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John Guandolo


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Marine Battalion Commander Jailed

by John D. Guandolo

Marine Lieutenant Colonel Stuart Scheller, the former Commander of School of Infantry East, Advanced Infantry Training Battalion has been thrown in the brig.

The U.S. Marine Corps and Scheller’s family confirm his incarceration.

Pending charges under the Uniformed Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) include:  Article 88: Contempt toward officials, Article 90: Willfully disobeying a superior commissioned officer, Article 92: Failure to obey an order, and Article 133: Conduct unbecoming.

Scheller’s public comments about the lack of accountability of U.S. military general officers have been clear and consistent.

You can see his latest comments here.

Scheller himself continues to acknowledge his conduct could land him in trouble with the Marine Corps, and it has.

So why would a successful officer in the United States Marine Corps put himself, his family, his career, his reputation, and everything else at risk?

According to Scheller, it is because he believes the corruption inside our military is so grave, that our general officers are failing to do their duty, uphold their Oaths of Office, and be accountable to the very people they are sworn to protect.

As this article is written, U.S. Representative Madison Cawthorn (NC) spoke on the floor of the House of Representatives calling for Scheller’s release.

America has seen a number of military leaders over the last 10 years who are criminally negligent, like CENTCOM Commander Kenneth McKenzie Jr (USMC), and those who directly confront the President of the United States, like Admiral William McRaven (USN, retired).

We have also witnessed senior military leaders like the current Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley (USA), and Admiral Stanley McChrystal (USN, retired) take actions many believe are treasonous.

Yet, a Lieutenant Colonel who points out the hypocricy sits in jail.

The Patriots at the U.S. Capitol on January 6th, called “insurrectionists” and “revolutionaries” by U.S. generals and admirals, still languish in jail while no evidence exists they were involved in a “conspiracy to overthrow the government.” Like them, Stuart Scheller is meeting the fate of many in history who are the first to be taken down before many more follow.

While Americans go about daily lives, America’s elites are bringing the entire thing down.

Military generals and admirals are leading the charge.

As the late great Angelo Codevilla stated, “It is time for the American people to realize that these (senior military officers), like their counterparts in the intelligence agencies, are no heroes.”

16 Responses

  1. Lt. Col. Scheller Incarcerated and Sent to the Brig for Speaking Out against Weak US Generals for Surrendering Afghanistan, Stranding Americans and Arming Taliban Terrorists

    By Jim Hoft
    Sept. 27, 2021

    “In late August, Marine Battalion Commander Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller took a blowtorch to the woke military leadership for their failures in Afghanistan that resulted in 13 U.S. servicemen dying.

    Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller, a 17-year veteran, risked his career and pension when he posted a scathing rebuke of the senior military leaders who failed US servicemen serving in Afghanistan.

    Joe Biden’s incompetence and corruption led to the death of 13 U.S. servicemen and 15 more were critically wounded in a blast by a suicide bomber in Kabul on Thursday.

    “I want to say this very strongly. I have been fighting for 17 years. I am willing to throw it all away to say to my senior leaders: I demand accountability,” said Scheller.”

    Continued Here: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/09/lt-col-scheller-incarcerated-sent-brig-speaking-loser-us-generals-surrendering-afghanistan-stranding-americans-arming-taliban-terrorists/

          1. Michael,
            Just what Are you intimating ? Who exactly are you demanding to vacate this site ? It helps despite your corrections to specifically fill out your intentions.

  2. Steve Bannon: Lt. Col Scheller Is in the Brig So He Won’t Speak Out During Gen. McKenzie’s Testimony before Senate (VIDEO)

    By Jim Hoft
    September 28, 2021

    “Following his public scolding, Lt. Scheller submitted his resignation letter to his superiors effective 9/11.

    On Monday Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller was arrested and sent to the brig.”

    Video: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/09/steve-bannon-lt-col-scheller-brig-wont-speak-gen-mckenzies-testimony-senate-video/

  3. FLASHBACK: Joe Biden Says “No One” Advised Him That His Afghanistan Withdrawal Plan Was Pure Lunacy (VIDEO)

    By Jim Hoft
    Sept. 28, 2021

    “On Tuesday Commander of U.S. Central Command Gen. Kenneth McKenzie and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Mark Milley on Tuesday testified before the Senate Armed Services Committee about Biden’s botched Afghanistan withdrawal.

    Both McKenzie and Milley confirmed, under oath, that they recommended against Joe Biden’s withdrawal timeline and warned of impending collapse of the Afghan government.

    Their statements contradict Joe Biden’s previous claims that no one told him at least 2,500 troops should stay in Afghanistan.”

    Continued: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/09/flashback-joe-biden-says-no-one-advised-afghanistan-withdrawal-plan-pure-lunacy-video/

  4. The man in the brig is a true patriot!! Willing to stand up to the lame generals who took their eye off the ball! Who could have followed President Trumps plan on evacuation but because of wholeness snd whit rage did not! They should be where the lt. is right now and he should have a medal!!!

  5. Sidney Powell On Dominion: “They Have The Patents To Watch The Election, To Alter Votes In Real Time.”

    Sidney Powell appeared on The Stew Peters Show with a Bombshell

    By James Samson
    September 28, 2021

    “Powell then warned of how she’s found evidence that in this country, the military has the power to actually control election outcomes. She said that her case “shows the corruption throughout the system, that for at least 20 years now, somebody other than the voters of the United States of America has been determining certain elections. And this year, if not prior years, it happened to be the presidency of the United States of America, in what is nothing other than a coup.”

    Not stopping there, Powell proceeded to say that she believes the Department of Defense knows exactly what they are doing, “because they patented a process for real-time monitoring of the election and doing exactly the same things back in 2005.”

    “And the government has an interest in a patent that allows for the predetermination of election results,” Powell continued.

    “Here in the United States, the military, the Department of Defense holds this particular patent that you’re going to be putting up at DefendingTheRepublic.org today?” an incredulous Peters asked.

    “Yes,” Powell replied emphatically, to which Peters said, “unbelievable.”

    In the end, Powell feels that this is why it’s been hard to get anyone to pay attention to this, as the powers […] in this country do not want any of this to get out.

    “It’s got to be the intelligence community, and mixed in with the defense community that are at least partly responsible for this, whether it’s the whole thing I don’t know,” she said. “But obviously a very key group of extremely powerful people in the country have been running this process for years, and dominion, people are smack in the middle of it.”

    Find out more about the latest in Powell’s legal battle by checking out her full interview with Peters here: https :// www. redvoicemedia. com/2021/ 09/sidney-powell -drops-bomb- military-can-determine-election-outcomes/

    Important Information!! Please Share This Important Information!! https://www.redvoicemedia.com/2021/09/sidney-powell-on-dominion-they-have-the-patents-to-watch-the-election-to-alter-votes-in-real-time/

  6. Governor DeSantis Sues The Biden/Harris Regime Over ‘Illegal’ Border Policy.

    The Urgently Dangerous & Lawless U.S. Enemy Serial Criminal Usurpers and Domestic Terrorists Biden/Harris & Their Illegal Terrorist Regime Are Aiding & Abetting The Terrorist Invasion of Millions of Dangerous Illegal Unvetted Criminals Into The U.S. and Are Directly Harming Floridians and All U.S. American People With ‘Catch-and-Release’

    September 28, 2021


  7. COVID-19 Detention Camps: Are Government Round-Ups of Resistors in Our Future?

    By John Whitehead, Esq.
    Sept. 28, 2021


    The Answer Is No, and No Only WHEN the U.S. American People Join UTT (www. UnderstandingTheThreat. com) To Learn How To Get Active To Legally Dismantle, Destroy, Crush & Stop The Hostile U.S. Enemies Who Are Working in the Local, State and Federal Levels To Destroy, Annihilate & Overthrow The U.S. Gov’t and The U.S. American People!

    Join: www. UnderstandingTheThreat. com
    www. ActForAmerica. org – STOP THE INVASION!
    www. FreedomWatchUSA. org – https: //www. freedomwatchusa. org/blog
    Church Militant Resistance! https: //www. cmresistance. com/

  8. Ingraham: America Was Betrayed By U.S. Military Leadership.

    Host Laura Ingraham asks why Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller was punished for fighting for freedom
    while our U.S. military traitorous & treasonous non-leaders won’t.


    Jeremy Meyers: “Someone better do something about getting this guy out of jail.
    President Trump would have never allowed this.”

    Tyrone Deas Brailsford: “This is outrageous and must be the tipping point for patriots!”


    The countenance of Marine Lieutenant Colonel Stuart Scheller not only reflects what most men in America would recognize as confidence and leadership, but is also a living composite of the face of every young Marine who over two generations ago hit the beaches on Guadalcanal, Peleliu, Iwo Jima and Okinawa to ensure that despots like the worm responsible for the ongoing outrage being inflicted on Lieutenant Colonel Scheller would face a drumhead courts martials for what in this latter day instance clearly appears to be a calculated political provisioning of aid and psychological comfort to the myriad of lethal enemies the United States now faces. See “treason in time of war”; Article III, section 3 of the U.S. Constitution.

    Furthermore, there’s never been more meaning in my lifetime in this magnificent land of God given freedom to the question of how each of us can help — sooner than later — said American hero whose shared much of his life in the uniform of a United States Marine. God Bless you Sir, you’ll never be alone as long there’s breath in my body.

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