Texas Massacre Motive? What Investigators Will Ignore
Twenty-seven people were killed at a rural church in Texas Sunday by a lone gunman. Why? Here is what is known about the killer: His name is Devin Patrick Kelley and he was 26 years old. He was shot by a citizen and died in his car after fleeing the scene. He was given a […]
UTT Throwback Thursday: US Government’s Failure to Address Domestic Threat
Summary The attacks of 9/11 were conducted against the U.S. homeland with support from the Islamic Movement inside the United States. The U.S. government’s response to fight on battlefields overseas, while leaders of the U.S. Islamic Movement exclusively provided “advice” to our leaders, led to strategic defeats in Afghanistan and Iraq despite the fact the […]
U.S. Islamic Movement Enters Final Stage
The leading edge of the Islamic Movement’s Final Stage in the United States is upon us. The violence is now beginning in earnest. One day in the future, history will record with great astonishment how military leaders, politicians on both sides of the aisle, intelligence professionals, and others were catastrophically unprofessional for 16 years after […]
Civilization Jihad at the Ground Level in Southern California
Speaking truth about the danger Islam poses to civilized society is improper social etiquette in many parts of America these days – especially among America’s elites. Yet a few dare to do it. Understanding the Threat (UTT) certainly does. The folks at the Counter Jihad Coalition in Southern California are also unafraid to speak truth […]
Civilization Jihad, Propaganda, and Ignorance
This war of the Global Islamic Movement versus the Free World is primarily a war of narratives. One narrative says what ISIS, Al Qaeda and all of the other jihadi organizations are doing has nothing to do with Islam. The other side of this coin is called truth. As UTT has documented in articles here, […]
UTT Throwback Thursday: Will DOJ Prosecute CAIR/Hamas for FARA Violations?
The Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) of 1938 requires all entities which act as “agents of foreign principals” to register with the U.S. government and are subject to oversight and restrictions. FARA is critical to combat counterintelligence threats, and was created to thwart propagandists inside the United States. On Wednesday, July 26, 2017, a hearing […]
If Muslims Are Honest About Jihad, They Think They’re Winning
After 9/11/01, Americans were told Islam does not “stand for violence” and that Islam “rejects” violence, despite the fact the 19 hijackers were all muslims stating they killed nearly 3,000 Americans because it is a command from Allah. Then we heard the “concept of jihad” was a part of Islam, but it is a […]
Jihad is Warfare Against Non-Muslims
“This religion [Islam] will destroy all other religions through Islamic jihad fighters.” Jordanian/Palestinian school book (1998) “The word jihad is most often associated with the act of physically confronting evil and wrong-doing…if anyone dies in a Jihad they automatically go to Paradise. The duty of muslim citizens is to be loyal to the Islamic State.” […]
UTT Throwback Thursday: Sharia Overseas is Same Sharia in U.S.
In the wake of the Palm Sunday killings of Christians in two churches in Egypt by Muslims, UTT repeated the truth that what happens overseas is happening or will happen here. In the U.S., sharia-compliant behavior in the Muslim community is common. This behavior includes: adult men marrying pre-teen girls, pedophilia, using zakat payments to […]
Muslims Target Christians & Coptic Pope on Palm Sunday
Muslims from ISIS wearing explosive vests attacked two churches in Egypt on Palm Sunday killing 44 Christians. The first bomb exploded in St. George’s Church in Tanta (60 miles north of Cairo) killing at least 27 and injuring nearly 80 others. The second Muslim jihadi blew himself up inside St. Mark’s Cathedral […]