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U.S. Generals Refuse to Identify Islam as the Threat = Another Dead Soldier

It is September 2018 and nowhere in the U.S. military – not at any boot camp, nor officer training, nor war college, nor service academy, nor at any other training inside the U.S. military – are our warriors being taught Islam is the threat and sharia is the enemy’s warfighting doctrine. U.S. warfighting doctrine requires […]

The Coming Calipate

The Organisation (sic) of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) is the largest voting block in the United Nations and is comprised of every Islamic nation on earth – 57 states. The OIC’s Charter states one of its goals is to “promote human rights.”  What does the OIC mean by “human rights?” We need to look no further […]

FBI Director Testimony Reveals Need for Radically Different Strategy to Defeat Jihadis

“We have about 1,000 investigations into exactly the kind of people you’re describing, covering all 50 states as I’m sitting here right now. And that’s not even counting, you know, the al-Qaeda investigations, the traditional ISIS investigations, the domestic terrorism investigations…” FBI Director Christopher Wray, May 16, 2018   The FBI Director testified last week […]

Marxists & Jihadis Assault Truth in Des Moines & America’s Heartland

When hotels in Green Bay and Milwaukee cancelled Worldview Weekend events – which included Understanding the Threat’s President John Guandolo – the entire war for liberty and the soul of our Republic was on full display in America’s heartland. The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), a corrupt Marxist organization working daily with Hamas in the […]

Al Qaeda Leader Reaffirms Jihad is the Way to Establish the Islamic State

In a new video, Al Qaeda (AQ) leader Ayman al Zawahiri calls for AQ’s unified effort against the United States and it’s “blatant crusader” President Donald Trump. Zawahiri says the means to do this is jihad. Specifically, the Al Qaeda leader stated: “The goal of our jihad is the restoration of the rightly guided Caliphate.” […]

How Badly is The U.S. Government Penetrated by Terrorists?

A reminder of the serious penetration of our system by suit-wearing jihadis.  Remember this is much more a counterintelligence and espionage problem than merely a “terrorism” issue.        President Clinton, VP Gore, & Governor GW Bush with Al Qaeda Financier Abdurahman Alamoudi   President George W. Bush speaking at the Washington Islamic Center […]

Remembering the Largest Terrorism Financing Trial in American History

The indictment of the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development (hereafter “HLF”) after the 9/11/2001 attacks on the United States was the result of a 15 year FBI investigation. At the time it was indicted, HLF was the largest Islamic charity in America, and it was a terrorist organization. Specifically, the Holy Land Foundation […]

2013: Robert Mueller Unaware Islamic Society of Boston Founded by Al Qaeda

In the spring of 2013, then-Director of the FBI, Robert Mueller III, testified before the U.S. Congress he was not aware the Muslim Brotherhood’s Islamic Society of Boston (ISB) – attended by Boston Marathon bombers (Tsarnaevs) – was founded by Al Qaeda financier Abdurahman Alamoudi. Abdurahman Alamoudi is a Muslim Brother, a Hamas operative, and […]

Muslim Brotherhood Waging War – Then & Now

The Muslim American Society (MAS) is identified by the U.S. government as “founded as the overt arm of the Muslim Brotherhood in America.” (US v Sabri Benkahla, 4th Circuit Court of Appeals, No 07-4778) The Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) is identified in the Muslim Brotherhood’s strategic plan as a part of their Movement […]

MPAC’s Key Role in Defining the Language in This War

Even before the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) went to the White House under President Obama to purge training documents, the MB’s Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) made great strides to eliminate language from the U.S. National Security discussion that specifically identifies the enemy. 100% of our Islamic enemy states they are muslims waging jihad to establish […]