The Jihadi Network in America
Time Magazine blames “Islamophobia” for America’s ills. Congressman John Conyers says the House bill to designate the Muslim Brotherhood a “Foreign Terrorist Organization” is Islamophobic because, according to Conyers, “Since swearing off violence in the 1950s, the Brotherhood has become a predominantly non-violent religious, political, and social service organization.” The Speaker of the House Paul […]
Where is the Mystical “Peaceful” Version of Islam Taught?
American and European leaders tell us that Islam is a “wonderful” “religion” which teaches peace and love among all peoples. Officials often quote the Koran in order to demonstrate the truth of this narrative. Yet, the question remains: Where do MUSLIMS teach other MUSLIMS that Islam requires them to love all other people in the […]
UTT Reviews Final Republican Presidential Debate of 2015
Last night (Tuesday) in Las Vegas, Nevada the Republican candidates for President met for their last debate of 2015. The focus of the debate was national security with a large portion of the discussion dedicated to ISIS and the jihadi threat. UTT now offers a few comments on this debate and each candidate specifically as it […]
Congress Files Legislation to Designate Muslim Brotherhood “Terrorists”
Both houses of Congress filed legislation Tuesday designating the Muslim Brotherhood a “Foreign Terrorist Organization.” Senator Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart (R-FL) introduced the legislation in their respective chambers. The Free Beacon was the first to report it here. The story was also carried by Breitbart here. In July 2014, Congresswoman Michele Bachmann […]