America at War: Let Us Reclaim Our Independence Day
Tomorrow – Tuesday – is July 4, 2017. It is America’s anniversary of declaring its independence from tyranny and oppression. The first war America fought after the Revolutionary War was the war against the muslim states – the Barbary States. Now, in 2017, America is again at war with Islam. Unlike when President Thomas Jefferson […]
US Government’s Inward Focus Blinds It To The Outward Threat
“The duty of the muslim citizen is to be loyal to the Islamic State” What Islam is All About, most widely used text book in U.S. Islamic junior high schools Until the United States makes an affirmative decision to identify our enemy, know the enemy’s doctrine and strategy, and defeat the enemy, America will continue […]
UTT Throwback Thursday: No Wider Plot?
If a Special Forces soldier was captured in a foreign land with which America was at war, would our enemy consider him a “lone wolf” disconnected from any “wider plot” or larger army? On March 11, 2004, 10 bombs were detonated on four trains by Islamic jihadis in Madrid, Spain killing 191 people and injuring […]
What Are Muslims Taught About Non-Muslims?
“(Unbelievers/Non-Muslims) are the worst of all creatures.” Koran 98:6 Why is it obligatory for muslims to lie to non-muslims? Why is it obligatory for muslims to kill non-muslims who do not convert to Islam or submit to sharia in an Islamic State? The reason is simple. Allah commanded his law (sharia) to be the law […]
UTT Throwback Thursday: Nurture Jihadis & Get Jihad
Jihadi is total warfare. The kinetic jihad is most effective when the target community is softened up before violence is brought upon them and then driven into the arms of the suit-wearing jihadis after an attack. On April 15, 2013 two muslims, Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev, remotely-detonated two bombs they placed at the finish line […]
Islam’s Conquest of America One Town at a Time
From Minneapolis (MN) to Hamtramck (MI) to Falls Church (VA) to Paterson (NJ) and many other towns and cities across the fifty states, the Islamic Movement is quietly conquering America. The federal government sleeps, many state governments – including those controlled by Republicans – do their best to accommodate muslims waging Civilization Jihad against America, […]
Sharia Adherence Means Danger in Your Community
by John D. Guandolo As Americans come to better understand sharia is real law and jihadis intend to impose it on all muslims and non-muslims alike, it becomes important to know when sharia adherence is increasing in a particular area because it indicates violence from the jihadis will soon follow. As police and military units […]