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John Guandolo


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MPAC’s Key Role in Defining the Language in This War

Even before the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) went to the White House under President Obama to purge training documents, the MB’s Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) made great strides to eliminate language from the U.S. National Security discussion that specifically identifies the enemy.

100% of our Islamic enemy states they are muslims waging jihad to establish an Islamic State (caliphate) under sharia (Islamic law).

The 9/11 Commission Report was issued in 2004 and in it the word JIHAD was used 126 times, the word MUSLIM 145 times, and the word ISLAM 322 times.

The Muslim Brotherhood in the form of the Muslim Public Affairs Council wrote a letter to the Chairman of the 9/11 Commission which said, in part:

“Terminology is important in defining our goals as well as removing roadblocks into hearts and minds.  The 9/11 Commission identifies Islamist terrorism as the threat.  The Muslim Public Affairs Council recommends that the U.S. government find other terminology.”

Following  this, MPAC along with other MB/jihadi organizations and supine government official worked to remove all language from U.S. government documents and agencies which actually defines the enemy using the very language the enemy uses to define itself.

You cannot target and defeat an enemy you cannot define.  You cannot define an enemy if you cannot use the very language that defines him.

This is exactly the enemy’s intent.  Today inside the U.S. government, federal agencies cannot even use the language necessary to factually define the enemy, and they have silenced all truthful discussion about the threat.  This will lead us to defeat.

Exactly what the enemy intends.

The remedy: speak truthfully and boldly about the enemy using clearly defined language.

7 Responses

  1. I was at an excellent presentation at least 5 years ago in SE Florida (Palm Beach?) by John Guandolo, and several others, covering this very subject. It boggles my mind that NOTHING much has changed. We still don’t define the doctrine of Sharia as the enemy and the Leftists with their unholy alliance with the MB are still embedded in the DC bureaucracy. Is McMaster any better than Susan Rice (or John Brennan)? President Trump gets it to an extent but the swamp still isn’t drained yet.

  2. Why would the enemy risk total defeat by allowing us to challenge their sharia doctrine. It’s we that haven’t taken hold of the reigns.

  3. Do not be deceived! For the sake of our country, boldly resist all efforts of the MPAC. Are we so naive to give them the benefit of the doubt as to their methods to infiltrate our government. They cannot be trusted.


    Each of the zeros on the criminally redacted comparative-illustration of Islamic terror terminology (above) demonstrably reflects the conscious commission by one or more erstwhile and/or current high-level federal officials of the obstruction of justice, ongoing cover-up related to the 2777 murders committed on 9/11 by sharia-adherent Muslims on American soil, and — by virtue of violating their Constitutional oaths as it applied to national security — treason in time of war on behalf of the enemy.* Furthermore, inasmuch as said traitors, in spite of appearances, are actually nothing more now than garden variety fugitives from justice, they should be identified and arrested by the Department of Justice to answer for their historic, outrageous and catastrophic betrayals.

    *Secure for a nominal handling/postage fee Islam’s detailed & comprehensive declaration of war on the United States, dated 22 May 1991 and available from http://www.securefreedom.org under cover of: GOVERNMENT EXHIBIT 003-0085 3:04-CR-240-G U.S, v. HLF, et al.

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