JG Blog


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The Enemy Strategy Depends on Establishment Republicans

by John D. Guandolo Americans paying attention to the building momentum from enemy forces – nations, groups, or persons levying war against the United States and/or conspiring to undermine America’s founding principles and overthrow the government – see danger ahead. But Americans are having a difficult time making sense of all that is happening and […]

The Primary Role of the Mosque is the Seat of the Islamic Government

“It must be the role of the mosque to guide the public policy of a nation, raise awareness of critical issues, and reveal its enemies. From ancient times the mosque has had a role in urging jihad for the sake of Allah, resisting the enemies of the religion who are invading occupiers. That blessed Intifada […]

1400 Years Later Islam is Still Waging War on the World

Why did 19 muslims attack the United States on 9/11/01?  Why do muslims attack people with knives, cars, planes, vest-bombs, and anything else they can get their hands on today?  According to the Koran, Islam’s prophet Mohammad is the most perfect human being for all muslims for all time, and he commanded muslims fight the […]

Texas Media Desperate to Defend Jihadis

As if on cue, media across the Dallas-Fort Worth area of Texas launched an Information Operation to defend a muslim and attack citizens concerned about the Islamic threat to Texas and the nation. Citizens and GOP leaders have raised questions about the Vice Chair of the Tarrant County (Texas) GOP, who is a muslim man […]

The Assault on Truth Continues as Twitter Suspends Accounts for UTT & John Guandolo

  Twitter suspended the Understanding the Threat (UTT) account (@UTT_USA) and the personal account of UTT Founder/President John Guandolo (@johnguandolo) in a manner that stripped both accounts of all followers and gives no recourse to reactivate the accounts. Journalist Laura Loomer also recently had her twitter account suspended indefinitely. There has been no indication any […]

Politico’s Information Operation to Silence Discussion of the Las Vegas Massacre

Last Friday, November 16th, Politico initiated an Information Operations attack designed to silence public discussion of the October 2017 massacre in Las Vegas that claimed the lives of 58 people and left 851 others wounded. Understanding the Threat (UTT) believes it is important to respond to this attack in order to set the record straight […]

Will America’s First & Last Wars Be Against Islam?

“That it was founded on the Laws of their Prophet, that it was written in their Qur’an, that all nations who should not have acknowledged their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take […]

Will 2018 Mid-Term Elections Bring the Reckoning ?

Today, Tuesday November 6, 2018, is election day across America, and there is much at stake. Will this day be the beginning of the true reckoning to hold accountable those guilty of sedition, treason, and plotting to overthrow the government of the United States? While it may exciting for some to read Tony Shaffer’s tweet […]

Attack on Pittsburgh Synagogue is a Microcosm of the Entire War

The political warfare being waged by the Marxist and Islamic Counter-States is culminating one week before elections in the U.S. just as the enemy planned. Here is what we have thus far: Marxist/democrat operatives created and executed a plan using FBI leadership, foreign intelligence assets, and others to put forth an overtly false FISA application […]

The Marxists (democrats) False Flag Operation & America’s Revolution

Editorial from UTT President John Guandolo How convenient that the leaders of the Marxist Counter-State in the United States all received bombs at the same time today, and none of them detonated. Packages were sent to Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, John Brennan, Eric Holder and George Soros. Since George Soros received one of the packages […]