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Why Does Hamas Get a Pass in the United States?

Written by John D. Guandolo The designated Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO) Hamas doing business as the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) is hosting an event at the Marriott Resort in Coral Springs, Florida (11775 Heron Bay Blvd) this Saturday October 26th. On October 12th, Hamas/CAIR hosted an event on the campus of Southern Methodist […]

Corrupt & Terrorist-Supporting SPLC Helps Promote UTT’s 5 City Tour

The corrupt and terrorist-supporting Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) is helping Understanding the Threat (UTT) promote a 5 day/5 city tour through Iowa, Wisconsin, and Minnesota to educate/train citizens about the threat of the Islamic Movement. The tour begins Thursday April 5, 2018. In the same way Jimmy Carter demonstrated John Bolton is the right […]

Local Police Continue to Follow Normative Practices & Work with Jihadis

A lot of information has been revealed about Broward County Sheriff Israel in Florida in recent weeks.  Most noteworthy is the fact he hired, supported, and defends Hamas leader Nezar Hamze.  Hamze served as the Executive Director of Hamas doing business as CAIR-Florida, and currently serves as CAIR-Florida’s second in command.  Hamze is also a Deputy […]

UTT Assesses Las Vegas Attack As A Jihadi Operation

There has been a lot of speculation in both mainstream media and social media about Sunday night’s tragedy in Las Vegas, where, according to the latest from the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department, 516 people were injured and 59 people were murdered by Stephen Paddock. Before any real information about the shooter was put out […]

On This September 11th UTT Calls on American Leaders to Do Their Duty

It has been 16 years since 19 jihadis from Saudi Arabia flew airplanes into the Twin Towers in New York, the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia, and tried to reach the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C. but failed because of the heroic efforts of American citizens. Since that day, America has fought and lost two wars […]

How Can US Leaders NOT Know About Islam?

When Understanding the Threat (UTT) conducts its 3-day “Understanding and Investigating the Jihadi Network” two things are always true at the end of the course:  (1) the attendees tell us none of them – including FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force agents/officers – were aware of the information presented prior to attending the course, and (2) […]

U.S. Islamic Movement Enters Final Stage

The leading edge of the Islamic Movement’s Final Stage in the United States is upon us.  The violence is now beginning in earnest. One day in the future, history will record with great astonishment how military leaders, politicians on both sides of the aisle, intelligence professionals, and others were catastrophically unprofessional for 16 years after […]

UTT Throwback Thursday: Will DOJ Prosecute CAIR/Hamas for FARA Violations?

The Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) of 1938 requires all entities which act as “agents of foreign principals” to register with the U.S. government and are subject to oversight and restrictions.  FARA is critical to combat counterintelligence threats, and was created to thwart propagandists inside the United States. On Wednesday, July 26, 2017, a hearing […]

Threat to Homeland High – Negotiation Not the Solution

Famed terrorist Carlos the Jackal said:  “Only a coalition of Marxists and Islamists can destroy the United States.” In September 2015, UTT published a brief article entitled The Convergence of Threats which illuminates the marriage between the U.S. Islamic Movement and the hard-left Marxists.  Today, this marriage moves ever closer to is objective of overthrowing the U.S. […]

UTT Throwback Thursday: Linda Sarsour Has Always Been a Jihadi

Linda Sarsour has been a jihadi for a long time, so her recent comments calling for warfare/jihad against the President of the United States should not shock people.  What is shocking, however, is that so many do not understand how dangerous she is and that she is a well-used tool in the enemy’s strategic information […]