Does the U.S. Agreement with the Taliban Matter Since the U.S. Lost the War in Afghanistan in 2004?
Written by John D. Guandolo One hundred percent (100%) of Islamic jihadis fighting the United States say they are fighting for an Islamic State (caliphate) ruled by “Allah’s divine law”/sharia. The Taliban is no exception. The Taliban states the reason they fight the Americans in Afghanistan is because foreigners in muslim lands must be removed […]
Terrorists in the “Best Small Town in America”
Denton, Texas was ranked the Number 1 “Best Small Town in America” by Rand McNally and USA Today in 2012. Today, Denton and Denton County are home to several terrorist front organizations, including the Islamic Society of Denton. The Islamic Society of Denton was formed in 1980 and opened its doors in the summer of […]
The Primary Role of the Mosque is the Seat of the Islamic Government
“It must be the role of the mosque to guide the public policy of a nation, raise awareness of critical issues, and reveal its enemies. From ancient times the mosque has had a role in urging jihad for the sake of Allah, resisting the enemies of the religion who are invading occupiers. That blessed Intifada […]
Explaining the Threat
It is apparent through polling data, social media traffic, and a variety of reporting that tens of millions of Americans understand there is something fundamentally wrong with Islam. However, some people who do have some understanding of the threat do not do a good job explaining why this matters to average Americans and why […]
Attack on Pittsburgh Synagogue is a Microcosm of the Entire War
The political warfare being waged by the Marxist and Islamic Counter-States is culminating one week before elections in the U.S. just as the enemy planned. Here is what we have thus far: Marxist/democrat operatives created and executed a plan using FBI leadership, foreign intelligence assets, and others to put forth an overtly false FISA application […]
Kavanaugh Hearing Highlights Dangerous Marxist/Jihadist Counter-State Operations
The ongoing assault on Justice Brett Kavanaugh highlights a concerted and dangerous intentional effort by the Marxist and Islamic counter-states operating inside the U.S. like dueling cancers to destroy us from within. Protester from Kavanaugh Hearing being paid off by her Marxist handler An agitator from the Marxist/George Soros funded Code Pink (a group that […]
New Mexico AG Sues Google & Twitter Over Privacy as Marxists Move to Takeover U.S. Education
Hector Balderas, New Mexico’s Attorney General, is suing Tiny Lab Productions – a mobile game developer – as well as Google, Twitter and other tech companies, for allegedly violating federal and state children’s privacy laws. It is alleged that Tiny Lab is being used to obtain personal data from children and that Google, Twitter, and […]
Americans Will Win This War In the Shadows of the Heroes of Flight 93
On 9/11/2001, the U.S. Government failed to protect America, and Islamic jihadis flew planes into two World Trade Center buildings in New York (American Airlines flight 11 and United Airlines flight 175) and the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia (American Airlines flight 77) killing nearly 3,000 people. But on United Airlines flight 93, average […]
Jihadi Training Camps Have Been in America for 40 Years
The discovery of a “terrorist training camp” in New Mexico run by Siraj Wahhaj Jr., whose father was a character witness for the Blind Sheikh and an unindicted co-conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, should not come as a surprise to anyone. It is logical that a jihadi would raise a jihadi son. […]
Did Jihadis Just Execute a Bombing Operation at a CA Mall?
Evidence reveals jihadis attempted to bomb the Los Cerritos Center in California this past weekend. This is one more in a string of numerous incidents across the United States indicating an increase in willingness by jihadis to use violence to silence those who speak truth about Islam. Recently UTT has reported: Some local police work […]