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John Guandolo


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Afghanistan Crumbles While Secretary of the Navy Tells Sailors Most Pressing Problems include Climate Change and Covid

by John D. Guandolo

On Tuesday August 10, 2021, the Secretary of the Navy Carlos Del Toro sent a message to all U.S. Navy sailors telling them the “most pressing challenges” for the U.S. Navy are China, Culture, Climate and Covid.

Neither the Global Islamic Movement, the global communist Movement, nor systemic corruption in the U.S. government were mentioned.

While the full message can be read here, the following is a portion of Secretary Del Toro’s message (emphasis added):

“Our Navy and our nation face critical challenges on multiple fronts. Like Secretary Austin, I view our most pressing challenges as the four Cs – China, Culture, Climate, and Covid, and we need the resources and
capabilities to address each now.

China is determined to reduce our military superiority. We will not let this happen. We will deter China’s aggression, protect our national security, and preserve the peace. Our determination, our skill, and our courage will demonstrate our strength and conviction.

Culture comes down to one goal. Every Sailor and Marine of all races, genders, religions, and ethnicities must treat one another with dignity and respect. This is not just about doing the right thing. It is about ensuring our Navy and Marine Corps will be the most talented, most combat ready, most committed force possible.

Climate change exacerbates every challenge we face, from naval installations to frequent deployments. It is also a global struggle for resources that demands ingenuity and innovation. It demands solutions that mitigate climate damage while ensuring our operational success and competitive edge.

Lastly, we must combat Covid. This means we must continue to vaccinate our naval forces with expedience. If we are not vaccinated, we are neither deployable nor combat ready. Immediately, the Navy and Marine Corps will make every effort to vaccinate and care for our force and defeat the scourge Covid has inflicted on our troops. Both our nation’s security and your success as Sailors and Marines require your enthusiastic, unwavering commitment. We will succeed or fail together.”

At a time when America’s military leaders should be resigning for their collective unprofessional and criminally negligent conduct in their handling of Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria, the SECNAV puts covid and climate change as top priorities in America’s navy.

The ineptitude is staggering.

Go Navy! Beat Corruption!

43 Responses

  1. By the government’s own numbers, the survival rate from COVID-19 of over 99% makes it clear that this whole drive to “vaccinate” everyone is a sham and a scam. For the population as a whole, COVID-19 is not more serious than a bad flu season. The driving forces behind the lockdowns, closures, etc are classic examples of those with power seeking more power and domination over the “lessers” (the peons).

  2. Pfizer is owned by GlaxoSmithKline (BlackRock) and Soros groups. The Open Society Foundation managed French AXA which used a German company Winterthur to build the Wuhan lab that was later bought by German Allianz who is a shareholder with Vanguard and BlackRock and central bankers. German parliament members that were on the Eastern block and pro-Soviet Cold War-era timeframe are currently in power which explains the whole Russkie pipeline fiasco—Putin knew the German parliament members personally while being a KGB agent during the Berlin wall incident burning papers inside their consulate. The circus thinks ‘white rage’ is more important and that pro-lifers are DVEs (new CVE term) while overlooking the large influx of ‘refugees’ that might happen to be spies and everything else.

    1. Joe Biden Dismisses Afghans Falling Out of Planes and Plunging to Their Death, “That Was 4 or 5 Days Ago!” – It Was 2 Days Ago (VIDEO)

      By Cristina Laila
      Published August 18, 2021

      “Joe Biden gave an interview to Democrat operative George Stephanopoulos and opened up about his decision to withdraw from Afghanistan without a real plan in place to maintain stability while safely evacuating Americans.

      Joe Biden was visibly irritated when Stephanopoulos asked him if the US’s exit from Afghanistan could have been handled better.

      “The idea that somehow, there’s a way to have gotten out without chaos ensuing—I don’t know how that happens,” Biden said.”

      Continued Here: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/08/joe-biden-dismisses-afghans-falling-planes-plunging-death-4-5-days-ago-2-days-ago-video/

  3. Who Could Have Guessed it? The Deranged, Lawless, Evil Serial Criminal Terrorist Usurper alias Obama’s “Taliban Five” Were Instrumental in the Overthrow of Afghanistan

    By Joe Hoft
    Published August 17, 2021

    “Obama gave $5 billion and the ‘Taliban 5’ for deserter Bowe Burgdahl. These terrorists were instrumental in the overthrow of Afghanistan the New York Post reports:

    The mastermind of the regime change is former detainee Khairkhwa, the Taliban mullah whom Obama released from Gitmo even though the Pentagon classified him as too dangerous to release.

    Earlier this year, Khairkhwa assured the administration that the Taliban would not launch a spring military offensive if Biden committed to removing all remaining American troops. He also promised not to retaliate against any Afghans who worked with the US military or the US-backed government in Kabul. But Khairkhwa showed no signs of remorse or rehabilitation inside Gitmo — if anything, he’s probably more embittered toward the United States. Why would they believe him?

    Reports coming out of Kandahar and Kabul indicate the extremists have already broken their word. Taliban thugs have started a reign of terror against people who cooperated with Westerners. Guided by a “kill list,” they are going door to door to punish their enemies.

    A Taliban prisoner who was released from the Guantanamo Bay prison in 2014 by former US president Barack Obama, is emerging as the key figure who reunited the insurgents and helped them capture the power in Afghanistan. Khairullah Khairkhwa was released along with four others in exchange for captured US Army soldier, Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl.”

    Continued Here: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/08/guessed-obamas-taliban-five-instrumental-overthrow-afghanistan/

    1. Report: Young Zaki Aanvari Whose Body Parts were Found in C-17A Landing Gear Was Member of the Afghanistan
      Youth Soccer Team. Apparently, He Was Trying To Escape To A Safer Location, Possibly To The United States of America And To God-Given Unalienable CIVIL RIGHTS, LIBERTIES, FREEDOMS, and LIFE; Away From The Daily Lawless, Demonic Evil, Serial Torturing and Mass-Murdering Genocidal Muslim Taliban’s Terrorist Seizure of Afghanistan

      Published August 18, 2021


    2. The Daily Lawless Career Serial Criminals and Terrorist Usurper’s aka Obama/Biden Make Matters Worse,
      Now the US Embassy in Kabul Sends out Blank VISA Documents To Allow Non-Americans [and Unvetted
      Muslim Jihadist Terrorists] to Create Their Own US VISA

      By Joe Hoft
      Published August 22, 2021


  4. Afghanistan Betrayed

    by Trey Blanton • ChurchMilitant.com • August 18, 2021

    Christians and Muslim Allies Face Annihilation.

    “Unelected Joe Biden’s decision to withdraw all military forces from Afghanistan — without negotiating with Islamist Taliban insurgents first — has resulted in a massive humanitarian crisis. Church Militant’s Trey Blanton spoke with one man who served the United States for 12 years and now risks execution.”


    Jesuit priests are also at risk and seeking escape at the airport because the Taliban has threatened Christians saying, “We know where you are … We are coming for you.”


    Women and girls are losing access to education and opportunities achieved under American protection.”

    Continued Here: https://www.churchmilitant.com/news/article/afghanistan-betrayed

    Joshua •
    God help Americans and all those that a more competent president would have removed before creating such a catastrophe. God have mercy on our people and all those who have helped this country. Biden should be thrown out of office for his total incompetency and spare us the humiliation of having to listen to his pathological lies.

    PrayRosaryWearBrownScapular •
    Sounds familiar ?. No police actions ever produced favorable long term results for the countries involved. Same as Iraq, et al. Burning through Trillions and nothing gained. Oh yeah, There’s something to show for it. The loss of untold American Lives and countless rivers of American blood. The usual suspects profiteering. When they’ve skimmed as much as they could, it’s pull out time. American involvement, losses, the death of untold amounts of civilians.

    The taliban will hunt down and kill every person that worked for the U.S. They’re letting only foreigners through checkpoints. So you’re Afghan, you’re dead. Wars of attrition, “police actions” have caused irreparable damage in human and humanitarian terms. As a viet vet, I can tell you, once again, ad nauseam, this hurts, very deeply. Having seen our pullout from nam. Leaving innocents to be killed by animals. Once again, those American lives lost and the rivers of blood. Sacrificed on the alter of evil…p.j.

  5. Biden’s Dithering Doomed Afghan Allies

    Betsy McCaughey: U.S. Should Have Dispatched Hundreds of Aircraft To Region Weeks Ago

    By Betsy McCaughey
    August 18, 2021

    “Some 20,000 pro-American Afghans and their families are in danger of being killed by the Taliban because Biden refused to speed up the bureaucratic, 14-step visa application process and medical exam required for them to evacuate to the U.S. It’s death by red tape.

    Meanwhile, Biden is allowing more than 200,000 mostly Hispanic migrants to walk across the southern border into the U.S. every month. Nothing is demanded of them. No documents, no letters of reference, no medical exam, none of the requirements faced by Afghans who aided the U.S. and are now targeted.”

    For months, President Joe Biden has opened the borders to Hispanic illegals, but he has turned a deaf ear to our Afghan allies desperate to get to America.

    Some 20,000 pro-American Afghans and their families are in danger of being killed by the Taliban because Biden refused to speed up the bureaucratic, 14-step visa application process and medical exam required for them to evacuate to the U.S. It’s death by red tape.

    Meanwhile, Biden is allowing more than 200,000 mostly Hispanic migrants to walk across the southern border into the U.S. every month. Nothing is demanded of them. No documents, no letters of reference, no medical exam, none of the requirements faced by Afghans who aided the U.S. and are now targeted.

    The Taliban are going door to door, threatening to behead or stone them.

    These Afghans were assured they’d be protected. Instead, the Biden administration has shown far less concern for them than for the migrants who are breaking our laws to enter illegally and have done nothing for America. A double standard.

    For months, veterans groups and others have begged the White House to expedite evacuating the Afghans before the Taliban takeover. Biden dithered. Matt Zeller, a former CIA agent and co-founder of No One Left Behind, said Monday night: “We sent them plan after plan on how to evacuate these people. Nobody listened to us. They didn’t plan for the evacuation of our Afghan wartime allies.”

    Continued Here: https://www.wnd.com/2021/08/bidens-dithering-doomed-afghan-allies/

  6. BIDEN IS A MONSTER: State Dept. Officials in Kabul Sent Cable to Secretary of State Blinken and Biden Officials
    In July Warning of Taliban Gains and Need for Fast Evacuations

    By Jim Hoft
    Published August 19, 2021

    “Chaotic scene at the Kabul International Airport earlier this week.

    Nearly two dozen State Department officials in Kabul sent a dissent cable to Secretary of State Tony Blinken and another top State Official in July warning of the frightening scale of the Taliban gains across the country. The US officials in Kabul warned of the need for quick evacuations of US citizens in the country.

    The cable message was ignored.”

    Continued: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/08/biden-monster-state-dept-officials-kabul-sent-cable-secretary-state-blinken-biden-officials-july-warning-taliban-gains-need-fast-evacuations/

  7. BREAKING: Taliban Won’t Extend Aug. 31 Deadline for US Withdrawal – Threatens Biden Regime,
    “Complete the Evacuations by Aug. 31 or Face Consequences” (VIDEO)

    August 23, 2021

    “The Taliban today announced they will not extend the August 31 deadline for US withdrawal from Afghanistan. The terrorists are calling the shots now.

    They are counting on Biden and the Democrats [abandoning and] leaving thousands of Americans and tens of thousands of US supporters in the country.”

    https: // www. thegatewaypundit. com/2021/08/ breaking-taliban- wont-extend-aug-31-deadline- us-withdrawal-afghanistan/

    * * * * * * * * * * * *

    When Has This Ever Happened? US Military Gives Joe Biden Until Tuesday to Decide Whether To Extend Mission
    in Afghanistan past Aug. 31

    By Jim Hoft
    August 23, 2021


  8. Biden Effect: The Taliban’s Badri 313 Unit in US Uniform and Armed with US Weapons Are “Guarding”
    Kabul Airport at Request of Biden Regime

    By Jim Hoft
    August 24, 2021

    “These are Taliban’s Special Forces from Badri 313 Unit. They are now armed with American-made weapons are now guarding the Kabul Airport on request of the US government under the leadership of Joe Biden.

    These fighters are just a bunch of former suicide bombers in US-made costume.”

    Continued Here: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/08/biden-effect-talibans-badri-313-unit-us-uniform-armed-us-weapons-guarding-kabul-airport-request-biden-regime/

  9. Leaked Cable Shows How Many Americans Have Been Rescued From Afghanistan

    by Ray Dietrich
    August 24, 2021

    “How many Americans have been rescued from Afghanistan? The Biden administration has been dodging the big question this week and now we know why. Alex Ward, a national security reporter for Politico, Tweeted what he says is a leaked cable with evacuation numbers, which include Americans. Ward claims that as of August 23 at 1500 EST, the total amount of Americans evacuated is only 4,407. Widespread reporting places the numbers of stranded Americans in Afghanistan between 10,000 and [40],000 [US American] people.”


  10. From: Telegram

    Stew Peters 📢🇺🇸, [24.08.21 16:28]
    This is absolute war. 100%, unequivocally designed intentional government sponsored warfare waged on you and me. 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼

    Report: Feds Create Laws to Target, Jail Conservatives Opposing Biden Regime
    “The communist rule of law and Marxist coup that took place in the United States has been used to suppress speech, destroy American exceptionalism, and is now being used as a weapon to destroy freedom-loving, liberty-embracing Patriots, round them up and jail them in internment camps, simply for opposing the Biden regime, questioning COVID measures or disputing the 2020 election.

    National File senior reporter, Patrick Howley, joins Stew Peters with a mind-blowing, eye-popping report!”


    # # #

    As we have come to expect based on the body of her life’s work as a lawyer, Sidney Powell speaks TRUTH.
    Sidney also raises excellent questions. Where have all the real lawyers in the D.C. Bar gone?

    On January 6, 2021 the FBI tried to set-up, ensnare, and destroy U.S. American citizens with their globalist war crimes, lies, and treasonous and traitorous anti-American criminal agendas.

    The Lawless FBI Is Complicit In Creating and Leading the False Narrative That Peaceful Non-Violent Trump Supporters
    Stormed The U.S. Capitol In A Violent Insurrection That Did Not Occur.

    August 24, 2021

    Video: https: // rumble. com/vlmhsf-fbi-complicit-in- leading-narrative-of- trump-supporters- storming-capitol.htm

  11. From: Telegram

    Stew Peters 📢🇺🇸, [24.08.21 18:23]

    As per usual, Trump slays with TRUTH.

    Trump Torches Biden – Says He ‘Surrendered’ To Terrorists And ‘Left Americans For Dead.’ President Donald Trump spoke out on Tuesday once again to slam Joe Biden for his handling of the disaster in Afghanistan. As per usual, Trump held nothing back with his words.

    “Biden surrendered Afghanistan to terrorists and left thousands of Americans for dead by pulling out the Military before our citizens. Now we are learning that out of the 26,000 people who have been evacuated, only 4,000 are Americans,” Trump said in a statement. “You can be sure the Taliban, who are now in complete control, didn’t allow the best and the brightest to board these evacuation flights.”

    “Instead, we can only imagine how many thousands of terrorists have been airlifted out of Afghanistan and into neighborhoods around the world,” Trump added. “What a terrible failure. NO VETTING. How many terrorists will Joe Biden bring to America? We don’t know.”

    Continued Here: https://www.redvoicemedia.com/2021/08/trump-torches-biden-says-he-surrendered-to-terrorists-and-left-americans-for-dead/

    1. Up to 100 Afghan Evacuees Are on US Terror Watch List – At Least One Has Ties to ISIS

      By Jim Hoft
      Published August 25, 2021

      “The Democrats are on a mission to destroy America. The Biden administration promised the Afghans evacuated from Kabul this week will be fully vetted yet already we are seeing that is not true.

      At least 100 evacuees out of thousands who fled the country are currently on the US terror watch list. At least one evacuee has ties to ISIS.

      This is what Joe Biden is bringing into your community — and that’s not including the unvetted illegal aliens who are crossing the open US southern border in record numbers.”

      Continued Here: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/08/100-afghan-evacuees-us-terror-watch-list-least-one-ties-isis/

  12. UPDATE: Biden’s Gift to Taliban Included 110 Helicopters, 20 Light Attack Airplanes,
    42,000 Light Attack Vehicles, 25,000 Grenade Launchers

    By Jim Hoft
    Published August 25, 2021

    “If you thought the Joe Biden Afghanistan disaster was bad now – things are going to get much worse. Joe Biden supplied the Taliban terrorist organization and their Islamist accomplices with billions of dollars worth of US armaments.”


  13. “Surrenderer-in-Chief” – Trump’s New Ad Attacking Joe Biden is Fire (VIDEO)

    By Cristina Laila
    Published August 24, 2021

    https: //www. thegatewaypundit. com/ 2021/08/surrenderer- chief-trumps-new- ad-attacking-joe-biden-fire-video/

    🚨 NEW AD 🚨
    President Donald J. Trump releases, “Surrenderer-In-Chief”


    — Taylor Budowich (@TayFromCA) August 24, 2021

  14. What’s Next For America, Afghanistan and The World?

    “What did Biden just do that has heads exploding? World leaders continue to register shock and disbelief.
    Polls show that 1 out of 8 Democrats would have switched their vote to Trump if the election was held today.

    Can America survive till 2022? Is there hope of a Great Awakening? What does the Bible say about the collapse of a restraining world order and the rise of the Antichrist?”

    Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W9ao_Mc2SoQ

  15. Please Help These GREAT People and Animals Leave Afghanistan Now! Make Your Calls Now!

    Nowzad Has Been Betrayed! It’s a Dunkirk Moment!

    Must See! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1xzjr3jmPWg

    “Pen Farthing had hoped to get 71 people and more than 100 animals safely to the UK after raising $500,000 to charter a jet.
    As a British citizen, Pen is able to leave Afghanistan but has said he will not desert his staff and animals. He received assurances from Prime Minister Boris Johnson that a plane would be sent to support him. Pen had even found a way to get
    his staff safely to Kabul Airport, which has descended into chaos as people attempt to flee the Taliban.

    But now Pen is concerned his staff and animals are trapped, claiming discussions with the Ministry of Defence – which needs to give clearance for the flight to take off and land in Afghanistan – have broken down.”

    https: //twitter. com/ PenFarthing
    https: //www. facebook. com/ nowzadrescue

    1. Pen Farthing and his Rescued Dogs and Cats are BLOCKED from Kabul airport by Taliban

      “The campaign to get Nowzad sanctuary founder Pen Farthing, his staff and animals out of Kabul has become known as Operation Ark.”

      “Pen Farthing’s car has been targeted by gunman after Kabul bomb went off. He said: ‘We’re fine but everything is chaos here at the moment. All of a sudden we heard gunshots and our vehicle was targeted, had our driver not turned around he would have been shot in the head by a man with an AK-47. We’ve been in the airport, and back out of the airport; the whole thing’s a mess. There’s not much more I can say at the moment, I need to make sure the animals and everyone is safe.’”


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