UTT Throwback Thursday: Ground Zero Mosque Swindler Feisal Rauf
Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf is an Islamic scholar who continues to pass himself off as a “moderate Muslim” yet he refuses to condemn the terrorist group Hamas, blames U.S. policies for 9/11, advocates for sharia in America, is a “key figure” in Perdana Global, the largest funder of the flotilla that tried to break the blockade […]
The Strategy for Victory Begins with Sheriffs and Pastors
CAIR Has Always Been Hamas
The Council on American Islamic Relations was created in 1994 by the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood’s Palestine Committee which is Hamas in America. CAIR is Hamas. [See the UTT document entitled “CAIR is Hamas” HERE.] Hamas is a designated Foreign Terrorist organization by the U.S. government and CAIR is a designated terrorist organization by our allies, […]
When Do U.S. Leaders Who Materially Support Terrorists Pay for Their Crimes
9/17/16 at 9:35 AM EST: A bomb explodes at a Marine Corps 5K race in Seaside Park, NJ. 9/17/16 at 8:15 PM EST: A bomb explodes in the Chelsea neighborhood in New York City injuring 29 people. 9/17/16 at 9:15 PM EST: Somali Muslim Dahir Ahmed Adan enters Crossroads Center shopping mall in St […]
Throwback Thursday: 2004 – MB Archives Discovered 10 Minutes from Nation’s Capital
On August 20, 2004, Ismail Elbarasse and his family were traveling on the Chesapeake Bay Bridge in Maryland. A law enforcement officer driving on the Bay Bridge at the time drove passed Elbarasse and noticed the middle eastern female passenger filming the support structures of the bridge. She pulled the camera down quickly when she noticed […]
Islamic Movement in U.S. Preparing for Battle
For UTT followers who are accustomed to brief articles, this is a longer article because it needs to be. This is an important topic and needs a little more attention. Please read this carefully because the implications are significant. JG As UTT has continually reported, there exists in the United States a significant jihadi movement […]
This 9/11 Anniversary is a Call to Action
It has been fifteen (15) years since September 11, 2001. It is a day seared in our hearts and minds. Today, we are far from where we thought we would be 15 years after the jihadi attacks of 9/11. America lost two wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and we lost thousands of American lives since […]
UTT Throwback Thursday: On 9/11 The Enemy Steps In to Tell Us How to Fight the Enemy
Thanks to Karl Rove and Grover Norquist, American President George W. Bush was able to turn to his left and right after the jihadi attacks on the United States on September 11, 2001 and find any of a number of Muslim Brotherhood/Hamas and/or Al Qaeda leaders (suit-wearing jihadis) to tell him how to fight the […]
UTT Throwback Thursday: John McCain Awards ISIS Leader & Iranian-Born Muslim Takes Over FBI WMD Program
This kind of crazy stuff only happens at the highest levels of the United States government. In different decades people would call it “Treason,” but in today’s world…nothing. Here is today’s UTT Throwback Thursday. A look back at some news that matters in this war. John McCain Loves Him Some ISIS US Senators Richard Blumenthal […]
Dawah: The Call to Islam is Deceptive, Dangerous and Deadly
Dawah in Islam is not “proselytizing” to others. It is the “Call” or “Invitation” to Islam, and is a legal requirement before Muslims wage jihad against non-Muslims. ISIS publication “Dabiq” articulates authoritative sharia (Islamic Law) for their actions including “The Call to Islam” which is DAWAH The Koran speaks of Dawah – the Call to […]