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Threat Assessment in the Domestic War

An objective review of the activities of the Islamic Movement in the United States, the response from US law enforcement and intelligence agencies, and the actions of local, state and federal leaders reveals the U.S. is closer to losing the war domestically than at any point in time since 9/11/2001. Enemy Forces The leading Muslim […]

Jihad in South Dakota – Muslims Threaten, Officials Do Nothing

Last Sunday evening, April 9, 2017, over 500 people gathered for the Worldview Weekend Rally in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.  The Muslim Brotherhood threatened, a Muslim showed up in what was a possible thwarted attack, and local officials did nothing. This is how America will lose this war if it does not change course immediately […]

UTT Throwback Thursday: Sharia Overseas is Same Sharia in U.S.

In the wake of the Palm Sunday killings of Christians in two churches in Egypt by Muslims, UTT repeated the truth that what happens overseas is happening or will happen here. In the U.S., sharia-compliant behavior in the Muslim community is common.  This behavior includes: adult men marrying pre-teen girls, pedophilia, using zakat payments to […]

Muslims Target Christians & Coptic Pope on Palm Sunday

Muslims from ISIS wearing explosive vests attacked two churches in Egypt on Palm Sunday killing 44 Christians.       The first bomb exploded in St. George’s Church in Tanta (60 miles north of Cairo) killing at least 27 and injuring nearly 80 others. The second Muslim jihadi blew himself up inside St. Mark’s Cathedral […]

Western Leaders Confuse Endangering the Innocent for Compassion

In London, the Prime Minister (and the previous Prime Minister) and many members of Parliament say the recent jihadi attack in Westminster has nothing to do with Islam, and call for embracing the Islamic community. In Germany, Angela Merkel has opened German borders to people from sharia-adherent jihadi nations, has defended jihadis as being “un-Islamic” […]

UTT Throwback Thursday: The Process of Settlement

When the Muslim Brotherhood came to the United States in the 1950’s, it did so with a plan. As was mentioned in UTT’s article on Monday, the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood is now openly confirming much of what UTT has been saying for years, but the MB denied until recently. Recalling their stated objective in the […]

UTT Throwback Thursday: Britsh Leaders’ Inability to Speak Truth About Islam

In the shadows of yesterday’s attack (3/22/2017) at Westminster in England which left two citizens, one police officer, and the jihadi attacker dead, one wonders if British leaders will continue to apologize for Islam or speak truth about this deadly threat to the United Kingdom. See UTT’s new video entitled “British Appeasement to Islam” HERE. Where […]

Muslim Brotherhood (NAIT) Directly Confronts President of the United States

In response to President Trump’s second Executive Order designed to keep individuals from hostile nations from entering the United States, the Attorney General of Hawaii announced he will file suit against the Trump administration.  The plaintiff listed in Hawaii’s lawsuit is Dr. Ismail Elshikh, the Imam of the Muslim Association of Hawaii. The Muslim Association of Hawaii is […]

Is CNN Guilty of Material Support of Terrorism?

Could a reporter and/or media organization which intentionally provides a terrorist or terrorist organization air time to promote the terrorist’s agenda be charged as in violation of Title 18 of U.S. Code, Section 2339A, Material Support to Terrorists? Mainstream media attacking those who speak truth about the threat of Islam in the United States is […]

UTT Throwback Thursday: Attacks on UTT Intensify, But Have Less Effect

In the summer of 2014, UTT scheduled a one-day training program for law enforcement in the Phoenix, Arizona area hosted by the Maricopa County Attorney’s Office (MCAO).  The program was designed to teach police officers and investigators about the Islamic Movement in the United States and Arizona, and provide them with tools to help them […]