UTT Testifies About Jihadi Threat at Senate Hearing
UTT’s Chris Gaubatz testified on Capitol Hill Tuesday before a U.S. Senate hearing on the use of the term “Radical Islam” in discussing the terrorism threat to the United States. Mr. Gaubatz set the stage with laying out the threat America faces from the Global Islamic Movement: “UTT is the only organization in America which […]
Officials Reveal America’s National Security is “Controlled” by the Jihadists
Two former U.S. government officials made explosive revelations on national radio this past Friday including the charge the U.S. government is a “tool” for the jihadi movement here, and that the driving force behind America’s domestic counter-terrorism strategies and our foreign policy is the Muslim Brotherhood (MB). President Obama with Muslim Brotherhood/Hamas leader (Islamic Society […]
Orlando Attack Is Nothing Compared to What Is Coming
A jihadi named Omar Mateen armed with a rifle, a handgun and possibly explosives – who has been identified as an “ISIS soldier” – killed 50 or more Americans on Sunday morning at a night club in Orlando, Florida. The largest single loss of life in such an incident in American history. Thank God for the […]
Good News Alert: UTT Law Enforcement Program in Dallas A Huge Success
UTT (Understanding the Threat) conducted a one-day program for law enforcement, prosecutors, military and citizens in Dallas (Texas) last Friday, infusing the attendees with heavy doses of reality about the jihadi threat in the United States, and, specifically, Texas. The response from participants was unanimously positive. “Everybody needs to hear and know this information,” a […]
CAIR’s Violent Assault on Free Speech
What does CAIR have in common with ISIS, Al Qaeda, and the Taliban? It is a terrorist organization which hates and violently opposes Free Speech. Like ISIS, Al Qaeda, and the Taliban, CAIR is a jihadi organization. It is Hamas in the United States. Don’t let the suits fool you. […]
Oklahoma Beheading Case Another Example Judges and Attorneys Resistant to Linking Barbaric Behavior to Islam
How many Muslims who kill in the name of Allah have to profess their loyalty to the teachings of Islam in open court before judges and attorneys realize Islam mandates violence according to sharia (Islamic Law)? On September 24, 2014, Alton Nolen, a Muslim, sliced the neck of Colleen Hufford – a former co-worker at […]
America’s Security Facade
Travelers waiting in long lines at Seattle’s SEATAC Airport Travelers using U.S. airports are familiar with long lines due to TSA checkpoints, and recent reports indicate lines will get longer in the near future because of new TSA screening procedures, fewer TSA officers and other related issues. Yet, America is no safer since 9/11 because […]
One Message for the Americans, One Message for the Muslims
How is it that nearly fifteen (15) years after 9/11 none (ie ZERO) of the Islamic advisors to the United States government have shared with our leaders the Quranic concept of abrogation, the definition of “jihad” in sharia (Islamic Law), or the fact sharia obliges jihad until the entire world is under sharia? It is because sharia […]
Is America Still At War With Islam?
From the Halls of Montezuma, To the shores of Tripoli We fight our country’s battles, In the air, on land, and sea; First to fight for right and freedom, And to keep our honor clean; We are proud to claim the title Of United States Marine. Marine’s Hymn Two Hundred and Eleven years ago on April 27, 1805, the […]
If Every ISIS Fighter Was Killed – The Global Jihad Would Roll On
For several years after 9/11/01, the American government focused all it’s energy hunting down Al Qaeda and its leaders. The American public was told it was in a war against Al Qaeda. Yet today, it is as if Al Qaeda evaporated from the planet and our only adversary is ISIS. The fact is, if every Muslim jihadi […]