JG Blog


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France Strikes ISIS Targets in Syria But Not In Paris

After Friday night’s attack in Paris by Muslim jihadis, French military airstrikes hit ISIS targets in Syria, yet left the jihadi network inside of France intact. For approximately 40 minutes on Friday night, beginning at 9:20 PM local time in Paris, eight (8) Muslim jihadis conducted numerous assaults across the city.  Explosions at the Stadium […]

“Interfaith Outreach” Movement Led by Marxists and Jihadis

Two weeks ago the Parliament of the World’s Religions held its annual conference at the Salt Lake City Convention Center boasting “10,000 People. 80 Nations. 50 Faiths.”  Representing Islam were the Muslim Brotherhood and Saudi Arabia.  That alone tells a story, but the presence of Marxists/Alinskyists and Muslim Brotherhood organizations funded primarily by Saudi Arabia […]

In Light of Jeremiah Wright’s Comments UTT Asks: Was Jesus a Muslim?

Saturday at the Nation of Islam event titled “Justice or Else!” President Obama’s pastor Jeremiah Wright stated Jesus was a “Palestinian.”  This is historically untrue, but it opens up a door for a deeper discussion. In light of a nationwide push by Muslim Brotherhood organizations to propagate the message that Jesus of Nazareth was a Muslim, it is […]

The Convergence of Threats

Police officers are being targeted for assassination; there are an increasing number of jihadi attacks across the world; tens of thousands of Christians are being slaughtered by Muslims in Africa, the Middle East and elsewhere; a flood of refugees from hostile countries are being forced on local townships across America as a part of federal […]

Liars and Lunatics

In the wake of the jihadi attacks last week in France, Kuwait, and Tunisia, the reality of the Islamic threat is as clear as it could possibly be, yet our enemies continue to use the same tactics and the leadership in the West regurgitates the obvious lies fed to them.  Western leaders continue to delude […]

Easter, Jihad, and Silence from American Pulpits

As the Christian world celebrates Easter and the resurrection of the savior Jesus the Christ, Islamic Jihad wages across the globe. Christians in places like Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Turkey, Iran, North Korea, Central Africa, and Europe are persecuted for their faith. Those that speak and live their faith are arrested, tortured and killed. Here […]