UTT Throwback Thursday: Treasonous Leadership Decisions by Ohio Officials Have Deadly Consequences
Ohio is reaping what it has sown. They have protected and promoted jihadis for several years. In 2009, the Ohio Department of Homeland Security hosted a day-long seminar which included senior Hamas/Muslim Brotherhood officials, including Hani Sakr, a member of the U.S. MB’s Board of Directors, and the leader of Hamas in Ohio, Asma Uddin. […]
The Space Between Truth and Fantasy is Where The Enemy Wins
Are there two versions of Islam? Is there radical Islamism which is bad and regular old Islam which is good? For today’s brief but critical lesson, this is what is absolutely important for readers to digest and understand: the space between (1) the truth about what Islam is and what it teaches and (2) whatever […]
Jihadi Lovers Have No Place in a Trump Administration
Senator Bob Corker and Congressmen Mike Rogers and Mike McCaul have no business holding any position in a Trump administration if Mr. Trump actually wants to defeat the Jihadi Movement in the United States. All three of these men have records of defending jihadis and lashing out at those who speak truth about the real threat from […]
UTT Calls Out Hamas In Oklahoma
In this war, facts and evidence matter. Its a war of narratives. One narrative is based on facts and evidence. That is what UTT specializes in. Last Tuesday, UTT’s President John Guandolo and Vice President Chris Gaubatz testified before the Oklahoma State Judiciary and Civil Procedure Committee’s Interim Study on “Radical Islam, Shariah Law, the […]
UTT Puts Freedom on the Offensive Where It Belongs
UTT (Understanding the Threat) is the only organization in the nation which provides law enforcement agencies a detailed understanding of the threat from the Global Islamic Movement, investigative techniques to identify and locate jihadi organizations and jihadis (“terrorists”), and UTT is the only organization providing state and local leaders strategies to dismantle the jihadi networks […]
Finding Truth Among Talking Heads in the Media
by John D. Guandolo Many of the questions UTT gets these days revolve around our thoughts on various talking heads who seems to “get it” about the Islamic threat. Often times the questioners are disappointed to hear the truth UTT shares with them about the person whom they were inquiring. It is important at this […]
Hamas Teaches Its Followers How to Shut Down UTT Law Enforcement Training
On August 21, 2016, Hamas (dba CAIR) conducted a briefing in Longwood, Florida led by Hamas leader Hassan Shibly (Director of CAIR Florida). The briefing was focused on the “anti-Muslim network in the United States” and how to keep truthful information (“Islamophobia” according to them) from reaching local and state law enforcement. (L to R) […]
Seeing Information Warfare in the Midst of Media Coverage of Attacks
Last night, a Muslim yelling “Allah u Akbar” drove a truck into a crowd at Bastille Day celebrations (July 14th) in Nice, France killing nearly 80 people and wounding many more. The American media responded in lock-step, especially Fox News’ Megan Kelly, who marched suit-wearing jihadis like Maajid Nawaz of the Quilliam Foundation forward to […]
Orlando Attack Is Nothing Compared to What Is Coming
A jihadi named Omar Mateen armed with a rifle, a handgun and possibly explosives – who has been identified as an “ISIS soldier” – killed 50 or more Americans on Sunday morning at a night club in Orlando, Florida. The largest single loss of life in such an incident in American history. Thank God for the […]
Good News Alert: UTT Law Enforcement Program in Dallas A Huge Success
UTT (Understanding the Threat) conducted a one-day program for law enforcement, prosecutors, military and citizens in Dallas (Texas) last Friday, infusing the attendees with heavy doses of reality about the jihadi threat in the United States, and, specifically, Texas. The response from participants was unanimously positive. “Everybody needs to hear and know this information,” a […]