JG Blog

John Guandolo


What's New?

Jihad in New York City – Again


A jihadi attacked New York City policemen Thursday with a hatchet, wounding  two officers in Jamaica, NY, one severely with a gash to the head.

According to sources, the offender was in direct contact with a Muslim Brotherhood leader who was discussing the jihad with him.  This jihadi, like all others, seems to be misunderstanding the commands of Islam by calling for the creation of a caliphate under Sharia Law.  Weird…this is the same objective of Islam as stated by Al Qaeda, ISIS, Hamas, Abu Sayyef, Boko Haram, Al Shabaab, the OIC, Al Azhar University, and all the Grand Muftis on the planet.

Maybe there is a connecting thread between all of this.

The FBI is still searching for a motive, but my guess is “Workplace Violence.”

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