The OIC Is the Geopolitical Center of Evil & Tyranny
by John D. Guandolo Originally called the “Organisation (sic) of Islamic Conference,” the OIC is made up of all 56 Islamic nations on earth and the “State of Palestine,” and it is the largest voting block in the United Nations. The OIC’s primary objective is to enslave the entire world under Islam’s barbaric sharia at […]
Communism is Not the Only Cancer on U.S. Campuses
by John D. Guandolo On nearly every major college and university campus in America, including at “christian” colleges, jihadis have planted dangerous outposts to recruit jihadis, perpetuate hostile information operations, and grow the jihadi Movement. These “outposts” are called Muslim Students Associations or MSA’s. There well over 900 MSA chapters in the United States, including […]
Jihadis Openly Call for Enforcement of Sharia in Michigan Schools While Non-Muslims Remain Clueless
by John D. Guandolo Jihadi leaders in Dearborn, Michigan put out the call to flood last Monday’s school board meeting and sharia-adherent muslims turned out in droves to enforce sharia. Islamic schools in the United States teach the purpose of Islam is to impose “allah’s divine law – sharia – on all humans on earth. […]
Subversion of Texas Education Should Concern All Americans
by John D. Guandolo Taking over America’s education system was and remains a key goal of the International Communist Movement. Understanding the Threat (UTT) has published numerous articles about the assault on America’s education system including: New Mexico’s Attorney General filing suit over the Marxist subversion of education U.S. Schools Teaching and Advocating Islam Texas […]
Translating English to English Through Sharia
by John Guandolo I began a 2012 Breitbart article this way: “If someone walked up to you and asked you if you would like a sandwich, and you replied in the affirmative, where would the disconnect be if he punched you in the nose? The disconnect would be in your understanding of the word “sandwich.” […]
UTT’s John Guandolo Was Wrongfully Put On A TSA Watchlist for Over 18 Months
by John D. Guandolo Shortly after January 6, 2021, I was put on a TSA watchlist and, for over 18 months, put through the ringer every time I flew. This meant I had to show up at the airport at least 3 hours before every flight. Why? It usually took 30 minutes at the ticket […]
King Charles III is Now the West’s Highest Ranking Agent for the Global Islamic Movement
by John D. Guandolo In an opinion piece published in The Washington Post on September 19th entitled “Why King Charles III Will Surprise Us” Ben Judah fawns over the King because he loves Islam and everything Islamic. Through his words and deeds King Charles III makes clear he puts the interests of Islam far above […]
In Light of 9/11, Why does the Dar al Hijrah Mosque Still Exist?
by John D. Guandolo The Dar al Hijrah Islamic Center, just outside Washington, D.C., is a beehive of activity for terrorism, and its key leaders over the decades have been Hamas and Al Qaeda leaders and supporters. Why does this place still exists? Jamal Barzinji was one of the first and most prolific Muslim Brotherhood […]
The Role of Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Pakistan in the 9/11 Attack on America
by John D. Guandolo It is staggering to see the greatest super-power in the world sit on its hands for 21 years while the key perpetrators of the 9/11 attacks, which killed nearly 3000 Americans, remain untouched. Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and Iran were directly involved in the jihadi attacks on America on September 11, 2001. […]
Is Britain’s New King a Secret Convert to Islam?
by John D. Guandolo There is plenty of evidence demonstrating King Charles III befriends and is enamored with jihadis, defends Islam and sharia, and advocates for Islamic advancements. Is the King a secret convert to Islam? Read the following articles HERE, and HERE and make up your mind.