by John D. Guandolo

Media reports and UTT’s own sources in the Trump administration reveal Establishment Republicans are working diligently to keep President Trump from relying on his instincts and instead listen to the counsel of the very people Americans elected him to toss out on the street.
In a worst-case-scenario, Establishment Republicans have pushed Karl Rove back into the White House to “help” President Trump get re-elected.
This is the same Karl Rove who thought it was wise to bring terrorists Sami al-Arian (Palestinian Islamic Jihad), Nihad Awad (Hamas), and Abdurahman Alalmoudi (Al Qaeda) into the George W. Bush camp to “help him get the muslim vote.”
Then there is Jared Kushner, the “Senior Advisor to the President” who has no experience in national security matters, is a politically left-wing ideologue, and whose weakness in a time of war is dangerous for our nation since he has the ear of the President and controls more of the White House operations than anyone else.
At a time when China is waging war against the United States, America has a majority leader in the U.S. Senate who is – at a minimum – the husband of Chinese agent, if not one himself. Mitch McConnell is currently pushing millions of dollars towards establishment republican candidates for U.S. Senate against true Patriots who understand the communist and jihadi threats facing America today.
Case in point: Kris Kobach served as the Secretary of State for Kansas from 2011-2019. He is now running for U.S. Senate. A Mitch McConnell PAC is spending millions to keep Kobach out of the senate. Why? Because Kobach is not an establishment republican. Kobach speaks truth about national security issues, voter fraud, and the real actions needed to clean up the swamp that is the U.S. Senate – something Mitch McConnell has no interest in doing.
Which leads us back to President Trump. Mr. Trump was elected to dry up the swamp in Washington, D.C. and Americans want to hear his straight talk and powerful ideas. Americans do not want a filtered version of Donald Trump.
But the Establishment want to “reign him in.” So they brought in Karl Rove.
Understanding the Threat encourages President Trump to continue listening to his instincts and working diligently to bring down the Establishment Republicans, the most dangerous threat to our Republic because their inaction and their actions which directly support our enemies are a large part of how the communists (Antifa, Black Lives Matter, democrats) and jihadis have advanced so far in this war.

John Guandolo has years of unique experience helping local, state, and federal leaders identify and deal with real threats. Primarily, he trains citizens, local leaders, and police how to fortify their counties.
3 Responses
Good post.
I consider the rhino Republicans anti-American, vote them out America. McConnell is a GOP globalist, much like former Paul Ryan, Speaker of the House…a real backstabber, gutless betrayer.
It was former college chums Karl Rove, Jack Abramoff and Grover Norquist who decided that since the Democrat party had been historically funded by American Jews, the Republican party might thus garner funding from Muslims, one of whom turned out to be the Saudi Arabian ambassador to the United States who according to Roger Stone’s & St. John Hunt’s 2016 current affairs book “The Bush Crime Family” was not only familiarly known as “Bandar Bush” among members of the Bush family, but in the aftermath of Islam’s declaration of war* on Western civilization, he asserted on CNN, that by co-ordinating with the FBI “we got them all out”, “them” being the more than140 Saudis who were spirited out of the country without being either interrorgated by the FBI or required to provide an official list comprised of their identity data, notwithstanding that the issue involved were the 9/11 attacks, which every adult among said FBI abetted absconders was obviously aware. See ISBN-10:5107-2140-1.
AS for Senator Beau Brummel (R-UT) who recently joined forces with Black Lives Matter, a subvservient-subsidiary of CAIR, he too should be denied close proximity to the president and first family by virtue of a poster of him walking among said arson driven lunatics with a mask and macabre death look in his eyes, which may turn out to be a poitical swan song which thus ends his and Nicky Haleys fruitless White House aspirations. What the Senate actually needs is a transparent fighter; i.e., elevate Tom Cotton (R-AR) to leader.
And since the Muslim/Marxist strategy to win the 2020 White House race is to create the necessity for the Supreme Court to gift Islam yet again with a 3rd ingenious rendition of the “hanging-chad” scam, which little did we know at the time would both green-light the 9/11 attacks and provide the marginal moron with an excuse to announce to the world three days later, that in spite of the fact sharia-adherent killers had murdered 2777 mainly American citizens, “Islam is a religion of peace”.
One of the ways forward may be to assign a pair of military been-there-done-that battle tacticians, to use a detailed Wikipedia page reflecting e.g. The Battle of the Bulge which details the movement of people who know how to fight and maintain safe unhindered access for others to and from contextually irreplacable voting sites. The opposition is gearing up to an extent which will make Minneapolis, Seattle, Atlanta.. Chicago, Washington D.C. and New York et al seem like a walk in the park in order to steal the eelection. At stake is the literal future of the country. And in view of the total lack of political will to combat the problem, time is of the essence.
*Anyone interested in owning a personal Arabic-to-English translated verbatim copy of Islam’s 22 May 1991 declaration of war on Western civilization which was seized in accordance with a federal search warrant from a subterranean basement in Annandale, Virginia USA by special agents of the FBI, in 2004, may do so by connectiing with to request for a nominal handling & postage fee GOVERNMENT EXHIBIT 003-0085 3:04-CR-240-G U.S. v. HLF,, et al.