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Economic Warfare, Sharia Compliant Finance & the U.S. Response

Not understanding national security threats to America has devastating consequences.  Understanding Economic Warfare and sharia compliant finance is no exception. Nine years ago, UTT President John Guandolo met with Kevin Freeman in Dallas, Texas to discuss Freeman’s research revealing the 2008 U.S. market downturn was probably an intentional economic attack from hostile foreign nations and […]

Kavanaugh Hearing Highlights Dangerous Marxist/Jihadist Counter-State Operations

The ongoing assault on Justice Brett Kavanaugh highlights a concerted and dangerous intentional effort by the Marxist and Islamic counter-states operating inside the U.S. like dueling cancers to destroy us from within. Protester from Kavanaugh Hearing being paid off by her Marxist handler An agitator from the Marxist/George Soros funded Code Pink (a group that […]

Americans Will Win This War In the Shadows of the Heroes of Flight 93

On 9/11/2001, the U.S. Government failed to protect America, and Islamic jihadis flew planes into two World Trade Center buildings in New York (American Airlines flight 11 and United Airlines flight 175) and the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia (American Airlines flight 77) killing nearly 3,000 people.       But on United Airlines flight 93, average […]

U.S. Generals Refuse to Identify Islam as the Threat = Another Dead Soldier

It is September 2018 and nowhere in the U.S. military – not at any boot camp, nor officer training, nor war college, nor service academy, nor at any other training inside the U.S. military – are our warriors being taught Islam is the threat and sharia is the enemy’s warfighting doctrine. U.S. warfighting doctrine requires […]

Islamic Operatives Use Soviet Tactics to Target Conservatives

The Islamic Movement in the United States manifests primarily as an espionage and counterintelligence threat, not merely as a “terrorist” threat. When operatives in the Islamic Movement meet with police chiefs, elected officials, FBI Directors, business leaders, Pastors, Rabbis and others, they portray themselves as friendly, but they are working to recruit and use them, […]

UTT Answers the Critics

Many jihadi and Marxist organizations frequently publish overtly defamatory and false comments about Understanding the Threat (UTT) and its President John Guandolo. UTT would like to inject some truth into this situation. The following is a list of the common attacks UTT endures, followed by UTT’s responses: “Guandolo has made a career out of…promoting ludicrous Islamophobic conspiracy theories.” […]

UTT’s 2017 Top 12 Events of the War

2017 proved to be a year with many key events in the war against the Islamic and Marxist Counter-States. Today UTT brings you our Top 12 picks for most impacting events in this war as we see it.  The following is a snapshot of each event. For a more detailed review of each, please listen […]

Will Saudi Arabia Lead Islamic Military Forces Against Jihadis or Us?

Sharia is always the filter through which the un-Islamic world must understand leaders of the Islamic world. Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud opened the inaugural meeting of the Islamic Military Counter Terrorism Coalition (IMCTC) –  made up of Defense Ministers from 41 muslim countries – on Sunday November 26. 2017. […]

The Road to Victory Begins with Speaking Truth

As Americans become more aware the killings/attacks in Europe, the U.S. and elsewhere by muslims actually find their basis in Islamic doctrine, the more likely they are to resist the actions of the Islamic Movement. The Islamic Movement knows this. Non-muslims will know everything they need to know about sharia when it is fully imposed […]

President Trump Should Go With His Gut

By all accounts, President Trump’s gut instincts are far superior to the “knowledge” of his advisors when it comes to the Islamic threat. In deciding about Afghanistan, the President stated in his August 2017 speech:  “My original instinct was to pull out. And historically, I like following my instincts.” In the end, his generals convinced […]