If Every ISIS Fighter Was Killed – The Global Jihad Would Roll On
For several years after 9/11/01, the American government focused all it’s energy hunting down Al Qaeda and its leaders. The American public was told it was in a war against Al Qaeda. Yet today, it is as if Al Qaeda evaporated from the planet and our only adversary is ISIS. The fact is, if every Muslim jihadi […]
UTT Identifies Coming Threats While Government and Media Admit Cluelessness
In the year leading up to the Garland, Texas shooting Understanding the Threat (UTT) briefed Arizona law enforcement officials about the threat posed by the jihadi Islamic Community Center of Phoenix – the place from which the two Islamic jihadis originated. For the last several years, UTT has been briefing and speaking about the threat […]
The Jihadi Network in America
Time Magazine blames “Islamophobia” for America’s ills. Congressman John Conyers says the House bill to designate the Muslim Brotherhood a “Foreign Terrorist Organization” is Islamophobic because, according to Conyers, “Since swearing off violence in the 1950s, the Brotherhood has become a predominantly non-violent religious, political, and social service organization.” The Speaker of the House Paul […]
The Islamic Law of Slander and the Continued Destruction of Free Speech
Western leaders’ continued assault on free speech is reaching new lows. Recently free speech has been met with arrests in Europe, and, in America, calls for an end to “anti-Muslim bigotry.” Last week a man in Scotland was arrested for a Facebook post disparaging Muslim refugees in Scotland. This week a Dutch man was arrested […]
What Is The Purpose of Islamic Centers/Mosques in America?
The Muslim Brotherhood’s Islamic Society of Boston was founded by Al Qaeda financier Abdurahman Alamoudi and was home to the Boston Marathon Bomber Tsarnaev brothers Many Americans believe a mosque or Islamic Center is simply a “Muslim church.” This could not be further from the truth. In Islam, Mohammad is considered the al Insan al Kamil […]
If You Don’t Know Abrogation You Don’t Know Sharia
One of the facets of sharia (Islamic Law) that turns the light bulb on in people’s minds more than anything else seems to be the moment they grasp the Koranic concept of abrogation and progressive revelation. Islam teaches that Allah (the god of Islam) revealed Islam to mankind throughout history progressively. Allah revealed the Law […]
How Does Sharia Define “Jihad”?
Since 9/11, Presidents, Members of Congress, the media, and many others have publicly stated that individuals who commit acts of violence in the name of Islam are acting as “criminals” or “thugs” but certainly are not doing what Islam teaches because “no religion would teach that.” In fact, Islam divides the entire world into two parts: […]
Understanding the Threat
As we enter 2016 and the global jihad grows, it is critical for discerning Americans, and all people in the free West, to understand the threat we face in order to address and defeat it. Our enemy identifies itself at the “Global Islamic Movement.” It takes many forms and comes at us in many different […]
UTT Reviews Final Republican Presidential Debate of 2015
Last night (Tuesday) in Las Vegas, Nevada the Republican candidates for President met for their last debate of 2015. The focus of the debate was national security with a large portion of the discussion dedicated to ISIS and the jihadi threat. UTT now offers a few comments on this debate and each candidate specifically as it […]
U.S. Attorney General Sides With Jihadis Against Law Enforcement and Free Speech
On Thursday December 3rd, U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch, the Chief Law Enforcement officer in America, stood on a jihadi platform (Muslim Advocates) in Virginia and announced she stands with jihadis against speech which offends Islam. She also affirmed her Civil Rights office will investigate the arrest of Ahmed Mohamed in Irving, Texas. See UTT video summary HERE. […]