JG Blog


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Liars and Lunatics

In the wake of the jihadi attacks last week in France, Kuwait, and Tunisia, the reality of the Islamic threat is as clear as it could possibly be, yet our enemies continue to use the same tactics and the leadership in the West regurgitates the obvious lies fed to them.  Western leaders continue to delude […]

Give Somalis in Minnesota What They Want – The Exit Door

Film-maker Ami Horowitz produced a 4-minute film that is gold, and gives us all a clear understanding of what we are up against in the Muslim community. Horowitz walks around Minneapolis, Minnesota and asks simple questions of Muslims about America, Sharia, and Somalia.  The Muslims speak their minds freely. They say that those who insult […]

Tony Blair – Still Clueless About Islam

Perhaps the fact that Tony Blair’s sister-in-law converted to Islam keeps him in a state of mental confusion and unable to digest and understand the factual and doctrinal truth about the nature of Islam. In his keynote speech at Bloomberg Headquarters in London on Wednesday, the former British Prime Minister reaffirmed his consistent theme about […]

Because We Are at War

[gmedia id=24] The civilian and military leadership in America, and much of the West, is strikingly blind to and grossly ignorant of the swiftly growing threat we face from the Global Islamic Movement. Yet those inside government agencies, members of the military, and American citizens who have taken the time to get educated on this […]

Hamas Front “CAIR” Threatens US Citizens

The following statement is a direct quote from a prosecutorial memo filed in U.S. Federal Court, Northern District of Texas, in US v Holy Land Foundation—the largest terrorism financing and Hamas trial ever successfully prosecuted in American history: “The U.S. Muslim Brotherhood created the U.S. Palestine Committee, which documents reflect was initially comprised of three […]