JG Blog


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Honor the 9/11 Dead: Defeat the Enemy & Punish Those Supporting Them

It is 13 years after September 11, 2001. How are we honoring those slain on that day? How are we honoring those in uniform who have given the last full measure of devotion for a cause they believed is truly right and just? In preparation for his speech Wednesday night (9/10/14), America’s President sought council […]

Sharia Adherence Means Danger in Your Community

by John D. Guandolo As Americans come to better understand sharia is real law and jihadis intend to impose it on all muslims and non-muslims alike, it becomes important to know when sharia adherence is increasing in a particular area because it indicates violence from the jihadis will soon follow. As police and military units […]

Our Leaders’ Refusal to Know and Destroy the Enemy Leads to Catastrophic Consequences

The American military crushed the Islamic fighters on the field of battle in Afghanistan and Iraq.  Yet, long before the U.S. achieved unconditional surrender from the enemy – which never materialized – the State Department wrote constitutions in those two countries which created Islamic Republics under the rule of Sharia (Islamic Law), thus giving Al […]