security Policy delivered copies of an affidavit-style document signed by senior U.S. National Security officials, including John Guandolo, to the leadership of the American Conservative Union (ACU) and
former Republican State Legislator and ACU Board Member Cleta Mitchell of Oklahoma which unequivocally disproves her claims that “no evidence” exists tying Republican strategist and Tax Reform leader Grover Norquist and “conservative republican” muslim Suhail Khan to jihadi/terrorist/”extremist” organizations and individuals.
The Statement of Facts detailed in this document specifically demonstrates both men are involved in directly supporting leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, and Al Qaeda in America.
Specifically, Suhail Khan – who was serving in the White House on 9/11, and who worked directly for two Secretaries of Transportation among other assignments – is the son of one of the founders of the Muslim Brotherhood in America – Mahboob Khan. Mahboob Khan founded the largest Muslim Brotherhood organization in North America – the Islamic Society of North
America (ISNA) – as well as the Hamas organization, Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR). Khan’s mother works for Hamas (CAIR) in California, Suhail Khan openly supports jihadis, and has praised and pronounced his respect for, and friendship with, convicted Al Qaeda financier Abdurahman Alamoudi, as well as the efforts of his parents.
Grover Norquist, one of the key men who led the 1994 “Republican Revolution” in the U.S. Congress and is a “leader” in the
conservative movement, is the registered agent for the Islamic Free Market Institute in Washington, DC, which was created with $20,000 provided directly by Al Qaeda operative Alamoudi from Alamoudi’s personal bank account and led by jihadi Khaled Saffuri.
It was Norquist who helped get jihadis (or “terrorists” if you prefer) Sami al Arian, Abdurahman Alamoudi, Nihad Awad,
and others into the Bush White House.
Norquist and Khan work very close together, and Norquist openly defends Khan.
The document is entitled “The Islamist’ – and their Enablers’ – Assault on the Right: The Case Against Grover Norquist and Suhail Khan” and is signed by Judge Michael Mukasey (81st Attorney General of the United States), R. James Woolsey (former Director
Central Intelligence), the Honorable Allen West (former U.S. Congressman), Admiral James Lyons (retired Commander in Chief, U.S. Pacific Command), Lieutenant General William “Jerry” Boykin (former Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence), the Honorable Joseph Schmitz (former Inspector General for the Department of Defense), Andrew C. McCarthy (Chief
Counterterrorism Prosecutor/Assistant U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of NY), the Honorable Henry Cooper (Ambassador for Defense and Space Talks & Director of the Strategic Defense Initiative), Clare Lopez (career CIA Case Officer and Station Chief), and John Guandolo (former FBI Special Agent and Founder of UnderstandingtheThreat.com).
It is imperative for Americans to understand the Islamic Movement seeks to undermine the Constitutional government of the United States by “Civilization Jihad” (the Muslim Brotherhood’s term for this war). This includes Political Warfare and Influence Operations which target all sectors of our society – including conservatives. From a Counterintelligence standpoint, it is not difficult to assertain why the Islamic Movement in America targeted Grover Norquist for recruitment into their cause. His influence in the conservative movement has been significant for decades. His running mates include Karl Rove and Jack Abramoff. Norquist married a Palestinian Muslim in 2004 who worked at the Islamic Free Market Institute – the organization Norquist created with money from Al Qaeda operative Abdurahman Alamoudi.
With these facts on the table, a serious look at this from a Counterintelligence and Espionage perspective is warranted from a National Security position.

John Guandolo has years of unique experience helping local, state, and federal leaders identify and deal with real threats. Primarily, he trains citizens, local leaders, and police how to fortify their counties.