Targeting “Violent Extremism” Means Targeting Nothing – Targeting Nothing Means Losing the War
Written by John D. Guandolo Last week Understanding the Threat (UTT) published an article detailing the FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) STRIVE training program at the Carrollton (Texas) Police Department (Feb 11-12) focused on eliminating “violent extremism.” UTT has learned the FEMA representative at the training was asked at the end of the program why […]
If Muslims Are Honest About Jihad, They Think They’re Winning
After 9/11/01, Americans were told Islam does not “stand for violence” and that Islam “rejects” violence, despite the fact the 19 hijackers were all muslims stating they killed nearly 3,000 Americans because it is a command from Allah. Then we heard the “concept of jihad” was a part of Islam, but it is a […]
Hamas’ Devastating Penetration of World Vision and UN a Lesson for Soft-Minded Christians
Naive and soft-minded Christians should open their eyes and ears and hear this: The “Palestinian Cause” you cry over and support has always been about supporting Hamas – a designated terrorist organization. You are too ignorant and too willingly blind to know it. Israeli security officials revealed, and CBN News has reported, […]