Should Congressman Keith Ellison Be Charged with Treason?
U.S. Congressman Keith Ellison has a long and detailed history of working with terrorists and others plotting to overthrow the United States government, in direct violation of U.S. Federal Code and Ellison’s Oath of Office. UTT is asking the question: Is there enough evidence to charge him with Materially Supporting Terrorism and Treason? Keith Ellison […]
UTT’s 2017 Top 12 Events of the War
2017 proved to be a year with many key events in the war against the Islamic and Marxist Counter-States. Today UTT brings you our Top 12 picks for most impacting events in this war as we see it. The following is a snapshot of each event. For a more detailed review of each, please listen […]
Islamic Movement’s Influence Operation at the FBI/NYPD Began Years Ago
by John Guandolo, President, UTT As UTT detailed last week in our article here, New York Deputy Commissioner John Miller made comments related to recent jihadi attacks in New York inconsistent with a factual understanding of Islam and sharia. Mr. Miller did not randomly arrive at the conclusion that muslim men with sharia-adherent beards described […]
President’s Historic Decision to Move U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem & Islam’s Response
President Trump announced last week the United States will move the U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. The Islamic world called for “Days of Rage.” Over the last several days: Muslims rioted in 30 locations in Israel, clashing with Israeli troops in Jerusalem and the West Bank Muslims protested at several U.S. embassies […]
Muslim Brotherhood Waging War – Then & Now
The Muslim American Society (MAS) is identified by the U.S. government as “founded as the overt arm of the Muslim Brotherhood in America.” (US v Sabri Benkahla, 4th Circuit Court of Appeals, No 07-4778) The Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) is identified in the Muslim Brotherhood’s strategic plan as a part of their Movement […]
Islam’s “Perfect Example” Makes Torture, Murder, Sex Slaves, and Child Marriage Lawful
“And thou (Mohammad) standest on an exalted standard of character.” Koran 68:4 “Ye have indeed in the Messenger of Allah a beautiful pattern of conduct for any one whose hope is in Allah and the Final Day, and who engages much in the Praise of Allah.” Koran 33:21 Islam’s prophet, Mohammad, is considered in […]
Will Saudi Arabia Lead Islamic Military Forces Against Jihadis or Us?
Sharia is always the filter through which the un-Islamic world must understand leaders of the Islamic world. Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud opened the inaugural meeting of the Islamic Military Counter Terrorism Coalition (IMCTC) – made up of Defense Ministers from 41 muslim countries – on Sunday November 26. 2017. […]
The Road to Victory Begins with Speaking Truth
As Americans become more aware the killings/attacks in Europe, the U.S. and elsewhere by muslims actually find their basis in Islamic doctrine, the more likely they are to resist the actions of the Islamic Movement. The Islamic Movement knows this. Non-muslims will know everything they need to know about sharia when it is fully imposed […]
President Trump Should Go With His Gut
By all accounts, President Trump’s gut instincts are far superior to the “knowledge” of his advisors when it comes to the Islamic threat. In deciding about Afghanistan, the President stated in his August 2017 speech: “My original instinct was to pull out. And historically, I like following my instincts.” In the end, his generals convinced […]
Texas Massacre Motive? What Investigators Will Ignore
Twenty-seven people were killed at a rural church in Texas Sunday by a lone gunman. Why? Here is what is known about the killer: His name is Devin Patrick Kelley and he was 26 years old. He was shot by a citizen and died in his car after fleeing the scene. He was given a […]