Jihad is Warfare Against Non-Muslims
“This religion [Islam] will destroy all other religions through Islamic jihad fighters.” Jordanian/Palestinian school book (1998) “The word jihad is most often associated with the act of physically confronting evil and wrong-doing…if anyone dies in a Jihad they automatically go to Paradise. The duty of muslim citizens is to be loyal to the Islamic State.” […]
UTT Throwback Thursday: Contrary Ideas Always Meet Resistance
When one of America’s great unsung heroes, John C. Houbolt, put forth the idea to NASA the “Lunar Orbit Rendezvous” (LOR) was the best way to get men to the moon and return them safely to the earth, he was harshly criticized. In a meeting full of fellow scientists, Max Faget – one of the […]
America at War: Let Us Reclaim Our Independence Day
Tomorrow – Tuesday – is July 4, 2017. It is America’s anniversary of declaring its independence from tyranny and oppression. The first war America fought after the Revolutionary War was the war against the muslim states – the Barbary States. Now, in 2017, America is again at war with Islam. Unlike when President Thomas Jefferson […]
UTT Throwback Thursday: Molly Norris Drew Mohammad – 7 Years Later She Is Still In Hiding
From all accounts, Molly Norris was a politically left-leaning cartoonist in Seattle who thought people just needed to lighten up a bit, and be able to freely express themselves, no matter what the topic. In 2010 Norris suggested a “Everybody Draw Mohammad Day.” A few days later she received her first death threat from a Muslim. […]
Why the MB is Still Not Designated as Terrorists in the US
It is no oversight the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood is not yet designated a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO). In fact, the issue has now been pushed off the table by the Trump administration as the result of a significantly successful information operation perpetrated by the International Muslim Brotherhood continually supported by media outlets. It should be […]
UTT Throwback Thursday: Leaders Unable to Tell Friend from Foe
One lesson the recent debacle in Sioux Falls brought to center stage is that many leaders cannot discern friend from foe in the war against the Islamic Movement. This exposes Americans to greater danger each day. Here are a few examples: Abdurabman Alamoudi was the most prominent Islamic leader in the United States […]
UTT Throwback Thursday: Mainstream Media’s Support for Terrorists
Following Monday’s UTT article “Is CNN Guilty of Material Support of Terrorism?” there was an overwhelming positive response from UTT followers who noted the many other incidents of mainstream media defending terrorists, specifically Hamas doing business as the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR). So, for today’s UTT Throwback Thursday we will look at Hamas’ […]
Is CNN Guilty of Material Support of Terrorism?
Could a reporter and/or media organization which intentionally provides a terrorist or terrorist organization air time to promote the terrorist’s agenda be charged as in violation of Title 18 of U.S. Code, Section 2339A, Material Support to Terrorists? Mainstream media attacking those who speak truth about the threat of Islam in the United States is […]
UTT Throwback Thursday: Treasonous Leadership Decisions by Ohio Officials Have Deadly Consequences
Ohio is reaping what it has sown. They have protected and promoted jihadis for several years. In 2009, the Ohio Department of Homeland Security hosted a day-long seminar which included senior Hamas/Muslim Brotherhood officials, including Hani Sakr, a member of the U.S. MB’s Board of Directors, and the leader of Hamas in Ohio, Asma Uddin. […]
As Muslim Jihadi Strikes OSU, Media Drives the Deception Operation
UTT readers know, this war in which we are engaged with the Islamic Movement in the United States is primarily an Information War. A Muslim refugee from Somalia named Abdul Razak Ali Artan is “scared” to pray so he tries to kill non-Muslims on the Ohio State University (OSU) campus with his vehicle and a knife […]