Economic Warfare, Sharia Compliant Finance & the U.S. Response
Not understanding national security threats to America has devastating consequences. Understanding Economic Warfare and sharia compliant finance is no exception. Nine years ago, UTT President John Guandolo met with Kevin Freeman in Dallas, Texas to discuss Freeman’s research revealing the 2008 U.S. market downturn was probably an intentional economic attack from hostile foreign nations and […]
Civilization Jihad at the Ground Level in Southern California
Speaking truth about the danger Islam poses to civilized society is improper social etiquette in many parts of America these days – especially among America’s elites. Yet a few dare to do it. Understanding the Threat (UTT) certainly does. The folks at the Counter Jihad Coalition in Southern California are also unafraid to speak truth […]
Civilization Jihad, Propaganda, and Ignorance
This war of the Global Islamic Movement versus the Free World is primarily a war of narratives. One narrative says what ISIS, Al Qaeda and all of the other jihadi organizations are doing has nothing to do with Islam. The other side of this coin is called truth. As UTT has documented in articles here, […]
Threat to Homeland High – Negotiation Not the Solution
Famed terrorist Carlos the Jackal said: “Only a coalition of Marxists and Islamists can destroy the United States.” In September 2015, UTT published a brief article entitled The Convergence of Threats which illuminates the marriage between the U.S. Islamic Movement and the hard-left Marxists. Today, this marriage moves ever closer to is objective of overthrowing the U.S. […]
UTT Throwback Thursday: Attacks on UTT Intensify, But Have Less Effect
In the summer of 2014, UTT scheduled a one-day training program for law enforcement in the Phoenix, Arizona area hosted by the Maricopa County Attorney’s Office (MCAO). The program was designed to teach police officers and investigators about the Islamic Movement in the United States and Arizona, and provide them with tools to help them […]
The Jihadi Shadow Government in America
Sharia Commands Muslims To Lie To Non-Muslims
KORAN 98:6 The Koran says non-Muslims are the worst of all creatures (98:6), so it should be no surprise the Koran and the Sunna (example of the Islamic prophet Mohammad) allow and oblige Muslims to lie to non-Muslims. All authoritative Islamic law (sharia) obliges jihad until the world is under Islamic rule. Therefore, when Muslim […]
Where is Suit-Wearing Jihadi Suhail Khan Today?
Prolific suit-wearing jihadi Suhail Khan was in the White House on 9/11. After officials discovered his father was a prominent Muslim Brotherhood leader, he was moved out, but found himself back in the fold in a relatively short amount of time, serving two Secretaries of Transportation in the Bush administration. This gave Suhail Khan a […]
FBI Correct: Sharia Adherent Muslims Have Mental Issues
Five (5) people are dead and 13 others wounded after Esteban Santiago shot them with a handgun inside the baggage claim area of the Fort Lauderdale (Florida) Airport Friday (1/06/2017). The FBI got one thing right: like all sharia adherent muslims, Santiago is not mentally aligned with civilized society. Santiago’s family said he “lost his mind,” […]
Are Mosques Muslim “Churches?”
“But is the mosque only for prayers? No. The mosque is the center for all Islamic activity as it used to be in the mosques of the Prophet in Medina. In these mosques, not only prayers took, place, but it was a school of knowledge where companions used to study the Quran and ask questions. […]